We're Getting Played Like A Fiddle

Think about it for a second Sup Forums in LESS THAN 2 WEEK France is going to have their election. The ((Globalists)) and their shills are hitting us with every thing they got to disrupt our meme magic. They know united we can meme Le Pen into office and it scares them. Don't fall for the Trump vs Assad narrative they're both cool. All of our energy needs to be focused on France. Instead of arguing about who's the latest nation to take a shit in the middle east aka the world's litter box. Let's set aside our differences and get Le Pen into office. Think of all the delicious libtard tears when she wins. Say it with me now: LE PEN WILL WIN.

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I agree that Le Pen should be our focus. Fuck the neocohen elite, France will not fall.

Won't happen.
At least until they find someone not named Le Pen.
Until then, won't happen. We've been too brainwashed with the name Le Pen. It scares us. It's taboo.
And the (((rentier))) are not 100% sure they will still get their money thanks to the state with her, her program is too national socialist.

How about Le Pepe

In pretty much every official surveys about the second turn, where she'll definitely be, it's always 40% for her and 60% for her opponent, more or less
the true numbers are probably a bit higher

now she's getting into a shitstorm for saying the kikes being handed to the gestapo during WWII was not France's fault, but only the government at that time was responsible WHICH IS LOGIC
(((the chosen)))) are coming hard at her for this


This is the French version of "grab her by the pussy," isn't it?

We need the ponys. By whatever gods there are, we need them.

Nobody can say who will be on the second round, ATM

Too little too late. You lost in netherlands and you will lose in France.