>Called Kushner out on Friday
>today says Israel is funding ISIS!
>Syrian gas attack is false flag so Israel can build pipeline
It's HAPPENING!! Alex Jones: Israel is behind ISIS! HE DID IT NAMED THE JEW AGAIN!!
So...Alex is a stormfag? Fuck off back to stormfront.
This is a Trump board, not a nazi board.
What an anti-semitic loser. Everyone knows Israel is our only allie in the middle east and is crucial for the survival of America.
Jones goes full redpill
Literally kill yourself you fucking kike.
Alex Jones' purpose is to discredit anything he espouses. He is controlled opposition
>This is a neoconservative goy board, not a nazi board
So new it hurts
jones has admitted on this show that he is a Jew
found the fags
He's been /our guy/ since day 1
I never doubted it
I don't even know if this ironic shitposting anymore or legit shilling jewishbusinessnews.com
You should of seen him on rogans podcast. Got drunk and smoked some weed and I'm not sure what pill he's on but God damn.
My YouTube just got notified. On 12 hour standby.
Got my keyboard packed and ready for this shit. Talked to the Master Alex and he says he has never seen it this serious before.
I think we're alI going to wake up to a new reality tomorrow.
I doubted it when he went full 360 on pizzagate.
But then I remembered interdimensional psychic vampires and I felt safe.
He's what happens when you swallow all of the pills. It works best if you use a water filter to make sure the water you wash those pills down doesn't have any fluoride.
I wonder who could be behind this post...
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
Even if you were just shitposting I hope you die.
Reminder Alex Jones is turning it around
wrong twice faggot
>Alex is a stormfag
>This is a Trump board
>Not a nazi board
Every single one of these is false.
>This is a Trump board, not a nazi board
1 year ago i would have said: top kek weak bait better luck next time. now i'm not even sure its a fucking bait....this board is in rly bad shape
They would discredit it anyway, user. Better the info come out of a buffoon than no info at all.
im just gonna leave this right here...
he did, but it doesn't change the nature of the video
Gb2 stormcuck you shill
oh god not this shit again
pic related
>a Trump board
Kill yourself
Also, show me videos where?
In all I see on youtube, Alex is covering up for Israel and the oil pipeline like usual, and says Kushner is controlled by COMMUNIST CHINA rather than ZIONIST ISRAEL.
man he's suuuuuper good at cursing! very impressive, he sure showed that guy!
Alex Jones changes his mind every 2 minutes. Next segment he will say its the chinks then the saudis then the nazis then the shapeshifting aliens.
If the Iran pipeline goes under the ocean, why can't the the Qatar one go under the ocean too? Surely its cheaper than a war in Syria.
Tell us something new. We know what (((they))) do already.
Because they do not want a pipeline from Iran at all. That will defeat their purpose. Monopoly and control. Use your critical thinking skills a little before you post.
Alex Jones is /pol
I know some of you think he's a kike, or a kike sellout on disinfo.
But Alex J is genuine. And like most genuine people he is wrong sometimes, that is what is allows me to believe this.
Steve P (our CIA lord in chief) has, on the AJ show, told Israel to fuck off essentially. AJ doesn't do censorship. AJ works hard.
Genuine doesn't mean always right. Pol is not always right.
Just in the amalgam of the hive-mind we have greater odds of being correct. The old addage that /pol is always right comes from our propensity to think freely and identify the real players and motives and guess correctly more often than the Cunt News Network.
I personally love AJ.
But you shouldnt just trust him, use your brain. Thats his message and mine. THINK FOR YOURSELF YOU FAGGOT.
I can't tell if you retards are still trying the "All Trump supporters are the donald redditors" shtick, but it appears I'll be hiding "neocon" too.
fuck leddit. Jesus christ.
Left or right they are a cancer, a blight, of weak minded people who cannot stand being contravened.
i honestly dont know how i feel about this, why is this not posted more often?
You know what is really funny? Seed counter cultural groups with racist ideologies, and their message will fail utterly. They can never reach everyone.
doesn't mean he can't be opposed to zionist interventionism.
