Do you tip?

What does Sup Forums think about the tipping system?

Why can't the employers of these service people just pay them real wages?

Also, doesn't this allow more illegals to get work since tips don't really get accounted and are considered under the table work?

The entitlement from both the customers and service people sounds pretty off. Am I onto something here?

>Be yank
>tip removed at birth
>have to give someone a tip everytime you buy something

The rest of the world doesn't tip america, and you call us poor.

I'll admit, I chuckled.

>pay employees less
>convince them easily since they are arts degree holders to get extra money by whining to the customers
>stupid goys accept it
>save millions and still keep your loyal wageslaves

I don't eat at restaurants anymore because of tips. I don't like being guilted into doing things.

Fucking disgusting, people still eat at these things? Learn to cook you absolute niggers.

Our hospital tipping policy is extremely compulsory you might say

>tfw I don't like inviting people to my house for dinner.

i have an objection to an extortion system, does that count?

>tfw I don't like people
Table for one, forever

Server here

>Also, doesn't this allow more illegals to get work since tips don't really get accounted and are considered under the table work?

This is technically not true. At the end of our shift we have to report our cash tips when we clock out. Usually when we clock out it automatically tallies the amount of cash this system thinks we may have made ( it determines this number based on how many cash or card orders we have processed, how much money those orders were, and other factors). If we deviate too much from this automated number, we have to get a manager involved before we can clock out.

I don't believe in it.

You know what i think next time i go out and eat at some place i wont be back to im not going to tip. Fuck it. Who cares what some mystery meat millenial degenerate thinks ill save muh shekels and buy a new mech in mechwarrior online instead.

Does tipping get taxed? I dont want to support tax evasion

I don't have money to tip. Hell i barely have money to eat and slowly pay debnts

fuck tips
get a job for people older than 16

Yes it does. See

Tipping is how Jews can hire good staff at half pay and get you to pay the rest on top of the cost for your food.

Shlomo 2
Waiters 0
Us 0

What assholes like won't tell you is that the reason store needs to know your amount of tips is because they are legally obligated to pay the difference if your tips don't add up to the pay you'd get for minimum wage. The constant bullshitting about "I get paid $2 an hour" is a scam to get you to cough up money.

Waiting is unironically one of the most jewey professions in modern America. "Front my wage or I might spit in your food goy, look at the six quintillion under the minimum wage I make, it's like anudda shoa."

>you're just a cheap piece of shit
The way you do it in America is just ridiculous. Tipping is supposed to be about giving a bonus because you feel like it.

I'd like to say that lower wages for employees equates to cheaper food but it's probably a bullshit argument. I assume your country doesn't tip, yes? I'm curious, how much does a steak cost? I'd like to see if this argument holds water.

I never said I wouldn't tell you this, you just didn't ask.

If you don't wanna tip, that's fine. The amount of people who don't tip, or who leave shitty tips, is so negligible that it doesn't even matter at the end of the day. It all evens out.

Yeah its funny how the minimum wage kicker is rarely discussed. Serving is a minimum wage job and if your boss breaks labor laws dont blame me. Just bring me my food or else a robot will.

>paying more money than you have to

You're on your way out anyway. A robot on treads can do your job twice as well without being paid.

People have no right to complain about lack of tips. If a tip is gift from the customer to the staff then it should not be expected. If a tip is required then it should be included in the price of the meal.
I generally tip when I visit a country like America because it is your custom, I never tip in the UK though as it is a bullshit custom that I don't want to see spread. If you staff are underpaid then you should pay them more. If you cannot afford to pay them more then you should raise your prices.

Yeah, it doesn't mean cheaper food. That's the real spit in our faces. We pay a full bill that gives Shlomo his profit, and then we also have to pick up half of his staff bill so he can make an even bigger profit.

And actually, tipping exists here too, and restaurant staff are also underpaid (supermarket workers probably still get a higher base pay).

