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How do we save white women?
you don't
it's her choice
just like how it's your choice if it makes you repulsed/turns you on
stop promoting nigger culture and muh dick
I think you should go to your nearest walmart.Go to their men's restroom (assuming your gender). Look promptly at the Urinal. See that MAGA hat floating there in what looks like residue piss? Go ahead and grab that and place it directly under your tongue. Its the latest progressive trend and everyone is doing it! The real high doesn't kick in until you go look in the mirror. Go ahead take a nice long look. After you have fulfilled your homosexual desires fucking bash your god damn head into the sink repeatedly until the hat under your tongue begins to taste like a black-cock foreskin.
They don't want to be saved
Her nose is almost as niggerish as his. Probably a quadroon.
Did they?
Race Mixing is pushed/promoted so they only need a single Race bioweapon(They exist & also have ones that target each Sex) to wipe out Humanity.
Also, "Zombie" bioweapons exist..
Also to "Save" women, you must Save the Men & destroy Feminism.
>implying that Sup Forums actually does anything of use IRL
We don't.
>Living with apes, man, it's hard to be clean.
Let Social Darwinism do it's job. Cheers.
Natural selection usually deals with the coalburner problem.
>Her nose is almost as niggerish as his.
That's just a Scandiavian nose
Same way you save anyone. Introduce them to jesus or hope they find him themselves (not likely).
who gives a fuck what they want?
They are stupid followers
A lot of lynchings and gassings.. this shit doesn't happen in a fascist ethnostate
have some sympathy for your women. People like you are the reason why whites are disappearing
>turns you on
Hey, we have a cuck!
that is Hillary Duff and she has a bunch of white kids
only one of these girls is white
is it the far right one?
>Not white
Implying women make "choices". They just do feels-based decision making. Having a choice in something implies cognizant processes in the brain. Women lack those faculties.
they have them, the emotions strongly affect decision making though
they all look pretty white from here
I don't get Asians and "cleanliness" one moment they want a hospital-sterile ground the next they are spitting and emptying their noses onto it.
Most of them are a lost cause user Latina women of the 70%+ european variety
>believes in church and family values
>Good cook
>wants many children
Whats not to love
>pic related is a whore though as most Cubans and Puerto Ricans are
>all Asians are the same
You're conflating civilised Japs, with subhuman chinks.
You don't and can't, moron
D-d-did She die?
No, Japs even ejaculate on unsuspecting women, I've seen the videos.
white women are beyond saving. We don't need them because these is superior alternative at the other side of the pacific ocean
It's disgraceful to see how cuck whites really are.
The only possible way I imagine you whites can save your women is banging Latinas and other genetically submissive races and expect to have blonde Nazi kids.
That's the only thing, otherwise you guys are fucked (me too)
Stop putting island chink (japs) on a golden platter. I have seen enough to know they can be just as disgusting.
i love how i can date pics by the phone model
what a time to be alive
Heyy ,do you argentinian cucks have niggers too?
I went to a Work and Travel program and met tons of argentinian qt3.14s
Only white girls I saw from South America
That one looks mestizo to me.
you kill the shitskins. she has no other choice
Shit I know who that woman at the bottom second left is
hahaha i actually know this kid he's a real life loser criminal, wannabe rapper and his dad is a drunk shit ex boxer loser alchoholic so of course white girls love the bad boy thug
We just need to create some treatment through genetic engineering for growing bigger cocks and balls, that's it.
White girls only like niggers because of their dicks, otherwise they feel disgusted, and deeply ashamed to be with a nigger that decreases her social value
>mfw a German calls someone else a cuck
Fucking this
Some of those may be trans, which have existed since ancient times. Not a new phenomena, although promoting it as a positive thing instead of an odd anomaly is a big fucking issue.
> promoting trannies is a positive thing
I sincerely can't see something positive about that.
Trannies are just extremely emasculated men that can't afford the massive difficulties of being a man in this feminist infested culture, brainwashed by porn and a victimization culture that makes them amplify the little problems they had while growing in a disfunctional family
Give them to us, brown people so at least their kids will be half-white
Most of the race traitors are junkies and just general ghetto trash so no big loss there.
You don't. You can't save those who aren't willing to save themselves.
Some can't control their ninja genes. Can't blame them.
I can't be the only one who faps to this kind of stuff
What the fuck is that last name.
>although promoting it as a positive thing instead of an odd anomaly is a big fucking issue
the ones worth marrying don't need saving
There are 30 million african americans in the us and a large proportion of them are in prison. The remaining percentage NEED to breed with white women in a population of 196 million; you can easily spare a few 20 million white women. Think of the benefits. The black menace will be breed out here while china breeds out the rest in africa.
maybe if you cucks were actually good in bed then youd; have your "MUH PURRE"
im fairly certain that the vast majority of Sup Forums users are gay; so what we really need is to promote relationships with each other, so we can abandon roasties altogether
I don't get why black guys like white girls.I would want to be with someone of the same race because I can relate with them and there's no cultural differences. They just look weird standing together.
There is no hope for some people. Life is pain and it will only end when you die.
All women are followers.
whien given the choice between a real nigga and a whiteboy, it's obvious who they want. You can't "save" them, you have to save yourself
>those shitty jeans
Thats the first sign of white trash.
Literally this. She's choosing them, they're just along for the ride. If you were a black man, wouldn't you enjoy all that sweet creamy white ass being slid your way?
Women have made sex a political statement. You think you can turn it around, it was too late to do that before you started to care.
>Become a faggot and have no offspring
I rather fuck a nigress then do that, And I fucking hate nigresses. Plus two of my family members are Gay, I want a family with a white woman and want to have a lot of white children.
Control the media, control the women
as a black guy who has a strong attraction to asian women, i'd say just jump ship on white women go for asian women.
Kiss my ass Schlomo Goldwitz, The Hapa race needs to die first and then every other mongrel race including Finns.
i agree white women are always fucking batshit crazy.
Also most girls will follow whatever their boyfriends political ideology is. (Assuming you don't sperg out)
>How do we save white women?
Prevent their bulls from impregnating them by fellating the bulls to exhaustion. It's the only way to be sure.
I think it's best we just exterminate all mixed-race people in America. It isn't worth it creating more useless garbage with mental problems.
The world needs a little less mutt and a little more white.
Or we punish anybody that supports or believes in Cuckoldry instead? Cucks are nothing more then disgraces to their families.
by giving them to asian men
Ethnic Asians have small cocks, It's usually the muttized ones that have bigger ones. It's not a meme either, There's literally studies confirming it.
Reproduce with white women who have good fathers. And be a good father. Why is this so hard for people to grasp?
Cucks support evolution by ensuring the better man breeds their wife. It's surrogacy for the alpha.
This may sound extremely fucked up but,
You know how we put animals to sleep when they're sick? Can't we just do the same to all race-mixed mongrels instead? Natsoc Scientists did that, Why not do it again.
It's okay to be jealous
If you can't fuck your wife why date or even get married? Cuckolds always use the most pathetic excuses to describe their lack of dignity.
white women dont fuck niggers
thats all jew Tv n porn
not real life
Coalburners are NOT my women.
That's one ugly as sin child.
>They are more sheep like then men, on average.
Do nothing
The women who turn to coalburning are degenerate trash anyways, we don't want them and our genepool is better off without them
The beta cucks supporting them don't get to breed, thus removing their shitty beta cuck genes from the genepool
Natural selection at it's finest. Only the alpha Chads will get to breed
it's highly unrealistic there's already too many
If the hand's too big you got the wrong nig.