Are there Amish people in Europe?

I was eating dinner with an Italian the other day and outside the window someone went by in horse and carriage, and the Italian guy thought it was the weirdest thing ever...apparently Amish people don't exist when he was from. do any Amish people exist at all in Europe?

No. That's just a buger thing.

I thought Amish rarely went to civilization? Is common to see Amish people in US?

Why don't you try googling it you god damn mother fucking stupid piece of shit

Some in south america but not europe, i dont think.

>tfw will never be amish to live the comfy life without international jews manipulating everything i do


>being this new

In Pennsylvania and other rural areas, their communities are close to more modern towns. Growing up, my friend said she would see them at Walmart all the time, and have to drive around their buggies on the roads. (Yes they do shop at Walmart. No joke)

Depends on where you live, I see them every time I go camping in Indiana

I always wave at them and theyll smile and wave as they go down the road on their horse and buggy. Bro tier dudes and qt chicks too.

That was informative. Thanks brother.

>I thought Amish rarely went to civilization? Is common to see Amish people in US?
Yeah if you live in the rural Midwest, especially Ohio, PA, and Indiana
I see them all the time. I used to work at Target and they would come in around once a month to buy stuff. You can also see them at junkyards, auctions, and driving their buggies on roads

It is in Central Indiana.

Yeah we have people who refuse modern civilization and its evils such as soap or trash collection

The Amish are distinctly American.
If you live out near where they are you'll see them.

>(Yes they do shop at Walmart. No joke)

Here in Indiana, I never see them at Walmart but they fucking love Aldi.

This is a picture of brother cletus down in Louisiana helping out with the floods. I asked him how they got down here and they told me they flew on a plane.

In rural Wisconsin I see them. They live on farms and drive buggies. They occasionally come into town and buy things. There are a lot of different sects and stuff, some of the people you see in the modern world may not be actual Amish but a similar religion with less rules.

Nah there's Amish in Canada. And broadly speaking there are Mennonite colonies throughout Latin America.

The Amish kids in PA are rebels.. they all own cell phones and do drugs (some even heroin). They're all filthy rich, since they don't pay taxes. one I know got a 2.3million dollar farm for his 18th birthday, he throws fun parties. They pay people to drive them around too, since they can't so only the old school Amish use buggies all the time, mostly you see them on sundays for church. They have electricity too, they just use gas generators because they can't be connected to outside world or some shit

that's interesting I wonder why there are loads of them all over Canada . and there are some in south America

>that Kathy Szeliga sign
Murrlind represent yo

we have Mennonites in my corner of the Southeast and I see them at wal-mart a lot too

pretty similar to the Amish but not quite as strict

seems like they embrace the lifestyle more to sell their tasty goodies and blankets
at least the ones around here

Also the Amish around my area are bar rats. The guy they pay to drive them there sits in the truck allll night till last call while the other Amish dudes play shitty rap and rock and roll music on the jukebox and get so drunk they can't stand up. They are decent at pool

Brother bought a dairy in S.C.

Smartest thing he ever did was make friends with the Mennonites. They are Amish with cars and electricity.

Great people and the feed me all the time.

and oh forgot to mention that sometimes they go horse and buggy but a lot of the times they go with old run-down black cars

something about "not looking flashy"

I think they're allowed to act "westernized" as teenagers until they settle down and get marred to another Amish person. After that, they have to cut that shit out or be excommunicated.

Most do use some limited forms of modern conveniences like chainsaws and refrigeration, though.

did they steal that little white kid in the middle??


there in belize

Once in a while the genetic lottery will throw up a white gypsy. It's a mystery of nature. They breed so much I'm surprised there isn't one with blue skin at this point

Confirming multiple things in this thread, used to live in an area near Amish and Mennonite colonies

Yes they love Wal-Mart
Yes they drive buggies but sometimes the big passenger vans as well
Yes they are all loaded, they make money on furniture and crops but spend next to nothing
Yes some of the chicks are hot but theyd ooze spaghetti if you ever tried to talk to one
They've also been known to hire illegals, since they don't pay taxes on a religious basis they don't need SSN #s from the people they hire so there's a lot of plausible deniability

The Amish aren't exempt from paying taxes, that's horseshit.

We had some Amish-Lite that went to the high school in their old timey clothes with us.

>some of the people you see in the modern world may not be actual Amish but a similar religion with less rules.

You are thinking of Mennonites. They exist in Austria, Switzerland and Russia as well. We have those in Maine, they are really good at installing sheet metal roofs. They (the Austrian one) make amazingly good farm tools, they will sell you a $150 scythe and if you do any kind of real work it will be the best damn thing you have ever owned.

You wouldn't think that you should pay $100 for a shovel but your great grand children will be using that shovel.

fucking kek

I've always wondered why Europe hasn't just exterminated them at this point. Even some of your leftists openly hate them, and yet governments just keep handing out gibs to the parasites. What gives?

As the government, would you exterminate a group that will give you a 10% vote swing if you literally just gave them $50 each?

Ah, right, I keep forgetting that we're all (((free democracies))) now.

kek. We have what ppl call gypsies in my state -also called "travelers." They are irish gypsies or something, probably no relation to real gypsies. Always hear of elderly ladies getting cheated by them, scamming them by doing shoddy odd jobs work.

They play laser tag literally all the time

They aren't exempt but since they have such a small financial footprint and since every Federal Agency is terrified of fucking with them due to backlash they have extremely low taxes. They are small farmers, there isn't much money for the IRS to go after.

Also they will fight as a community in self defense as will their next door neighbors, do you really want to be the President who goes to war against the majority population of 3 US states as well as their Senators and Congressmen?

Or will you tolerate pacifist Taliban who contribute to the economy, don't commit crimes and just want to be left alone in exchange for giving you food?

Yeah the travelers are the watered down version. Over here they don't so much cheat old ladies, rather they beat them up in their own homes to take their $80 pension or something. They also run very profitable phone scams all over the country

Protip: any weird special group of Christians is for the most part American because Europeans kicked them out for not being Anglican, Catholics, Orthodox or at the very least Lutheran.

wtf? I love barn raising now.

This is mostly correct. Look up "The Great disappointment" to learn more. To make a long story short most US religious factions arose from a 18th century religious revival, this is where you get 7th Day Adventists, Mormons, Jehovah Witnesses and Evangelicals. This is where you get people that drink snake venom and survive due to willpower and faith. Don't fuck with US Christians, They want to start the End Times more than you do and probably have more effective ways of doing it.

You should, if you want stable community, simple life and a cause worth believing in then barn raising might be for you. if you want community imagine being part of a community that can come together and build you a barn in one day.

well we have pikeys they go around in horses and shit but there mostly hoodlems and degenerates.