>buy a new mech in mechwarrior online instead

My nigga

Fine by me, this isn't a permanent """career""" for me anyways.

Good man, though I will say there are places that include the tip as part of the meal price. This is an awful Jew practice and should never have become a thing.

I would still like to know how much a steak would cost in one of your restaurants. Or a burger. Anything really.

Ah, never mind then.

>travel to florida
>restaurant has all you can eat breakfast, lunch, dinner at 3.99, 4.99, 5.99 usd respectively whilst serving a huge variety of food
>same shit would have been 30.99$ in canada PLUS tip

the euros complaining itt are just butthurt they have to have mandatory tipping on top of their ugly waitresses getting paid a wage, if you are too cheap to tip 4$ after having an all you can eat for 5.99 you indeed are a cheap sack of shit and should keep getting chicken tendies from mommy

Why complain to the costumer instead of the employer?

>Tfw tipping system
>Tfw can punish shitty service/bad food from lazy employees by not tipping anything

Eating out in burgerland is expensive as fuck, though. Food is the same or higher price and you have to pay even more because of the tip.

No way, I have no idea where the fuck the money is going but somebody up the chain is jewing it up.

Why bother getting the job in the first place if you're gonna complain to the employer? If you took the job, you know what you're getting yourself into.

Not saying complaining to the customer is good either, just saying it makes more sense than complaining to the people you signed a contract with. You read the contract, you agreed to it. You have absolutely no basis in arguing with your employers.


I've been to Canada (where tipping is not a thing and the employees get paid actual wages), and the food was vastly more expensive than in burgerland. I can't speak for other parts of the world, but that's my experience.

Of course. Waiters are pretty much minimum wage slaves working a highly stressful, physically and emotionally draining job. They get treated like shit by scumbags who are a little bit better off than them, get all the blame for shit they most often aren't responsible for etc.

Waiters are fucking warriors and I have the deepest respect for anybody who does it for a living.

>he doesn't live near other easily accessible cities
>he doesn't drive a car because europoor
>he doesn't dine and dash because he's a pussy
>he tips
>he doesn't feel poor people are worthless automatons only good for doing my every command and washing my feet

Also don't forget that portions in burgerland are fucking enormous. Most Americans would probably call your portions tiny.

Completly contrary for me. I tip if service was better than expected. US is just plain iduotic in that behalf because tip is expected, e.g. you re jerk if you do not tip. So when in US i do NOT tip because i like to see threathing looks on poor waiters faces when i dont tip. Only place where i tip in US were some strange places where ppl acctualy did not care will i tip or not, they provided service that i have paid and that ist. So if service is better then i have expected then i tip, if not i do not tip. If service is worse then i expect then i complain instead of tipping.

This is true. However in 95% of the cases, portions in Spain, Britbongland and Germany are perfectly fine.

In the end, the result is that I end up having a nice dinner in both places that coust roughly the same, but then I have to pay 10-15% more because of the tip.

I would understand if this happened in my third world shithole where servers are paid shit under the table, but in Germany is the same, food is roughly the same price but they still manage to pay their servers.

I'm not going to talk about Canada, because I've not been there and they are probably spitting in your food anyway because leafs.

>be condescending shitbag
>haha that'll guilt people into doing what I say

No employee in the US legally makes under the minimum wage, regardless of tips.

Your house has a singles policy? Does it have a designated shooter or do I have to bring my own?

although I don't approve of the condescending and moralizing tone that the image in the OP takes, I do agree with the conclusion - if you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out. (or order delivery.)

yes, the gratuity system is retarded. yes, it's basically a way for employers to dodge taxes and pass some of the labor expenses on to customers. but you're not going to change the system by not tipping, you're just going to fuck over your server.

>he doesn't drive a car because europoor
Are you mentally ill?

