What's the probability of WW III happening?

What's the probability of WW III happening?

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archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

0% go to sleep

WW3: 4%
Second Korean War: 50%

rlt low actually

It's only 9 PM old man.

100%. Check my digits.

Chances of a major war breaking out in the next month?
like 10%

fuck why did you do this to us



digits confirm possibility


100%, the question is when?


NK will be attacked. The US will destroy them. It's happening. Stay calm. Trump is finally putting your tax dollars to work.

it has always been that way.

You dumb cunts don't understand that the point of a war is GAIN something, not just to waste resources but w/e if roleplaying this much helps


Fucking end of tonight


9:34 est

beyond event horizon

Check'd and Kek'd!


oooh yes

if my post ends with 1-9 nothing is happening

Single digits don't grant you anything.

Fuck off retards, i am too close to NK. I prohibit any habbenings in 1000 km area around me.

So sayeth Kek

Nah, you're good mate. Ash clouds will blow to the east. Digits confirm your safety.



>Digits confirm your safety.

wew lad


The world is too boring

No fun allowed


Tonight? Around 0.2%
Overall? Looking better every day, keeping my fingers crossed to see Berlin and Brussels atomized live before the power grid fails.


The same as my digits. 91%



Nice knowing you. Hopefully the norks take out all of California at least

pretty damn near certainty

>Tfw the US will get blown the fuck out while you sit in your irrelevant country
Trumptards check my digits

Low, but there is a chance the Korean War is about to go hot again.

Last time China fully staffed the border Kaesong had been shut down and we had active antimissile systems installed in Seoul and coastal Japan. The risk was never that the DPRK would suddenly attack, the risk was a tragic mistake or perhaps third party sabotage leading them to believe they had just been so.

That risk now exists again. It's a "pretty bad" situation and somewhat abnormal.

It's also possible Trump's talk with Jinpeng was some permutation of "We're going to antagonize them into attacking. Guard your border and do not interfere.


Not going to happen anytime soon.

I've been around for more than decade in the realm of conspiracies and all that falls under the umbrella. I can say with confidence, there will likely not be a full-out war. How many times was the world supposed to end? Just about every year, we project the 'happening' but it never happens. This is more of a slowkill.

The US itself won't be nuked, but they can nuke their fleet at least.

> big happenings on the corner
> bad


digits confirm

It's not going to happen, and all of you are flaming faggots. Don't you know the most influential propaganda is fear? WW3 will be used as a tool of fear, like it has been in the past, to sway the direction of culture. Yes I do believe it is likely it could happen, but think about it this is the perfect thing for (((them))) to hold over our heads. We got a decade or two atleast.

Nobody here can answer that, only people in government have that information

That was the chance they gave Trump of winning.

This, good answer

Quite honestly I hope this timeline coincides with fallouts timeline lol. A whole other dimension yes, but when did it happen in fallout 2077?


The last two digits of this post number are the percent chance that WWIII will begin within 72 hours. I have access to pic related, which is a highly specialized quatnum computer -- It calculates with native quaternion numbers -- and this computer communicates its results via my digits. Check 'em.

a better question is "when will WWIII" happen?
given that it already started, the answer was 4 years ago, in december.

If you are wondering when it will break out it more obvious conflict, then i put the risk at 0% in the next 3 3/4 years. 100% within a year once the neoliberal globalists get back in control.
digits waffle on in a different number base.

Literally 0%

Pretty much this. Penn and Teller are assholes but they're right in that the way to get global peace is to have everyone economically reliant on each other. Which we pretty much are right now.


>tfw live near american basement
i will die within several hours after the war broke out. PLEASE STOP!!!

confirmed better than half



If war destroys California then America will unironically be saved. 57 Flavors of backgammon.

8 minutes an hour

WW3: 12%, depends largely on how far putin will go for geopolitical stability.

Second Korean War: 25% within 2 years, 75% within 20

American Civil War: 100% within 20 years. 60% within 10 and 25% for late 2017. My bet is between 2021 and 2023 which is as far back as usd collapse can be pushed.

Regime change in syria: 50%


Of course we're having WW3 fgt I just played it

This is somewhat accurate. While war hasn't been formally declared you could say 2013 was the beginning.

Because nukes n stuff nobody wants to panic people. That's why they claim theres been a recovery since 2009 "recession" when in reality what happened is they started hyperinflating like fuck to hold off a global depression that will make 1929 look like a party.


fug. if this post is doubles ur gay

Technically, the Korean War never ended. It's just been a ceasefire since the fifties.

No u

We had russian planes shot down by turkroaches and nothing happened.




It has been an honor shit posting with you gentlemen. See you on the battlefield. Include Mr in the cap. Meme war vet to WW3 and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Stay golden ponyboy.

a world war is any war where more 2 countries team up against another country, we've had fucking dozens of them since WWII


Best Korea is ready to play.



WWIII confirmed

So damn close. Nice knowing you Ivan.

How about a trade war.

It's because you didn't check these digits, you fools

A proper "World War" would happen if Mecca was Nuked.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>hasn't committed a crime
>impeachment hearing
pick one.

Oops, wrong thread. :^)

Literally 100%. It's destined to happen soon.


Oh shibb confirm :^^:^^


Pyangyang is where the happenings will happen.

They've been saying his for years