Spring is here. girls are starting to walk around in less and less clothes...

spring is here. girls are starting to walk around in less and less clothes. i expect them to be basically just naked this summer.

how do we stop this?

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tell them they're not getting your pathetic little white dick. that will tell them!

wait why do we want to stop this again?

I'm good looking, 6 foot and have a huge dick. Absolutely nothing.

Just stop caring? They only do it for attention and if they can't get it, why would they continue?

>how do we stop this?

There are articles around about women who regret not taking a more traditional path with their lives. Likes the typical im 50 and alone shit. Is there someway our internet wizards can work together to make these get more attention. And this is the key part. Do it subtly so its not shown to be a Sup Forums meme.

Or even if it is shown to be one it might be effective.

>hey s-slut don't y-you know the way you're dressing is completely degenerate?

Western civilization fixed.

We don't you fucking faggot