>treat waiters like slaves
>shout at them for shit they're not responsible for
>beckon them by snapping your fingers
>their master pays them a shit wage they can't possibly survive on, and you're okay with that
>get affronted if they think you're a jerk for not tipping

Waiters need to understand that tipping is and always will be an optional gratuity. If they don't receive a tip, they should either consider that their performance wasn't good enough for a bonus and improve or forget about it and move onto the next table.

i dont tip and dont tell them, fuck whoever wrote that shitty manifest, i owe you nothing more than what stated on the price list
make it compulsory if it is so important, but until then eat shit and change job loser fuck

>Does it have a designated shooter

no, never.
i do the opposite, which is negotiate to lower the price. how do you want to have good dealers if all you were thought to do is tip. (biggest tip goes to israel)

> Be me, I was out last night at a restaurant, service was severely lacking, fucker points out twice that tips are shared with the front of house staff. There is a service charge of 12% so additional monies would be appreciated. He didn't deserve it

You got goofed by a fucking faggot house.

>What does Sup Forums think about the tipping system?
If you dine for 50 Euros, it's OK to give 1 to 2 Euros as a tip. Everything beyond that reeks of bribery and isn't even customary in failed economies.

The USA have I think THE most customer-unfriendly system of commerce on this planet. They don't even include tax in their store prices! And when you walk up to pay, they demand more than they advertised for. How the hell is this even legal?

Srsly I dont get why anyone should tip.

The food has a fixed price, why do you want more?

>service compris

i eat out regularly and have never tipped in my life, nor will i ever
if the shitty waiter needs more money, perhaps he should consider working somewhere your paycheck doesn't rely on fucking luck

>If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to go out and eat.

If a restaurant can't afford to pay its staff minimum wage, it shouldn't even be in business. Unviable business model.

>places I will tip
Local joints I frequent often enough to be known and recognized. I get legit better service because I tip well

>place I will not tip
Everywhere else. I would be getting no benefit since I am not returning so there is no reason to tip.

15% always... I feel dooped... I still do it cause I'm a faggot... but then again I rarely eat out.

You cant compare it to other countries genius our servers make 2 or 3 bucks an hour not tipping is literally the most jewish thing you can do

They are guaranteed to make minimum wage. It is the law.

One of my jobs is delivering pizzas to a wide variety of income levels. To expect anything more than a 2 dollar tip from a rowhome is kinda shitty. My job is to give you the food on time and not be an asshole. I hardly think it's worthy of extra bonuses.
I still think waitstaff should be paid at least minimum, because why should customer pay more than the price listed for his food? I don't get tips when I work construction, even if I REALLY DO A NICE JOB ON THE SIDEWALK. It's called doing my fucking job correctly.

Also this.
There is maybe one 24 hour diner where I leave a nice tip, everywhere else, I don't feel guilty enough to care

Tipping is socialism.
No one can force me to give extra money to someone of a lower class. Fuck these beggars.

Forgot about that and i used to be a server.thats not that hard these days anyway though and still not tipping is for jews

The ALWAYS leave out the part that requires restaurants to pay the difference between the low $2.30 rate and minimum wage if tips don't total that amount.

>snapping your finger at waiters
Jesus fucking Christ, who does that?

>complaining about tipping
>accusing others of being jews

ok user

People who enjoy the taste of stranger's spit, I guess.

in germany you don't have to tip because service guys/girls earn enough but i'm not a poorfag and i always tip around 10% of the actual price when the service was good.
in the restaurants we visit regulary the servive recognice us already and is super friendly. sometimes we get a table even when everything is booked officialy.
or another example, when we order food to our house we always get it super fast because the drivers already know we gove them extra money.
tipping have huge benefits here if you have a few restaurants you go to regulary.

Tips are rewards for excellence and like feasts must be seldom and rare lest they cease to have meaning.

