RT: Ivanka's influence over Trump confirmed

CMИ: Cын Tpaмпa пoдтвepдил инфopмaцию o влиянии cecтpы нa peшeниe нaнecти yдap пo Cиpии

> RT: Trump's son confirmed the information of his sister's influence over Trump's decision to attack Syria

> russian.rt.com/world/news/377459-syn-tramp-sestra-ubedila

«Ивaнкa — мaть тpoих дeтeй, и y нeё ecть влияниe. Я yвepeн, oнa cкaзaлa: «Пocлyшaй, этo yжacнo». B тaкиe мoмeнты мoй oтeц бyдeт дeйcтвoвaть», — цитиpyeт eгo The Telegraph.

> "Ivanka is a mother of three, she has influence. I am convinced she said: Hey, listen, that's awful. In such moments my father would take action" - Eric is quoted by the Telegraph.

Oнa peшилa нaдaвить нa oтцa, кoгдa yвидeлa фoтoгpaфии тpyпoв людeй, пoгибших якoбы в peзyльтaтe химичecкoй aтaки в Идлибe. Эти cнимки Ивaнкa yвидeлa пo кaбeльнoмy тeлeвидeнию.

> She decided to pressure her father when she saw the dead bodies who were ALLEGEDLY killed in the chemical attack in Idlib. Ivanka saw these videos on cable television.

What a timeline, lads... What a timeline...

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Pussywhipped by your own daughter

> be Ivanka
> watching TV
> le disturbing video
> please make the bad men pay, daddy

If you dont bomb syria, there will be no pussy tonight

she behaved like an entitled brat, and daddy fulfilled her wishes.

It becomes clearer how the next four years are gonna be like. We wanted our chaos, we sure got it alright...

yes, we wanted happening and happening is what we got.

I don't think it's that simple

Kushner is a huge kike and sees himself as Israeli nationalist. He knows that America getting involved benefits Israel. So he brought in his wife as emotional appeal and they double teamed Trump

Bannon tried to talk him out of it, that's what the entire Bannon/Kushner fight was about

Best thing is he'll have two terms because they will already learn how to control the guy by 2020. It's like we felt in November - expected shit and got a prize; now (((they))) expected shit and got something (((they))) can work with.

That makes it much worse actually.

>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who TRULY BELIEVE in their heart of hearts that DONALD J TRUMP, the fucking billionaire real estate tycoon who even penned his own Machiavellian manifesto, is actually being led by the nose by none other than HIS OWN SNIVELING LITTLE JEWISH SON IN LAW
>they actually believe that a man of his stature, who has gotten everything he has by being an independent thinker, by out-maneuvering other competitors through the use of unconventional means of leveraging, would allow his fuckin SON IN LAW! (lol) THE GUY FUCKING HIS DAUGHTER (think about it) to tell him what to do
>they think he has a huge ego, but for some reason this ego does not apply when it comes to a person who is LITERALLY the MOST NATURALLY BELOW-HIM ON THE MASCULINE HIERARCHY PERSON ON EARTH

I don't think you understand. If Trump was truly manipulated into being controlled by his own son in law, and there was no way for him to get out of it? He would literally fucking kill himself. There is absolutely not a single thing on earth that could possibly be worse than being told what to do by your son in law.

AND DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED on going into the fact that this son in law also happens to be the son of another real estate tycoon in New York! So not only do these people on Sup Forums think that Trump is being led by his son in law (seriously there is not a single man on earth who would allow this to happen) but that he is being led by his son in law who is from another real estate family

Do you guys get how retarded that narrative is? I don't think you do.

I get that most on Sup Forums are simply social retards. But come on guys. Fucking get a grip. The guy flung some missiles at some abandoned airport. WORLD WAR 3!! lol

FUCK you are all a bunch of cowardly, traitorous, good goyim who become turncoats at the slightest hint of your leader not being 100% direct on his intentions (which is, by the way, a thing with leaders. They tend to have more intel than you)

There is still a slim possibility that you and those like you are right. I'd like nothing more than that to be true. However...

What if Ivanka get KGB'd?

Someone please gimme dat meme - trump going for ivanka on a fishin stick.


One can dream...

shareblue niggers try harder. try saying nigger you scared cucks.

Can someone make a pretty princess points picture with Ivanka

that would be hilarious

I'm too lazy to put in the effort required.

Can't you manipulate Ivanka to manipulate Trump?

4D backgammon right there.


Good idea but I can't draw. Here's a merchant Ivanka though.

Wait, is that real? Is Trump seriously THIS fucking nepotistic after only 3 months?

This guy views the average American's opinion as irrelevant trash and does whatever he pleases, lmao. Not even the most corrupt of ours are like that, at least they go through some efforts to hide their nepotism

did he get a bj out of it?

gotta at least get a bj, cause apparently they didn't even bomb up the airfield proper


>muh womyn's issues
>muh planned parenthood
>muh paid family leave
>muh poor gassed babies

Ask yourselves how this is different from fucking Hillary having Trump's ear. If Trump weren't running you can bet your ass the bitch would have voted for H.

>how this is different from fucking Hillary having Trump's ear
Trump doesn't want to fuck Hillary.

