Why do feminists always attack men by calling them virgins or children?
Why do feminists always attack men by calling them virgins or children?
probably cause either they have used their puss to much so that no one wants it, or they are such whales that no one wants them, either or.
A lot of men these days are virgins (or crypto-virgins) who don't have any life skills (can't cook food, can't fix car, breaks down at first sign of stress, forces woman to wear pants)
Poor mate choices. These are the types of men that women want to avoid.
can't believe I'm still a virgin this is all trump's fault
Because they have no counter argument.
Because they want white men to man up and rape the senseless.
I saw that once, but the slap back is easy to say, "Least I am not a slut."
What the fuck does this meme even mean, you redditspacing retard?
If the woman derives her power primarily from her sexual capacities, and this is the locus of her understanding of her place in the world, it is understandable that one of her main insults would be to imply that a man is not able to access said capacity.
because they hate children