Say something nice about hijabis

Say something nice about hijabis

I think women should have no rights too

I like how in porn they put them on latinos and call them arabs.

They prevent lice from spreading

The future.

good way to control your women, very smart

The ones I've met are quiet and keep to themselves

Covered women are cool...uncovered women are whores

Idk. Nearly every Abrahamic faith has some sort of head scarf. That full face shit needs to end though. Its a total demographic of biddies I cant holla at.

They're easy to spot

kek fucking this

Need to be forcefully ripped off them.


It keeps women in check.

The burka originally came from the Persian Zoroastrians and theres really nothing wrong with Woman covering their faces.

Who gives a shit?

It helps make it easier to determine if a person should be avoided

great way of establishing and identifying someones place in a societal hierarchy.

I had a lab partner who was so fucking good and chill. I mean her family was in the literal muslim brotherhood in egypt but this girl was super smart and nice so w/e


I can't unsee this now

Some towel heads look qt

Target practice

Keep on bitching then

they hide ugly women really well

It helps me identify people I shouldn't bother talking to

Literally nobody is bitching you goober