What would he think of the world today?
What would he think of the world today?
Other urls found in this thread:
Not enough child abuse
That a lot of his fans sure look like faggots.
>Imagine there's no countries
>It isn't hard to do
>Nothing to kill or die for
>And no religion, too
>Imagine no possessions
>I wonder if you can
>No need for greed or hunger
>A brotherhood of man
>Imagine all the people
>Sharing all the world
What did he mean by this?
Sounds like Jewish Bolshevism to me.
I'll take acid loving hippie over WWIII any day of the week.
Who gives a fuck what a worthless commie faggot thinks? Besides other worthless commie faggots of course. You a worthless commie faggot, op? Of course you are.
he would be upset that bitches don't tolerate being smacked like they used to
LOL Righties are so cute
He'd be upset that we don't put a little pep in our step and keep on truckin'
He would have voted for Brexit.