White supremacist who says there’s no ‘Christian Isis’ gets a history lesson

>Qasim Rashid’s epic response to a white supremacist went viral (Picture: Facebook/Qasim Rashid)

>Some people have a very short memory :

>genocide of Native Americans,
>400 years of the slave trade, >Spanish Inquisition,
>the KKK and
>Salem Witch Trials – to name a few.

>it appears a lot of people were grateful for the history recap after the post received more than 74,000 retweets.


#NotAllChristian ??

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Are those problems that need to be solved? What are the dates on those things?

>but ebil white supremacist!

>the crusades
Why do they never bring up the raping and conquering the arabs did for the 400 years prior?

>Active Arab slave trade that is still around today
>Violent conquests from Morocco to India
>Have killed more in the past 15 years than any other group
>11 nations where homosexuality is punishable by death, more where apostasy is a capital crime

Yeah Islam is so great and peaceful. M-muh crusades and abortion bombers

These twats are driving me further and further into an insensate rage.

Because we learn about our own history only through our eyes and see all the "horrible" things we did and are supposed to decide to hate ourselves and revere others. Nobody brings up that or the Muslim conducted genocides in India. Nobody puts anything to scale. It's just retardation.

>white people committing atrocities=christian isis

As for the other examples the difference between isis and those other christian groups is that those other groups aren't actively attacking other countries

so they're saying muslims are retarded and we should wait 400 years before accepting them?

I thought the Spanish were killing Native Americans and brining them disease long before the English.

African slave trade is still going on if we get credit for 400 years then they get centuries credit for their ancestors.

The Nazi were a political party started by the Germans. Im not fucking German

The KKK was started for different reason than they exist today and was taken over by fagots like black lives matter, the bloods and the crops.

The Salem witch trials were an isolated incident in a small community. How the fuck that involve me?

Fuck off shill and all your sage ass shit


He's right. Only the other two have 'divine feminine' nonsense

"There is no...."
"There never was a ...."

Salem witch trials is probably the only thing even close.

Our Greatest Hits.
The Good Ol Days.
Gone with the wind.
*wipes eyes*

Are christians still doing these things en mass still? Fuck no. Are muslims still inbreeding, fanatical, and extremely authoritarian? You bet.

One group acts as though the middle ages never ended and the other has created civilized society.

>eyo lemme list every bad thing I can attribute to Christianitys 2000 year history to deflect the closest thing to a Christian isis in the modern day is the Westbrook Baptist Church
Why do simpletons slurp this shit up?

terrorists, hide like rats suicide bombings
cruzades uses uniform openly declares war
openly declare their agenda of conquering the holy land.
deus vult

Oh boy.

>Genocide of native americans
Conquest, not Christians.

>400 years of slave trade
Conquest, not Christians.


>Spanish Inquisition
>Salem Witch Trials

The only two which he may have a basis for an argument. Even then pretending those didn't happen 400 years ago while ISIS is a modern organization is retarded.
Why do the dumbest people get articles in Metro and Dailymail?

Let me guess. And then the whole room stood and clapped, right?


This word. It used to mean something.

Now it is used to describe a transracial genderqueer faggot's horrendous slam poetry session.

It's a small thing, but one that shows how the world is fucked.


>400 years of slave trade
>Extreme majority of those slaves were purchased from Arab slavers
>whites went to war with each other and died by the hundreds of thousands to end slavery
>meanwhile the total amount of slave in America was completely fucking dwarfed by the slaves the Arabs had and they castrated the male ones

Inreeds aren't people, they are kike slaves. This is why they are easily programmed and brainwashed to hate Christians.

>74k tweets
Does mainstream media think that attaching the name "viral" to thinks will get them more clicks?

Also, all that shitskin did was deflect by pointing out historical examples of Christian violence. He doesn't have any legitimate equivalents that exist in the modern day.

What's wrong with what the Christians did? They were conquering the world.

What's wrong with what the Muslims did? They were conquering the world.

Yes but the modern day Christian organizations in Africa and ISIS/Al Qaeda are atrocities.

>has to dig up history.
>can't mention anything within 200 years.
>inb4 KKK though. no They were racists that happened to be christians, they didn't kill niggers because they were a different religion.

Also, KKK only killed at most 1000 blacks before the 1970s.

But there really is no Christian ISIS, what Christians did or didn't do hundreds of years ago is irrelevant, we're living in 2017 so have to deal with the dangerous ideologies of the here & now.

