I'm watching Schindler's List

I'm watching Schindler's List.

And holy fuck. The ghetto liquidation.

Even if (((6 gorzillion))) how could anyone, I mean anyone, defend this?

There's documented proof of this happening, and seeing it leaves me speechless. Even if the numbers are wrong, how can anyone even remotely glorify this shit? Anyone who posts Nazi memes and funny SS shit needs to seriously be on the other end of this.

You CANNOT reply to this thread if you haven't watched Schindler's List in the past 5 years. Go watch it RIGHT THE FUCK NOW if not.

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The only Jews that died, died from starvation.

There's nothing wrong with killing people that want you dead.

The only good jew is a dead one.

hitler did nothing wrong,
probably some russians

> you cannot reply blablabla
i only watch movies with sex scenes it

Also typhus. Shaved heads are because of lice.
Jew's played soccer with Nazi guards. Jew's also had a swimming pool and a general store.

I haven't watched the movie yet but I heard it's fairly sensationalized. I wouldn't be surprised if it was mostly fiction like all Jew fables.

Schindlers List has some suprisingly good nude scenes in it.

Id recommend skipping the rest and watching those without sound

typhus and shaved heads because of obvious blackj gay niigers, fucking idiot

I was joking, I'm just not into that I'm so much a victim stuff

You should. I heard the exact same thing and just now picked it up. I got a viscerally disgusted feeling during the liquidation scene.

I'm fully 100% aware this could be Jewish propaganda or whatever. But we know the SS and the labor camps were real. Even if a few hundred thousand were killed like this, I can't even believe bootlickers worship this shit.

>how could anyone, I mean anyone, defend this?

How many millions has America killed in the last decade alone.

How can anyone defend that?

Sup Forums is not satire. fuck drumpf. fuck of backtoleddit and stop supporting a kike puppet who wants to hurt based muslim Assad

t. oldfag


post old memes if you're such an oldfag

good they probably deserved it,lol, i'm a nazi,stupid jew

Not like this. War is one thing, but don't even pretend like a drone bomb is close to systematic genocide.

I don't have to prove anything to you

Sup Forums has always hated drumpf. this is a fact. the fact that you don't realize this and support neocon puppets makes you a kike

Fun Fact: Schindler's List won an award for best FICTION novel in 1982.

WW2 was real, concentration camps were real, Jews dying in camps was real, Schindler was real, but the portrayal of Nazis as demonic anti-semites that outdid one another in finding new and creative ways to kill Jews is the fiction, the lie.

The Jews were put in camps for the same reason that Americans put Japanese in camps during WW2, because during a war you can't risk the enemy being free to roam within while all your troops are off fighting elsewhere.

>can't prove it

I watched it and it's BS. There are video on youtube that debunk every single thing in Schindler's List.

Fuck off kike. Nothing in that film is remotely historical except the water coming out of the showers instead of gas. It's based on a novel ffs.

>proof concentration camps were real

GTFO with your kike bullshit

Something, something Ukraine mass starvation, something something, gulags, something, something vietnam executions, something something.
OP is retarded if he thinks the nazis or Mussolini troops did half the shit Murrica and Russia did, hell even Brazil had some fun during the war with Paraguay.

Tbqh this

>thinks movie made by jews about the holocaust is a documentary.

fucking lmao, What could (((Spielburg))) and the rest of hollywood possibly have to gain by fabricating history and cramming into the goyim's throat?

I'll say this slowly since you're obviously mentally impaired.

Concentration camps were real. Jews died in them. Just not from being gassed to death or burnt alive. The Jews died the same way people generally die during wartime: from disease and starvation due to supply lines being cut.

Learn to read.

>And holy fuck. The ghetto liquidation.

>Even if (((6 gorzillion))) how could anyone, I mean anyone, defend this?

Durr all of non-existent Judea sent a formal declaration of war via lousy newspaper article in 1933 to Germany, remember?

Therefore uncle Adolf had every right to send every kike in Poland to a camp.

Also muh Japanese Internment Camps.

>And holy fuck. The ghetto liquidation.
I know right? I have to unzip everytime


>fabricating history

The russian gulags were way worse but no one ever talks about that as much as they do muh holocaust.

lol , you guys never been to court

>being this new

>good nude scenes
>only good because they don't contain nignogs
Germany NO!

They were. I live near one.

