WaPo Learning about Sup Forums Secret Language

>I emailed back, “What is an SJW?” The reply: “An SJW is a social justice warrior. In the press, this particular public predator tends to be big on PC [political correctness] virtue signaling but happy to smear others viciously with false accusations of sexism, racism, white nationalism, hate speech, etc.”

>Snowflake.This is no compliment, even if you like to think that you’re one of a kind. At best, it’s a derisive term for someone considered entitled,

>Libtard.“Lib” is for “liberal,” while “tard” is shorthand for “retard.”

>●Cuck.I heard this one while watching Bill Maher’s HBO show several weeks ago. One of his guests kept using it. It’s short for “cuckservative,” which is a word cocktail made up of equal parts “conservative” and “cuckold.” Urban Dictionary defines it as “a racial slur for a White person that is not loyal to White Supremacy”

>Masculinist.I’m an out and proud feminist, but I’d never heard of “masculinist.” According to Merriam-Webster, it’s “an advocate of male superiority or dominance” and is often used to promote traditional gender roles.

>Bottom line: It pays to increase your word power these days. There’s much more to alt-right coded language than meets the eye – or the ear.

>"The strategy is to control discourse,” Lakoff points out. “One way you do that is preemptive name calling . . . based on a moral hierarchy. "



Lmao. Rules for radicals employed by both sides means that you have a free market of ideologies.

So if we continue to win we know we have the better ideas.

Sounds straight out of 1984.

They may have overdose on DOUBLETHINK.

I saw the thread from this morning. Pretty lame stuff all around but what else is there to expect from the washington post?

>Secret Language
nigger and kike are not an esoteric language

>a cuckservative is a white person who isnt loyal to white supremacy

Most cuckservatives that come to my mind are jews who try to convince white people to abandon their own self interests

>>"The strategy is to control discourse,” Lakoff points out. “One way you do that is preemptive name calling . . . based on a moral hierarchy. "

do libs have no self awareness

>Urban Dictionary defines it as “a racial slur for a White person that is not loyal to White Supremacy”
I thought Urban Dictionary was a parody website?

snopes rates it "mostly true" bro

>"Lib" is for liberal, while "tard" is shorthand for "retard"
That's some quality investigative journalism

I thought Snopes was a parody website too?

Lenin said sometime "call the enemy what you are, acuse him for your crimes"

Why are we still associated with the alt-right?

There's like 4 of us actually here

This place has become a clone of the_donald with more profanity

half the people here are (((libertarians))), leftists, and an amalgam of other degenerate gutter punks

I come here for the bantz and happenings, anything besides that and nty

Sup Forums was always a libertarian board you dunce

I never said it wasn't always about half libertarian, although since the election I bet its only about a quarter libertarian

I said this place shouldn't be associated with the alt-right but for some reason it is

anyone to the right of Mao is alt-right fascist 3spookie now so this board obviously gets lumped in by lazy, retarded journalists when it shouldnt

Most don't. The kinds who write this kind of article, however, are quite aware that they're projecting. It's one of their main strategies... for controlling discourse.

Hell, it's all there in "1984." You control the language, you control how people think. That's what PC is all about.

>I said this place shouldn't be associated with the alt-right but for some reason it is
The alt-right is a ghost of a ghost, what does it matter if it's "associated" with Sup Forums?

>I said this place shouldn't be associated with the alt-right but for some reason it is

the alt-right is a stupid kike term to put a label on an amorphous group with wildly varying philosophies and motives.

it's meaningless. unless you're some libtard or neocon, you probably fit in the alt-right and if you think you shouldn't be associated with this site then you're right, you need to go back to plebbit.


Anyone who likes trump is at right

>He doesn't remember Operation: Google

But yeah I fucking hate googles.

bix nood muh fugga

an "operation" which ultimately had no effect other than you giggling at a sausage party about your in group language

Actually, the alt-right is in reference to a very specific group of white nationalist neoreactionaries -- the only reason there's any sort of ambiguity with regards to this is because the media are trying to slam the right more broadly by associating Trumpian populism, or really just Trump, with the evil alt-right

>The strategy is to control discourse,” Lakoff points out. “One way you do that is preemptive name calling . . . based on a moral hierarchy. "

racist, bigot, homophobe, crony, capitalist, CIS, Priveledged, we dont know what its like so we cant be right


It is clear, we must resort to Morse code

Cuckold's always been a word in the dictionary. Now these faggots think that ordinary words are a secret language? How much gasoline do these imbisciles huff on a daily basis

The alt right is a reactionary, ethno-nationalist movement

>hurr wildly different philosophies

What you're essentially saying is that communism doesn't exist because there's different types of communism

You can get right knackered on some gas, friendo

This is so fucking cute.