>whites create the modern world and civilization, technology that brings happiness to the entire planet population
>shitskins breed out of control, claim they did all the hard work, and now need more gibs to stay alive because the 'system' isn't setup for them. Well no shit, modern economies can't be run my IQ 70 shitskins.

so Christianity is getting better, while Islam continues to get worse?
Wow, really cranks my cranium.

>>genocide of Native Americans,
years of the slave trade, >Spanish Inquisition,
>>the KKK and
>>Salem Witch Trials – to name a few.

Got anything from this fucking century?
Thanks for the history lesson though.

Current year man is that you?

Anyone seeing a pattern.

Spicer says well Hitler didn't gas his people.

This nigger says well christians don't have extremists.

this just in nigger scientist cannot tell past events from current day, even though the whole argument is about whether there "IS" a CURRENT christian isis
fake news people

Only 20 people died in the Salem witch trials and superstition more then Religion played a major role in that. These people were really afraid of sorcery and witch craft.

> History lesson of Cristians

Islam today

The Klan is a racist organization, not a religious one.

They burned crosses and bombed black churches ffs.

>the "whites enslaved poor kangz" maymay
Whites "bought" slaves. From other niggers. How did this kebab faggot not get completely BTFO?




Of course I support the two Christian terror groups in India ( Because they are better than the Kuffar ) but there are three organized terror groups in the world. You don't know about them because they don't kill Christians and Westerners.

>muh 4 centeries of the European slave trade

The Arab slave trade lasted 14 centuries, It predated Islam, continued to flourish under Islam, and existed longer after all white Christian nations had abolished slavery.

some people do indeed have short memories.

The crusades were a reply to the muztards fucking over in europe
If you want my opinion it happened way too late, they had the time to capture the iberian penincula.

>remember the Ottomans Quasim?....i rest my case.

Key word HISTORY lesson. Don't really need to look in history for examples of Islamic ISIS

Apparently African buttfucking is considered Christian warfare for global saturation. It's his only half baked point the rest are just nutty revisionist propaganda he's firing off. The whole point of ISIS is their polarization of religious groups that have always been in the region and using this divide for their power hungry terroristic totalitarian pursuits ALL THE WHILE rationalizing it all by citing their holy scriptures while also pursuing a DAWAH on all denominations of Islamic faith or simply said they have more housekeeping amongst muslims let alone infidels (which other Islamic denominations are to them) to begin with. Also Germans being fascistic Christians EVER might be the dumbest thing you could've said which I had a hard time picking in your case

Tldr he's a dumbass that is defending zealots

>You don't know about them because they don't kill Christians and Westerners
wrong gaylord, its because they're not white

native americans were kinda on us, actually
slave trade was originally supported by arabs, white people took over and eventually ended it so if anything that's a mark against towelheads
inquisition was a direct response trying to prevent another invasion of spain
kkk was about killing niggers not religion
salem witch trials killed fewer than 2 dozen

but shit, that all happened decades if not centuries ago, guess we should ignore the current clear and present danger to civilized society

comparing the modern KKK with ISIS is beyond retarded. Who kkk kills nowadays?
All the others were problems from the past.
As for the indias and slave trade. Muslims committed worst genocide are traded more slaves.

christian equivalent of ISIS ie violent radical christian state that is at war with everyone around them

not 'bad christian things'

-Those were Jews and Jews aren't white.
-Native Americans damn near were extinct from disease when we started colonizing. They're still alive today. ISIS wouldn't have left anyone alive.
-I doubt the mentally ill and criminals were Christians in any sense other than being English. Again, the Aboriginals still exist. ISIS wants 100% extermination.
-Show me a culture that hasn't done some shit like that.
-Shit was pretty sick. Still would prefer the Spanish Inquisition to ISIS.
-defending your people from marauding sandniggers is bad, you guys
-Never even fucking heard of them. How many people did they burn alive, throw off of buildings, behead on youtube/facebook - how many of their own women have they thrown acid in their faces? How many mass drownings have they personally committed? How many sex slaves do they have RIGHT NOW? How many slaves do they have period, RIGHT NOW?
-Islam is cancer, what's wrong with cutting it out(destroying mosques)?
-Ethnic cleansing is OK - it's the same as cutting a tumor out of your tit. Nasty, but it has to be done.
-Humans are meat. What's wrong with cannibalizing your enemies? I think it's probably unsafe to eat people, but hey, meat is meat, amirite?
-White Supremacists are patriots and they love their own. I'm not one, but they're the goddamned vanguard of Western Civilization, you filthy nog.