I really hope that anyone who glorifies the SS and this shit has to go through the exact same shit in the near future

Effective propaganda is always based on a nugget of truth, burger. Never has a movie been more blatant in portraying jews as some martyr-like people, and national socialists as bloodthirsty demons. Anyone who watches that shlock and thinks its even a remotely accurate assessment has been jewed beyond repair

shareblue please go

I dont watch kike propoganda.


there are six gazillion laws you never even heard about, the judge can choose whichever one he chooses
fucking harvard obummer

>systematic genocide

Citation needed.


you're kidding, right? Schindler's List is one of the most redpilled holocaust films made by hollywood.

You see scenes of jews hiding or grabbing all their valuables before the nazis come knocking.

The scene where all the jews start to dig faster after Amon Goeth shoots a random lady almost makes you laugh because it comes off almost as slapstick comedy.

The scene where all the jews go into a shower, think its gas, then scream when water comes out makes the redpilled goy's side go into orbit.

And all the sexual nudity and how Oskar Schindler is portrayed as a playboy would make today's holocaust film makers' heads spin.

Firstly, Schindler was a jerk who ended up after the war a very wealthy man (despite what the movie says). His heart wrenching speech about how "I should have saved more" is a nod to guilt-ridden Americans who felt we should have sheltered or stopped Hitler earlier. In reality, money was never a real issue for him and he bought Jews as free labor. The emotional conversion to being a lover of he Jews is unsubstantiated.

Secondly, Zyklon B was created as a pesticide. Is was used as a pesticide. Typhus, spread by small pests, was a MAJOR issue in the camps for both solders and prisoners.

No one denies that Jews were rounded up by Nazis. What IS debated is the nature of the "final solution". Some argue there is no evidence for the "homicidal gas chambers". Instead, the chambers they refer to is actually the delousing chambers with the Zyklon b, in which, no Jews were killed in.

The crematoriums were used because people were dying of typhus and there wasn't enough Zyklon b towards the end of the war to fight it all. The skeletal figured you see are sick from typhus. Otto Frank actually had it and was cured by the hospitals in the camps! If they wanted to kill all the Jews, why did they treat him?

It's easy to wrapped up in the emotional part of the "Holocaust" by movies and popular media...But so much has been disproven (human skin lampshades/ human soap) that you need to be skeptical of it.

The Jew memes come from the idea of 1) The Holocaust has been blown out of proportion compared to other genocides such as the ones by Stalin or Mao. 2) The Jewish Question. 3) Relatedly, the idea of 'If you are wondering who controls everything, consider who it is you are not allowed to criticize and there is your answer'. 4) It makes people upset--Mostly because the Jews don't really have much of a religion anymore. Just the Holocaust remembrance.

Check out CODOH and David Iriving for more info.


Typical response is complete Soviet Union type levels of brainwashing. MORAL OUTRAGE!!!!!!!!!


Exactly what they want. They turn relatively intelligent successful people into flaming Gary Johnson levels of dipshit.

I didn't know (((Spielberg))) went back in time with a camera? holy sheiiiit

>This one thing is in a movie
>It must be true

thats where you're wrong kid


Why no (((award winning film))) for him? He saved 250 times the amount.

Oh right, because they were only chinks, and Jews run all the media.


i think probably as many laws are jews genocided

>war with Paraguay
Funny shit

I would like to remind you fucking idiots, how a law that an actual congessman would look like, if I could be bothered, I have my own problems with eu stuff

>You see scenes of jews hiding or grabbing all their valuables before the nazis come knocking.
If someone was coming to kill you would you grab your valuables? This is fucking stupid.

How the fuck can anyone deny this? There is countless film footage and pictures documenting the holocaust. Concentration camps were real. Honestly some people are just fucking retarted.

wrong. Schindler blew most of his wealth on saving jews, tried to continue business after ww2 but kept failing and ended up penniless.

>Instead, the chambers they refer to is actually the delousing chambers with the Zyklon b, in which, no Jews were killed in.

wrong again. the delousing chambers are tiny ones not part of the main tour at all, if youre referring to the ones in Auschwitz.

>If they wanted to kill all the Jews, why did they treat him?

Free labor. Better have a Jew die from working than from typhus.

>But so much has been disproven (human skin lampshades/ human soap)

Human soap has not been disproven:


>David Irving

yeah he thinks millions of Jews were gassed in the aktion reinhard camps (treblinka, belzec, sobibor) try and keep up.

Read the thread. Nobody is disputing this. The dispute is over the intention of genocide.

Roughly 4-5 million I'd estimate. Still less than you and Russia by a mile. Certainly less than the British Empire at it's height.

