Is North Korea the ultimate red-pill?
>no LGBT
>no feminism
>no crime
>no internet/porn/degeneracy
>hardworking, proud and patriotic population
>feared and respected in the entire world
>doesn't suck Americas dick like 99% of the world
Is North Korea the ultimate red-pill?
>no LGBT
>no feminism
>no crime
>no internet/porn/degeneracy
>hardworking, proud and patriotic population
>feared and respected in the entire world
>doesn't suck Americas dick like 99% of the world
It's easy to "no" everything when you have no food.
>feared and respected
The BBC is the ultimate red-pill
>He still hasn't become a sissy yet
lmaoing at youre dicksize user
>no food
North Korea > United States of America
it's a good red-pill to easily get across how inferior socialism is to capitilism
North Korea Best Korea
>tfw not living in best korea
>your country will be patriotic like this
They must have a really great country to be crying like this over their leader
Hey goyim, let's make the entire world like north korea :DDD
They're doing that on purpose to not get killed you retard.
Yes it is
broofs? :DDDDDDDDD
>no food
>no money
>no freedom
Just kill yourself you bluepilled faggot
I'd honestly rather people consume porn and have a pride parade once a year than be reduced to eating grass and literally living in 1984 - the country.
That happened because we cut of trade during a terrible drought. They haven't experienced a crisis like that since.
>believing Western lies about North Korea
It's just like the time they spoke about weapons of mass destruction Iraq, right? Because the West never lies, right?
>Because the West never lies, right?
You are right, but the real evidence against north korea IS undeniable
Sup Forums has became fucking retarded
Time for the next mass exodus
Is this the sorry state of Sup Forums that it will unironicaly start praising a nation everyone sees as a huge joke?
These chinks can barely feed their own people.
NK is the best Korea.
But it's a shame that they are still comunists...
Other then that, there's nothing wrong with them
Only SK and Japan fear NK, nobody else.
I agree 100% OP
North Korea is also free from the Zionist banks!
North Korea is better than Nazi German could have ever hoped to be!
>North Korea is better than Nazi German could have ever hoped to be!
You stupid cunt.. north korea is basically a criminal cartel, in nazi germany people were happy (Genuinely, not forced to cry at mass public rallies for some dead cunt)
it's shit m8
>feared and respected in the entire world
Yeah. Like you fear and respect a bloated leaking corpse in a declared ebola zone.
>>feared and respected in the entire world
you are really bad at shitposting
>Nothing wrong with them
Other than threatening the West constantly with nukes?
Based Trump is going to Tomahawk NK and Kim like the rabid dogs they are.
> north korea is basically a criminal cartel,
What are you talking about? They won the Korean war. They earned their independence.
NK has some sound values. It needs to free its market up a bit though.
North Korea has Nuke subs ready on your shores, unfortunately they lack the ability to launch so it's the old run around and detonate on the coastal regions.
For some reason the weed is legal there, can't see it being too useful tho since there's no fucking food
Juche is where it's at
>Best korea so stronk we need to eat grass
Wow, is this what /pol want Europe to be?
You are pretty dumb. South Korea got wealthy through state capitalism. ( Don't even get me started on China)
North Korea has officially dropped communism and adopted Juche.
North Korea is a Matrix of a country if there ever was one, imagine how they will feel if they learn that their Beloved Leader never descended from a holy mountaintop and their country is just a pathetic buffer state.
>hardworking, proud and patriotic population
>feared and respected in the entire world
Tomahawks with less then 40% of acuracy?
Shitocracy brought to us only degeneracy, illnesses and death.
Degenerates, gays, antifas and shitocracy believers
>no food
>no money
>the only international trade is with china
REALLY makes you think huh?
you forgot that it's ethnonationalistic
Juche is the ultimate redpill. The antidote to cuckservatism, capitalism and imperialism.
Look it up negroes. It's all that an actually independent country could want.
This. Juche is the most brilliant political system on earth. How can Americans even compete?
Degenerate westerners are just jealous of the Korean master race
Take the Juchepill
>So hunger they eat bark
You could be on to something
>fatfuck leader
>believing in everything msm says
have you learned nothing? let me guess your from /r/the_donald
>wanting a scrawny and sickly leader
He is showing to his countrymen that he is healthy idiot. It would break their hearts to know that Kim is starving.
kings in the past used to be fatter then their subjects too, nothing wrong with that
>Actually a haji refugee
>Starts shilling for NK
Really activates my almonds.
>being obese in 2017
t. Shlomo Drumpfenstein
>just taking autrchie and claiming that its your idea
briliant, its not like any fascist country already did that
You don't get it.
North Koreans actually care about the health of their leaders. Kim could be slim if he wanted to, but then people would ask all the time: "Is he eating enough? Does he work so much that he forgets to eat? Is he starving for us?".
Being the brilliant mind that he is he forces himself to be fat so that people are relieved.
Didn't you read the Wikipedia article? It says that Juche is original, revolutionary and brilliant.
>Juche is the official state ideology of North Korea, described by the government as Kim Il-sung's "original, brilliant and revolutionary contribution to national and international thought". It says that an individual is "the master of his destiny", that the North Korean masses are to act as the "masters of the revolution and construction", and that by becoming a self-reliant and strong nation one can achieve true socialism.
the reason was mainly USSR collapsing. they stopped getting grain from them. And because North Korea doesnt have much arable land they didnt have enough. Also their technology is kinda shit so they dont have very big yelds.
So when they had little food, Kim Jong Ill funneled it mainly to important places like Capital city or regions that a lot of industry or agriculture.
People in backwater mountain villages, kids and old people...these got pretty much nothing
>no feminism
I thought it was ruled by some ultra-feminist cult of women?
Aren't North Korean women running around hanging used, blood riddled tampons on peoples doors right now? I heard they're also putting ''Female Only/Anti-Manspreading'' seats on their public trains, and sending death threats to men for 'stare rape'?.
there is plenty of crime in NK
and weed in best Korea is not illegal too
Nah, they are just brainwashed and can't think for themselves anymore that's not what I understand under being brainwashed.
you seem pretty brainwashed by msm/US propaganda
why else would americans want to bomb it?
you can't be this stupid
Its national socialism in its purest form.
Dude, a Korean user posted it a couple of months back. Shits getting radical fighting the DPRK ''patriarchy''. I never knew KJU was cucked enough to let this shit happen.
Watch this shills, don't buy into the lies of "defectors"
What's with the fucking fetish for North Korea from all these whiteys.
No, they're not as bad as the Western media says they are. But no, they're not a great place to live.
>Its national socialism in its purest form.
(((south korea)))
he was clearly on about south korean you miss informed mong
>doesn't suck Americas dick like 99% of the world
Ironic coming from Germany which is currently building its fourth Reich over Europe through the use of economic and diplomatic force. And considering the fact that Germany is the country which encouraged the migrant crisis to occur unhindered and then forces those mudslimes on muh white Europe: FUCK YOU GERMANIC SHITS
I don't see your point. I'm pretty sure I have a much better view of how they're doing than a country on the other side of the world.
You forgot
>hates isreal and knows what they are all about
>closest political ideology to NK is National Socialism
>the mufti put Islam and Nazism on the same level
wtf i hate nazis now
>Not a US puppet
a fucking leaf
Feel free to nuke Toronto and all the other mud slime metropolitan areas.
Best Korea tv live
>no internet/porn/degeneracy
you're telling people ON THE INTERNET, not sure if retard, hypocrite or master-baiter
Actually it's absolute monarchy.