>genocide of Native Americans,
>400 years of the slave trade
>Salem Witch Trials – to name a few.

Thanks for proving that the US was founded as a Christian nation.
Now get the fuck out.

>genocide of native Americans
what does christianity have to do with small pox?

>muh slavs
not a great talking point compared to muslims that enslaved literally millions of southern europeans

>spanish inquisition
actually the best example, congratulations pooskin

if you are just including all political violence then you might as well include every single governmnet on earth ever, this is about fanatical christian religious violence

>the KKK
lynched less that 4000 people over 100 years for committing crimes, they were basically a glorified vigilante group

>witch trials
good example

>Current year man is that you?
Yes, it's current year after all !

>Salem Witch Trials
Isn't that a British site? The European protestants killed way more witches than Americans did.

But you know about ISIS...

Agree with this. Look up operation searchlight. But it IS true that both sides have done equally fucked up shit.

I wish there was a Christian ISIS.

Too many westerners have become pussies.

Oh...from a DM, eh?

So, in truth, he was never asked that question, right? If he was, it was from an account he created himself to ask himself that question.

Total and utter bullshit from a typical lying mudslime.

>I'm a pastor and i approve this message
You can't be serious. You would think a pastor would actually know thier own unaltered history

Slavery also still de facto (if not officially) exists in the Arab world i.e. all the bullshit in the UAE. Also to get the others out of the way...

>Injun genocide
Not religious in nature outside of converting the ignorant savages which was, again, about saving and uplifting. No policy of genocide was ever in place.

Not really religious. "Supported" Christianity as a political thing but did what they could to try and wipe out Catholicism and probably would've done the same to Protestantism too if given the chance.

"Christian" insomuch that the W part of WASP relied on the P part but, again, religion wasn't the main driving force. Also KKK isn't any kind of threat to anyone anymore.

>Salem Witch Trials
Only lasted a year and is massively overplayed. Part of an overall broader trend of witch trials during the early modern period that stemmed mainly from the Reformation and religion was only one factor (among many) that caused.

To get the other one out of the way...

>Spanish Inquisition
Again, overhyped. 3000 killed over a period of nearly 400 years. The "evil bloodthirsty" nature of it is pretty much an invention of 19th century Protestant propaganda.

Anyway no modern Christian extremist groups exist or at least none that do anything of note like all of the various Islamic loons.

Don't. It turns your religion into a fuckfest. You can't have a theological debate beyond Jihad and Pedophilia.

They muddy it's reputation and people (like me) who want to discuss the theology and Sharia have no where to do so without someone turning it to Jihad and all the juicy theology goes to hell (No pun intended)

>history lesson
How about an optometrist visit so you can see the smears of dead bodies after what happened in good ol' Sverige.

Not to mention the Saudis still execute people for sorcery every year to this day.

Really kind of odd isn't it that certain groups seem to always get hated everywhere they go. Jews, muslims, gypsies... no matter where they end up ther eaction to them inevitably is the same. Across centuries, across millennia, it's always the same story.

But I guess the problem is that everyone else is too intolerant.

>The European protestants killed way more witches than Americans did
No shit, every half mile around here you'll find a spot where witches' were burnt, drowned, hanged, or otherwise fucked up in some way, they were big into that back in the day.

The group in Uganda that muzzie mentioned is a bunch of niggers...just so we're clear on that...not white, but niggers.

Nigs gonna nig no matter the religion.

Only two of these were done in the name of Christianity, the Spanish Inquisition and the Crusades. The latter being entirely justified. Muslims should be exterminated with extreme prejudice like the rodents they are.

All religions cause people to do stupid things, including murdering people for not believing in them.

The problem right now is that mainstream Wahhabi Islamism specifically calls for violence and jihad. It's like Puritanism for Islamists. The Salem Witch Trials were one community in the 17th century in one part of the world; the current problem with Islamism is that it's not one community but a worldwide interpretation of the religion enforced and worshipped by the majority of Islamic countries, especially Saudi Arabia which is de-facto a Wahhabist monarchy and where Wahhabism was born.

There are very few times in history that any religion - Christianity, Islamism, whatever - directly inspired people to commit atrocities. The "genocide of native Americans", slaves, Nazis were not examples of Christian religious violence - they were examples of man's ambition and thirst for power. No white man woke up one morning and said "I need to start a slave trade because my God says it must be this way."