YEAH. it was just a group shower, nobody got gassed.

why did the concentration camps have a swimming pool

There were a lot of deaths due to disease and starvation.

Becaue of the British blockades.

first sentence

Sup Forums hates me for saying this, but Hitler failed at the one thing he wanted to do: target the Jews that were ruining Germany. Those he let escape to the USA.

>No one denies that Jews were rounded up by Nazis. What IS debated is the nature of the "final solution".

I posted this thread because of the rounding up and killing, not because of gas chambers/ovens.

Again, I don't care how off the numbers are. Even if the entirety of the Jewish people killed are just those in this movie (a few hundred), and even if the Nazis weren't as barbaric as they're depicted in this (((Spielberg))) movie, it blows my mind that people still openly worship this shit.

Mass executions of Jews happened but much of the portrayal of the Nazis who did it is inaccurate.

Most of the soldiers involved had extreme trauma from the killings, vomited, had to work in shifts, etc. But they saw it as a necessary evil that needed to be done.

The reason you retards worship hitler and claim he "dindu nuffin", is that you have probably never met a holocaust survivor and listened to their stories.

because: imgur.com/QykBcbA

also, why should it matter if a tiny ass camp that housed no more than a couple thousand prisoners at its greatest load, most of which were not jews, had a swimming pool?

My wife likes to suck me off while I listen to heavy metal and watch ww2 footage.

I watched it like 4 months ago, the best scene was the balcony one and the one with the engineer was top tier too. The rest was garbage.

The whole thing was conjured in the minds of hebes, directed by an orthodox kike!

It's historic revisionism at its worst.

>Not cheering for the Nazis at every turn
>Not laughing when the Jews get an actual shower instead of gas
>Not realizing that Schindler is being Jewed into betraying his country

Did you lose your sense of racial pride with your foreskin or something you stupid Americuck?

favorite movie of all time desu. glad theres actually somebody on this board with an iq higher than 30.

It's a good movie, and I say that as someone who thinks Holocaust death totals may be highly inflated, just keep in mind while watching it "this is a work of fiction" and you'll be alright.

>the reason you are a raptors fan is because you havent seen an LA Heat player IRL

uh huh

Shareblue/CTR/butthurt lefties from Reddit/ironic shitposters please leave

Shit thread btw OP, even if the Holocaust happened the kikes deserved every bit of it.

Why would you trust the account of someone who is proven to be a liar (Spielberg)?

Obviously if he's lying about one thing, he's lying about another too.

That happened to lots of people, in arguably far worse ways, both in that same war and throughout history.

Why do the Jews have a monopoly on suffering when theirs was neither the greatest in scale nor the most cruel?

I've got more Germanic blood in me than you, inbred faggi. Blond hair and blue eyes. Racial pride is no excuse for even a fraction of this barbarism.

Schindler's List is based off of a piece of fiction.

"Schindler's Ark (released in America as Schindler's List) is a Booker Prize-winning historical fiction novel published in 1982 by Australian novelist Thomas Keneally, which was later adapted into the highly successful movie Schindler's List directed by Steven Spielberg." en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schindler's_Ark

because we don't like jews. so we don't care how they're treated.

AGAIN, I am fully 100% aware of how events could be given as Jewish propaganda, and Spielberg/Hollywood. But there are absolute proven documentation of almost everything depicted (Sonderaktion, ghetto liquidation, etc.)

I'll go ahead and watch it again but it won't change anything. I am full aware of the Hollywood trick.

>I've got more Germanic blood in me than you, inbred faggi.

>Blond hair and blue eyes.
Hair dye doesn't count buddy
Neither do contacts

>Racial pride is no excuse for even a fraction of this barbarism.
>Murdering the people who are unrepentant in their murder of the son of God is bad

Don't be so mad just because my foreskin wasn't Rabbi Goldstein's last meal

>Natty blond and blue eyes

Your ""race"" won't even exist when you keep fucking your sisters and become sterile in a few generations

Stay jelly

Sorry for wanting you dead after killing all my close friends and relatives, how inconsiderate of me.....fucking dumbass

schindler's list is made up bullshit. for instance, at the real location it would be impossible for this scene to happen because the balcony doesnt overlook the camp


people dont hate on Mao Zedong or Stalin for their genocide? I dont understand why the Nazi's get so much hate ( not glorifying them

>I dont understand why
Yes you do

I do understand why my mistake. But I meant why dont Mao and Stalin receive more hate? They have killed A L O T more innocents.