No difference whatsoever.

literally same night

This is what Sup Forums gets for posting all those qt Ivanka memes. It's coming back to bite us in the ass.

Good thing democracy works, eh...

Also, Trump's biggest flaw is that he's a family man. That's why Ivanka and Jared have such a big influence over him. He needs to ditch his family before he can become a clear-headed president. He has yet to do that.


Soros does business with Kushner, globalists want Assad gone. Kushner talks to Ivanka, she talks to daddy, Assad gets bombed over a blatant false flag. Fuck Trump, his word is shit, his family is shit, his cabinet is shit. Rarely have I seen such betrayal. Words are insufficient to describe my disgust.

I hate that fuckers guts right now. The one reason I even bothered to vote, was to keep Hillary from getting at Assad, and what happens? That Hillary said all along she would go at Syria, I understood that, but this fucker swore up and down he wouldn't, and for that reason, his name is cast in infamy, from here to doomsday.

sick fuck

hi shareblue, post is too whiny for a Sup Forumsack
nice try

Despite him respecting his son in law, I'm sure Don is aware that he's a businessman and has his own interests.

I also really doubt Trump would bend at the knee for anyone. Maybe his daughter and maybe his wife, but sure as fuck not his Jewish son in law.

Do you get how retarded yours is? You're relying on a hurr durr a man would never do that, because he just doesn't! Why does he not do that? Oh becuase it's just a man's pride. All you're doing is projecting you stupid shit. I gave this board one more chance, but a day later and it's still fucking stupid.

The people on the other side are actually relying on history & the natural flow of geopolitics. This is how bigger wars start even during the medieval era. You try to claim that it's just a mind set that only social retards have when a lot of people who I follow who are politically educated have all saw the same pattern of these events being at least a 30 year war starting from Gulf 1 if not WW 3 which would be the most extreme probabilty.

>I get that most on Sup Forums are simply social retards. But come on guys. Fucking get a grip.

The guy flung some missiles at some abandoned airport. WORLD WAR 3!! lolHurr Durr, I'm too dumb to notice that I violated another country's soveriegn rights by blowing up their shit. Oh it's fucking nothing. Never mind how wars have been started for far less, simply by tresspassing a nation's borders. I've grown to really hate Trump goys. You people don't understand the basics. We want to enforce our borders, but we don't even blink an eye when we hurl our missles across a sovereign country's borders. It's this type of hypocritical bullshit which causes the rest of the world to fucking hate us, because we don't even play by our own rules. We just take the rest of the world hostage then threaten to bomb the shit out of them. I'm tired of being the fucking bad guy. We were still the bad guy even with King Nigger since only Americans actually liked him. Everyone else outside the USA was well aware that King Nigger was playing the Game of Drones.

You need to be executed for not even knowing the basics of how we're all expected to behave on the world stage. What's stopping foreign nations from doing the same shit to us?



Jewish whore now rules most powerful country on earth. Makes me sick.

Ivanka and kushner need dropped. Having a situation where the emotional vaginal Jew can influence military action on a country within 24 hours is nightmare fuel. Never even mind the archetypal new York billionaire Jew kushner....

"What the hell is Barbie doing here?"

Now we know.
Deep State'd.



from a political support POV, it was a benefit.

I campaigned for trump online during the elction, and i still have some dim hope he still secretly opposes israel despite all the showmanship, but i have to be honest, shit is starting to look really really grim

I listed to Michael S on a show a few hours ago and i think thigs are going downhill, kushner has the media contacts and might be suplying him with false pols showing his support went trought the roof when in really this ME shit made him look like the biggest lying traitor in US history


would still bang her though


Wow sure not propaganda!

average/10 even with professional stylists and makeup before her plastic surgery

ivanka is a natural 3.5/10 or so, not hideously deformed, but certainly awkwardly formed and on the low end of cute

more or less how you see her brothers....

You have no say in this schlomo, fight your own wars and stop abusing americans

Merkel invited her to a women's economic summit here. Ivanka and Merkel get on well, they're both for womyn and all that stuff

Ok, so we bomb Ivanka with the evidence that all of this is bullshit and the lies of the intelligence agencies over the past century which caused the gulf war, iraq war, afghanistan etc etc etc

>russia today

It's all making sense. Someone predicted that Trump will be assassinated by a closed person in the Whitehorse. It will be a person whom he trusts the most. They also predicted that he will be poisoned and Trump will learn the greatest lesson of his life.

So it will be his own daughter who will kill him.

Fuck off pedo, reported to the FBI enjoy your raid

They linked the source, kike.

the shills are very good at dividing the base

This just seems like Russia swatting Trump with the narrative that his bimbo daughter wears the pants. Trying to rile his ego.

My bet still is that he saw this in a realpolitik way as an opportunity to win some domestic support, nip the Russian collusion narrative in the bud and intimidate China simulteneously.

His ego was probably bruised to hell by the US media negative spin and he sought to use it to rehabilitate his image. He's also just shown his Achilles heel: all you need to do to control him is put him in a position where he might be not be loved unless he does what you want him to do.

I reckon he's done and it's a downward spiral from here until his base erodes. The pundits lauding him right now aren't going to vote for him no matter how many Israeli enemies he knocks off.