we are allowed to have one thread concerning the current state of this board.
this thread for discussion of the circumstances of this board, if we should change them, and if so, how
my suggestion is to add >[...] BTFO!! to the list of "Sup Forums-tier threads" on the sticky. all of these threads have no content at all, and are often made just to bait some easy replies.
how do you think we can improve the state of Sup Forums?
Christopher Garcia
>how do you think we can improve the state of Sup Forums? Enforcing the current rules is enough.
Jeremiah Miller
THIS IS CLEARLY NEEDED!! Also agree with OP.
Caleb Peterson
We need more Jews and blacks
Matthew Jackson
And not enforcing rules that don't exist. Mods should lose mod privileges if they give out egregious bans. "Pedo bullshit" is not against the rules.
Zachary Scott
this might ofcourse just be subjective, but in my expierence things haven't gotten much better over time. do you mean to say by that that the current rules aren't being enforced?
Hunter Ward
Give the OP of any thread a special ID or mark by which he is easily recognized further down in the thread without having to go back and highlight his posts.
Lincoln Fisher
those shitty map/game threads should be banned, the pixel reddit thing, hwndu. all are rddit-teir shit and not politics.
Isaiah Mitchell
I don't like the risk & hunger games threads either but they've been part of Sup Forums culture for years
Joshua Morgan
The problem is overenforcement, mods banning for things they don't like.