>preemptive name calling
guys liberals are children

Kike shill protecting assets

They need to stop labeling everything on the internet alt-right

i hate normies and they should hate themselves.

I got u senpai

this there is no "alt-right" and Sup Forums is just a place where people shit on each other through politics also that's some top tier investigative journalism right there WaPo
fucker references Urban dictionary
>journalism current year+2

I hate that shit too. Didn't that start with Hannity?

>Urban Dictionary defines it as “a racial slur for a White person that is not loyal to White Supremacy”

Where did they get this from? This is the same kind of thinking that leads to milk and bacon being racist.

ITT we invent a new language to confuse the dumb fucks even more
>Nigger = Bongo
>Liberal = Homosapien
>Hairy feminist = Wookie

>Urban Dictionary defines it
this is journalism in the CURRENT_YEAR

>Sup Forums is just a place where people shit on each other through politics

That's a bit of an oversimplification, most of Sup Forums's history even going back to /new/ was libertarians and a proto alt right (Mostly NatSocs) engaged in a constant flame war

>they are this far behind

god, i don't feel completely retarded now

Look if we're defining "cuck" here, the boiled down meaning that it's taken on is:
"Someone who actively works against their own best interests, or is passive to their own destruction."


this article should've been titled 50 year old gay jew attempts to understand the internet
well yeah but that doesn't change the fact that the "alt-right" doesn't exist

Or "someone who lacks self-stern or will power t act i their own best interest"
We should make an Sup Forums dicitionary

>There's like 4 of us actually here
Shut up dude they don't know that.

I'm actively keeping like 8 threads alive right now, and not a single unique poster has added anything to any of them.

But it does, you just seem like one of those people that thinks alt-right = Sup Forums or to cast a wider net "people who like Trump". It's not, you've swallowed the media narrative whole.

Sup Forums has always been flooded with shill threads and newfags.

Just use our greater exposure as an opportunity to redpill more people.

We can make something positive out of this by increasing our movement.

this. pol is formless and journalist junk heads can't seem to conceptualize what trump's internet fan base is. then again, i think some of these "what is Sup Forums" and "what is the alt right" articles are to draw out the nerds who will do the journalist's homework for them.

I miss a calm place to disccus

please show your respect to lactose Intolerant person

>>"The strategy is to control discourse,” Lakoff points out. “One way you do that is preemptive name calling . . . based on a moral hierarchy. "

Fucking retards, it's purity signaling more than it's trying to control the discourse

Yeah that's pretty much it.

It gets to the heart of why letting someone fuck your wife, or worse encouraging it, is such a distasteful and despicable practice, and ultimately a powerful insult that really cuts to the chase.

We must secure an existence of the alt right and a future for non-blacks, non-kikes, non-queers, non-muslim, non-trans, non-shitskin children


>Cuck is short for cuckservative
>I heard it on Bill Maher's HBO show

O i am laffin

>free market of ideologies
In all seriousness, this is the way humanity will evolve.

I'm still waiting for people to wake up to the fact that we're just the next level up from the cells in our bodies, and that the golden rule and might makes right are the ultimate governing ideologies for the next step in human ideological evolution.

>White person that is not loyal to White Supremacy
They just cannot bring themselves to say the truth once in their lives can't they? It always has to be twisted in a dozen different ways.

why is the alt right always saying hitler did
nothing wrong and what do they know that
we dont? did the holocaust happen? why not?

>Cuck.I heard this one while watching Bill Maher’s HBO show several weeks ago. One of his guests kept using it. It’s short for “cuckservative,” which is a word cocktail made up of equal parts “conservative” and “cuckold.” Urban Dictionary defines it as “a racial slur for a White person that is not loyal to White Supremacy”
Wtf? She needed to look this up. Cuck is short for cuckold, who is a guy whose wife cheats on him or who gets off on watching his wife get banged by other men.

Cuckservatives and white liberals are called cucks because they are so faggy and self-hating with no backbone that they'd happily let a nignog bang their wife.

we need to expect this, they aren't reasonable

>alt right invented SJW, snowflake, and libtard

can you imagine if we wrote articles like them?

Every use new speak now

nope Sup Forums specifically Sup Forums is not "alt-right" because the "alt-right" is just a term liberals made up to generalize a large group of various political leanings so it would be easier for them to attack

You're not wrong, but the word has taken on new, more essential meaning.