For fuck sake, that video was cut off just before he goes on to say "oh but wait, I'm also a muslim, an american" etc. He was making a point about being human and for humanity...
Haha that is fucking awesome. Of the million liberal echochambers, they absolutely cannot stand one of a conservative brand.
I remember seeing some people comment on a post at r/politics. these two liberals were consoling each other, and the last one said "It is because the media has a conservative bias".
shit that made my day.
it feels like Syria is just a playing groun
is Assad going to get GADDAFI'D?
>this though
even if AJ never touches the JQ he's doing gods work.
This is the best post on Sup Forums.
>Pol is not always right.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. I don't really have a strong opinion about AJ, but the fact that he sells boner pills is a bit offputting. Also, his coverage of pizzagate was dubious. Be that as it may, at least he brought it up.
Gas yourself subhuman
Yes and buy my water purifiers and male enhancement supplements!
all he said was
>what is with people thinking israel runs everything?
>He is controlled opposition
Overused CTR meme
Proof or STFU and gtfo
So far Alex has done more against TPTB than anyone else, and certainly a million times more than you anonymous keyboard sceptic
I personally have good feels about him.
Don't get me wrong, I live on /pol so its not like I haven't seen the light on the JQ. I'm just not an extremist. There are exceptions to every rule.
Also I did a shitwad of research on the stuff he sells and what he believes in regards to supplements. He's not wrong. He's not perfectly right but he has the majority of it.
I bring you this copy-pasta (from /fit), which I have personally been doing for 3 weeks now. Its amazing. 100/10 would recommend.
Shame on all of you anons! Shame on you all!
Rob Dew working overtime
>1 post by this faggot
what a surprise~
You must be new here
I'm just some faggot user. Here's my memewar folder to prove it.
I hope Kek deals with faggots like you
Is it wrong for me to want my fellow anons to be HIGH TEST?
rest in rip alex
That's a great impersonation of someone from /r/ The_Donald
>back to stormfront
muh stormfront
shut up jew
je suis charlie
like, you know, a metal with multiple metals "held together"
doesnt it affect your opinion of him? if even just slightly...
he is married to a jew too
it was probably a freudian slip that he then corrected
whatever, alex jones isn't delivering the hard redpills anyway. he's the gateway drug
Algeria flag.
nigger nigger nigger nigger
>mfw spittin jimmy and swallowing alex agree
drumpf btfo
Wouldn't be surprised if it was a false flag by ISIS or the rebels or a non sarin chemical dump thay was blown up and killed people. There is a small possibility it was a sarin attack by Assad. But Israel didn't do it.
>GTFO here. Go back to the_tribe to suck on ((Kushners)) dick
About damn time AJ
They reason the Saudis pushed Syria on the pipeline was because they couldnt go through Iraq you mongoloid. Also to prevent Iran from pushing pipeline west to the Syrian coast.
Damn you triggered them
I've never understood how anyone can put up with reddit. It will always be the ultimate cancer of the internet.
fucking cancer
>But Alex J is genuine
Gas yourself.
Jokes on you thinking there's internet in Algeria
Perfectly explains why they started coming here in hordes when they're not allowed to complain on their home site.
go back to reeeeeeeeddit
He can't blame the government anymore since his ass cream buddies run it so he finally hits the jews. Fucking sell out
u a funny guy
ayyy everybody check out this funny guy
Hang yourself
>called controlled oposition for ages
>finally names the jew
Alex Jones, PJW and others like Stefan Molymeme always get shit for never naming the real problem, but, I think that's unfair and naive. Remember, this is their livelihood. If they were to go full Sup Forums and name the enemy they'd be shoah'd.
Lmao honestly we spend so much on our military i kind of want to see the middle east get leveled
In all fairness, most everyone who comes to Sup Forums comes here to try their damnedest to make the place a safe space for their own brand of politics. Just take the NatSocs and MAGA types, warring with each over now over "ownership" of board culture, having shitposts stand in for overly aggressive board moderation.
Granted, many of the people who do post here do so having come from places like reddit, but we've never really been that much better.