And no, I'll not be announcing to the food slave that he won't be getting an unnecessary bonus for doing his job. I pay his employer,his employer pays him.

then they should either campaign for market value pay or open their own business which can competatively hire workers at said market value, saving customers money on tipping. could even have the slogan "don't tip! we pay our employees fairly!"
then there's also the fact that people should have accrued enough work experience in their teens to get a better job when their parents kicked them out. minimum wage work should only be done by kids with guardians supporting them, not by unskilled adults trying to earn a living.

by tipping you are accommodating the system to worsen, don't tip and give the server an incentive to change the system they live off.

Servers are taxed according to their sales. Many places require the servers to tip bar staff and bussers as well. Immigrant owned restaurants usually take a cut for themselves as well. It is why we all drink and do heroine and fuck each other every night.

Tipping is absolutely a thing here. They evade the minimum wage in the exact same way the burgers do (which I take full advantage of)

i try to tip ten percent of the bill total

>tfw when you know the feel of being food service industry slave
>also past gfs have been waitresses
>these people have the power to drop your steak/soak the lime wedge in your iced tea on the raw chicken cutting board

No, why should I subsidize the employees wages to benefit the (((employer))).

Yes Goy, tip the waitress 20% so (((I))) can get away with paying them a pittance.

>Good wit old Chap, let them know them to be the selfish reprobates they are.

Tipping system is great.

Free market all the way.

How's those drug prices and Insurance premiums lad?

It's one of the reasons I don't go to restaurants anymore. The markup on food in restaurants is crazy and the tip is just an exta 20% for someone to bring me a water with a lemon wedge and keep asking me how my meal is.

Also, I've never given myself food poisoning, but I have definitely got it from a restaurant before and it was hell. Those places on Kitchen Nightmares are not at all uncommon.

Just tip based on how much time they spent and the minimum hourly wage. It's only fair.

>implying either of those markets are free

Good Goy.

American tipping culture always baffled me, especially the fact that you must tip a percentage from the order cost. Why? Why should I tip more for a food that's just as easy to carry as a cheap one? Waiters don't do any extra job. Here it's just whatever free money you have in your pocket, usually some low amount bill.

>calls me a jew
>recommends communism for restaurant laborers

>You have to tip me to do my job
Fuck off if your job was good enough to warrant a tip you would have gotten one.

Americans BTFO.

Sever at the buffalo wild wings I work at makes about 10 an hr. One day he did a 12 hr shift and made 400 in tips.

Only if i want to shag a waitress.


When i delivered pizzas out of hundreds of orders and smiling faces there was only ONE instance where I was not tipped. It was a fat college bitch who looked down. That's you are if you don't tip. You are like her. Hahahaha faggots just tip a little if you are broke you shouldn't be eating out

no, i don't go to places that require tipping.

Muh nigga

Tip for what? Food is extremely overpriced at most places nowadays costing 5-10 times more than when cooked at home. They should ask employers for tips. It is almost impossible to lose money when running a take away or similar food business in this country.

>Yanks have to literally bribe restaurant staff to get good service
If waiters tried to pull this shit over here they would get fired on the spot. Tipping is utter bullshit and you should outright refuse to do it burgers.

>be employer
>propagate that people who don't tip are "cheap pieces of shit"
>mfw the fucking goyim believe that shit as I pay them a cent per hour

>agree to a job with shit pay
>'gibs me charities!'
>don't get it once every few dozen services
>doesn't make a difference because the employer still has to make up the difference or you're being legally underpaid
>bitch because you got an arts/literature degree instead of a useful one or an internship and you're still working the lowest rung of pink collar even though you're completely out of school and you're 26 you just don't want to acknowledge how pathetic you are so you keep on demanding people give you money that they never agreed to.

i stopped eating in restaurants once the US became a service economy because all the uneducated and untrained got pushed into the service industry and i want all of the subhumans to be starved and exterminated out of existence

especially millennials. all of them. this would also solve the r_thedonald problem here on Sup Forums

What's the average tip in the USA?

> do you pay for something more than you have to

20-30%. t. grew up in vancouver which is basically seattle with similar normie-wholefoods hipster economy.