Or are the lost tribes of Israel going to return and that's why they need to expand the territory?
Do the 17.4 million Jews need all this land? (Greater Israel)
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Filthy go, delete this thread
This map makes me cringe every time.
Seems overkill for the ashes of 17.4 million Jews
Israel today has roughly the same population density as Rhode Island, the second most densely populated state in the USA. Greater Israel with all of the current Jewish population and no non-Jews would have roughly the same population density as New Mexico, 45th in ranking of population density of all the USA states.
Holly shit is this real?
the last thing we need is every muslim chimping out because the jews kicked them off their land.
They don't have the population & Logistics to make it happen.
Also the "Greater Israel" plan is connected to Agenda 21 & 24.
Can someone fill me in on where the Greater Israel meme came from?
bible, koran, torah.
jews have had this plan for thousands of years.