Political Quiz

Post your results!


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Dumb poll. The real answer to many questions is "a little of this one, a little of that one..."

So you want every question to have 30 options?

Stop being autistic.

And in many cases, the real best answer isn't one of the 4 choices

This. There were a bunch of questions where I was like
>well, it's really a combination of a few of those answers- why do I have to pick just one?
Apparently I have a level head according to that bullshit quiz

No, but it should at least be better than this.

For example, take this question:

Economic Inequality:
1) Is simply the result of bad economic policy
2) Is the natural result of differences among individuals
3) Is intentionally created to benefit the rich
4) Is necessary for a well-functioning society

The reality is that economic inequality is the natural result of differences in ability among individuals, AND it is a result of differences in fortune among individuals, AND it is a result of the way that property rights and laws are structured in society, AND it is a result of bad economic policy... etc.


Stupid poll, I'm not a free market communist.


Or this one:
In general, the State should be viewed as:
1) The primary means for ensuring justice, safety, and economic equality
2) An extension of the people, deserving loyalty and respect
3) Little more than a monopolized gang or mafia, which steals and kills for profit
4) A necessary evil, requiring suspicion and accountability

What if I think that the State should be viewed as the primary means for ensuring justice and safety, but NOT economic equality, AND that it is a necessary evil requiring suspicion, AND is a sort of mafia?


>not posting the superior test


Not surprised by the results

Stop being fucking autistic and just pick the one closest to your views. You will have these issues with literally every test because it's retarded to have every combination of every belief combined.

>the state ensures justice and safety and is an evil mafia too!

You are legit fucking retarded bro... just call yourself a fence-sitting moderate and be done with it.


Yeah, same here. Inequality is caused by genetics, culture and economics.


Done. What do I win?

Although there were some cases were several answers fit. When i choose those instead of the ones I chose previously, it barely affected the score but gave me conservative instead of fascist.

would remove juden with/10

It actually had options close to my beliefs.

I don't know how I feel about that.

>What is most responsible for inequality in the world?
>most responsible


>Having no opinions is the best opinion one can have
>My ass will never got too sore from sitting on the fence

No idea how it came to the conclusion of neutral on individualism/collectivism. Otherwise not bad for a short test.


this is mine

although political compass puts me as a centre libertarian...

am i not a newfag anymore


Wouldn't expect anything different from an autist engineer

Fashy AF





I'm no fucking conservative.
This poll is shit


>You most closely resemble a: Conservative
Just what I expected. Garden variety.

I already knew this about myself, I believe our success will be boundless if we set free the dreams of our people and work together to improve our racial and genetic stock.


Does this make me smart?

I'm a actually a hardcore enviromentalist, but this quiz had nothing on the enviroment so my result is conservative

I get a wildly different ideology every quiz I take, but this one seems to be the most accurate I've seen.

Did I make you proud, Sup Forums?

Yup. A couple of questions had me like "It's bad for both of those reasons." But overall the quiz was based. Not tedious and actually represented my actual thoughts instead of that slightly agree/definitely agree shit.

Flubbed a question

>not posting a link




Yep. I am what I thought I am

Sieg Heil

Here's mine




Life, Liberty, and Property!

Family, Freedom, and Fatherland!

t. colossal faggot

rate me/tell me who I compare with

Name me redditor



Well, no, but i'm not sure how to give accurate responses when many questions involve complex social matters and require nuanced responses. The optimal answer usually comes out to be 3 out of 4 options for each question being valid to varying degrees.



Some questions were VERY loaded


I honestly have no idea what this all means


My results are correct, I am a conservative.


Deus Vult!



Got moderate again

From the same link:
>Example: I don't give a fuck if you are gay. So long as you keep that shit to yourself, support traditional family values, defend our people, then you are welcome in the movement. Because all that matters is winning, not what you do behind closed doors.
>traditional values
top zozz

Why are there so few strong Capitalists on here?


Go back to Sup Forums you underaged faggot.



Globalist capitalism is as much a kike institution as communism is. Most of Sup Forums tends to be third wave natsoc

what does this even mean?

*third way

Literally disgusting



This test is bullshit.


I consider myself moderately conservative.

Pretty much exactly what I suspected


>Uses Firecocks and Microsoft Plebge



>You will have these issues with literally every test
Wrong. I've taken plenty such tests and didn't have such problems with all of them. In math terms, you need to find a better set of basis vectors.
>it's retarded to have every combination of every belief combined
Of course. But this test has poorly-chosen options.
>You are legit fucking retarded bro...
For saying that "the state ensures justice and safety and is an evil mafia too"? LOL. The state can be an evil mafia and still be better than what would be likely to take its place if it vanished — gangs of warlords, most likely.
> just call yourself a fence-sitting moderate and be done with it
I'm not a fence-sitting moderate, but that's beside the point. For the test to not suck, it would have to be good at registering me as one if I was one.

>Falling for either head of the double-headed (((Capitalist-Marxist))) snake


How would you have it then?