>leftist talking about other people "controlling discourse through language policing"

That pic is too true. When I first came here I already disliked Muslims and nigs but slowly after seeing all the info graphics about the Jews and their ilk I came to despise them. Everywhere I look I see Jewish propaganda it's terrible.

fucking top kek

That's wrong though, the term was coined by Richard Spencer back in '08

>words have meaning
No fucking shit. Is this supposed to be groundbreaking journalism? What the fuck is a reader supposed to take from this, that the alt right calls them mean names?

Or in other words, a "pussy", "weakling", "coward"
"doormat", etc.

Doormat is the only one that comes close really in meaning, and it doesn't have the sexual connotation that adds an embarrassing sting to it. Doormat is generic, and it doesn't really imply someone ACTIVELY working against their best interests, just simply being too cowardly or weak to stand up for themselves.
The rest of your words are all pretty much encompassed by cuck.

It really is a great insult.

>There are WaPo jews here at all times monitoring us, writing shitty clickbait articles

good for him I don't give a fuck anyone can "coin" a term
the thing is is that a bunch of different political stances are classed as "alt-right" many of which even actively dislike each other for example there are the Trump supporters NatSocs Paleo-conservatives libertarians and some Neo-cons pretending not to be all of these groups have very different views and are all grouped together as the "alt-right" by the media as to make it easier for their viewers (liberals) to perceive what their enemies are and what they can be attacked for it's no different than leftists saying conservatives are all dumb rednecks

This right here. Precisely, absolutely, spot on.

>tfw the left is so far gone they think non-politically correct speak is a secret language.

These guys are something else.

>The media calls Trump supporters alt-right so the movement doesn't exist!

If the media called Trump supporters Neo-Nazis would you then extrapolate that to mean Neo-Nazis don't exist at all? Think about what you're claiming. People were calling themselves alt-right long before Clinton did a speech about it, it started as a Paleo-Conservative movement, then was heavily influenced by the European Identitarian movement and the Neo-Reactionary movement.


Oh it had an effect, hours later shills from google heard about us and came here for damage control. They must have thought they were so smart making a web censorship program, and Sup Forums destroyed it in 5 min. with a solution they would never think of - replace nigger with "google" lets see your fancy AI learn to filter for context you NWO cuck faggots

t-they dont know...

i heard an old lady yelling about googles on a payphone. the operation was a success.


>tried-and-true insults such as “fag,” “fairy,” “kike” and “hebe” (yes, I’m Jewish)



Their understanding of "cuck" is completely wrong

It's just someone that acts against their own interests and likes it

>someone that acts against their own interests and likes it
That's a very elegant, accurate and concise definition. Good job period stain.


That isn't it at all I'm saying the alt-right doesn't exist because it's just a name for a bunch of different groups that have some similar goals and are hated by the left

japs appear to be literate

But the name doesn't refer to what you think it refers to, you're basing your conclusion on a false premise

If you think libertarians are part of the kike plan you really must know next to nothing about what different political factions believe in. To clarify for you libertarians are people who want government to be limited so open market economies can flourish. Open market economy goes against what kikes want because it provides better chances for new businesses and investors and gives corporate giants, run by jews a hard time, jews like big government and regulations so that they can control the economy through their influence over legislature and not have to worry about goyim competition. This leads to a stagnant economy where simply going to the store is directly putting money in the pocket of the jew. Also groups like the white power movement can act without restrictions on their freedom of speech due to "hate speech" laws which are unconstitutional. libertarianism is not jewish if you think so tell me why using more than one sentence or go back to The_Donald

then what does the Alt-right refer to?
also those groups I listed are just examples they may or may not be part of the "alt-right" depending on various circumstances

god is there anything more painful to read than articles written by tryhard cucks that unironically try to analyze memes?

I've explained what it refers to about 3 times in this thread

>false accusations of sexism, racism, white nationalism, hate speech, etc.”
Literally every single one of those is true though why in the fuck do rightards lie like this?

>feminist: equality for women
>masculinist: evil male supremacy
what in the fuck is wrong with these people

The writer has advocated for rights for fishbuckets

>sucks Donald's dick
> Defends Russia/Trump ties
> Constantly spews Russian active measures
> Everything bad that happened under Obama was Obama's fault and anything he ever did was bad
> Everything bad that happens under Trump is because of jews or the deep state or Obama is still somehow to blame
> Refers to itself as "libertarian"


How about you drop the libertarian label and start calling yourself something more accurate, I'd go with "retarded". You're nothing more than some dumbass right wing hick who thinks he better than people on both sides yet you're no different than any other conservative retard. The same things libertarians support are the same god damn things Trump and Ryan say they support. Why are republicunts so god damn fucking retarded????