Canadians meet Australians

Anyone else noticed this phenomenon. You see a Canadian post something, then an Australian replies. Or vice versa.

It's fascinating; like watching a Zebra meet an Antilope or something. They know the other exist, but don't care much about each other. If they get close enough they will just look at each other for a bit, realize they're basically the same, and go about their business.

I noticed that sometimes they will just reply to the other, and that's it. Sometimes there can be an argument/fight, made up of many messages, but every once in a while they join up and start shitposting together. Not sure what determines the outcome, but I think it's probably just random.

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How can leafbois even compete.

you cant even spell antelope you goon

go to bed ahmed

I like it user

This is exactly what I was hoping for!

How can Aussies even compete?

Scandinavian posters are all autistic white nationalist shitheads, IMO

>tfw haven't died like this yet and probably never will

you cant even compete against yourself