But radical Islamic terrorism IS directly influenced by Wahhabist interpretations of Islam, and the mosques preach for true believers to attack the kuffar if they don't want to be converted - to be intolerant of Westerners in general.

That is why Islamism is a problem, a far bigger problem than Christian supremacism.

>>white people committing atrocities=christian isis
this every fucking time


You don't need to justify yourself. It's the same as saying that white people have to pay reparations for what some of their ancestors did.

While blacks, Arabs, Turks, Indians and Chinese also did it.

Christian "evil" = Not baking a cake for faggots

Muslim "evil" = murdering their own people in the most horrendous ways possible

> past killers are more important than the current ones

"They will profess me with their lips but their hearts will be far from me."

"Lord, Lord, didn't we prophecy and cast out demons in your name?!" "I never knew you. Get away from me, you who practice lawlessness."

>My fellow (((Christians)))
LOL, Christians confirmed for kikes.

This. The natives most of them got wiped the fuck out by disease anyone claiming that have indian blood in them if they're not from South America they're a lying POS. The remnants of indigenous blood here is less than 1%. Most if not all natives became worm food in the Caribbean, long before African slaves were brought over.

Think that's a Mexican, so probably catholic. There's lefty protestants too but true based Christians know the evil of Islam.

Islam is the most evil religion ever perpetuated.

>formula feeder

Why are liberals against breast feeding now? It's because nobody gets upset by breastfeeding anymore?

>genocide of Native Americans
We knew about germ warfare before we knew what germs were?
>400 years of the slave trade
Compared to the 1400 year Muslim slave trade that still continues today or the literally 2800 year slave trade that China still continues 400 years isn't very long. Also not ISIS tier since we got slaves for work not to rape and subsequently kill
>Spanish Inquisition
Wanting a centralized religion for your own people with an already heavily established doctrine that most of your people follow is now something ISIS does?
Did what exactly like ISIS?
>the KKK
A leftist group that only killed 3800 people in it's 100 year existence?
>Salem Witch Trials
A religious Zeitgeist that came out of a stupid prank a bunch of teenage sluts invented that caught on as a way for keeping people in line and getting rid of the more sceptical and vocal opponents of the church?
Is this seriously all they have?

christianity is a cuckold religion, that's why a lot of northern europe has the cross for a flag. although jesus represents the sun astrotheologically and the bible has some good gems in it, it was forced upon the native pagans by the blade awhile back so they could terminate white populations of the north.

From Wikipedia: Prejudice is an affective feeling toward a person or group member based solely on their group membership.

Qasim Rashid holds prejudice against all white people based on actions of a few of them. That makes him a racist. Leftists lionize and glorify a racist? Do tell.

Who is this erection enabler

essential the rome and the vatican owns the world is what i meant to say. and no religion is different. including money and government.

You posted this yesterday and got BTFO. Christians had the reformation. So no there is currently no "Christian ISIS" just backwards sand nigger ISIS. Islam is still in the dark ages.

Convert the barbarian islamists

>The Lord's Resistance Army
>A bunch of shitskins using doctrine to justify thinning the herd and taking power
>Literally any white person with half a brain would condemn them and suggest wiping them out
>Can't find any Muslims that will say the same about ISIS(though I do know a Turk who is itching to remove not just ISIS but most kebab in the middle east)

It's because it increases the babies IQ
Also, tits are for attracting mates, not patriarchal constructs like feeding the babies.

Wow. So
>white supremacist: "there's no Christian ISIS"
>uses present tense
>epic responder: "what about all this stuff that happened over a century ago?"

makes sense

>needing to go to history to find a counterexample
why are liberals and muslims so fucking obtuse?

Were the Nazis killing for Christianity?

Come to Florida mate
We are pretty much you guys without the giant desert, socialism, Abbos, gun hate, inflation, and our insane wildlife is only cranked to 14 instead of 26 like it is in Straya
Also we'll let you kill some Muslims pretty soon

But the Westboro Baptist Church is literally a troll congregation and they don't attack anybody and never have

digis twice means Kek knows it to be true

Because they are rags
Bullshit for Normie's to soak up and fill their heads with so they don't pay attention, like daytime television





Careful what you wish for.

If what you describe rises, I have a feeling it will be bad

yes. and they're about the worst christians you'll find in modern times