Reminder that guns and ammo are a fundamental human right

Healthcare is not.
You can only post in this thread if you're actually a free citizen, if you have a government that doesn't trust it's regular citizens to carry a firearm for self preservation you are not considered a real free human, We are lmaoing at your life fampai. This even goes for US states that don't have shall issue or constitutional carry.
Prove you're a real human bean, post your everyday carry gun.

Other urls found in this thread:

>carry a firearm for self preservation
It's a tough guy fantasy.
>actually a free citizen
>You can take my freedom with the Patriot Act, just don't take muh guns.

bump to trigger other berniebro thread

This just upsets me.

The sad thing is, it proves just how we are truly seen by our slave masters.

We are livestock in their global farm.


We have a different reality mane. No niggers and the government is so inept we're not scared of it. We don't need guns here. However you'll be glad to know our healthcare is Congo-tier as well

Try to defy the will of your government and you'll find their very capable at crushing dissent.

And if they aren't the (((CIA))) or Soros will send advisors.

>Literally posting airsoft
Nice try shlomo

Oh here we go with the fucking 'rights' again. There is no such thing as human rights. How many times does history have to demonstrate this?

You know that you live in the biggest police state on Earth, right?

Meant to link OP

I mean...I agree with you and all...but you have shit taste my main man. Noguns are a blight which will eventually be removed.

Well Sup Forums

Why should I get an AR556 when a tapco'd SKS is the same

wtf is an ar556?

annex us please. I want the 2a

cause your ar will be Non restricted in 2 years when mad max gets in tahts why

there are no fundamental human rights. the only rights you get are the ones you fight for and take

AR-15 basically

Then I can get one in two years. Why bother with the hassle now?

>not even the same caliber
>different action even

What the fuck are you on about here leaf? You might as well be saying your mom is the same as your sister.

My edc

Oh, trust us, we want to crack some chink skulls.

Get both so you can learn the platforms. Find out what you like best. Which you find easier to use, clean, etc...

>5.56 and 7.62x39
>not very similiar

The problem here in Canada lies in that the AR (and AK) platforms are restricted weapons where 7.62x39 SKS is not. Restricted means I have to inform the cops everytime I leave the house with it. Why should I bother in getting a restricted licence? Both restricted and non-restricted are limited to five rounds.



same gun but without extended mag (CO here)

passport is also super important bros

you may need to leave this country soon; ww3

I agree, and im from the most anti gun country in the west

>leave America, home of the 2A snek
I would slap you

HST's my nigga?

I don't know what the fuck the rules are in your embarrassing communist shithole, nor do I care.

An AR and a crapco'd SKS are not the same, if only because one will rightly draw you more derision from firearm enthusiasts.

>be US citizen
>decide to move somewhere else
>lol gibs taxes pls
>apparently freedom

Hmm I think you might be right OP, need to push for free guns and ammo. By free I mean someone else will pay for it, maybe Mexico? We can just tax the ripest 1% of avocados.

I mean you're absolutely right, but the entire Glock line is an explosion in your hand waiting to happen. Get a steel gun. This polymer meme needs to die.

He was the first post lel

>red star OS on a vm
>nk proxy
>write some n. korean down for timestamp
>google translate korean for your post