Southwest airlines master race

>never have problems with customers
>Doing away with paper tickets in 800 million dollar upgrade, saving many trees
>Logo is a heart implying they really
do cherish their customers
>If you buy tickets early, they can easily be under 70$
>Won't get beaten up when you book and flight with them
>Best peanuts

Can we get a Southwest airlines appreciation thread going? It seems they are the only ones keeping it civil

Other urls found in this thread:

>No first class
>No airport lounges
>literally an airline designed for cackling old ladies, college kids, and families on vacation

they even make you line up like kindergarteners under little numbers before you get on the plane.

oh yeah i forgot how they encourage their employees to be special snowflakes and add "creativity and spirit" to the usual airplane announcements.

>No first class
>No lounge
Other airlines have these and they still fall flat on their faces

>they even make you line up like kindergarteners under little numbers before you get on the plane

They are trying to avoid over boarding.

Bait harder faggot

>mfw flying southwest

>If you buy tickets early, they can easily be under 70$
Bull-fucking-shit, not once has a SW flight EVER been cheaper than AA/Delta/Spirit.

What's wrong with trying to lighten the atmosphere with adding more spirit and trying to be silly over the intercom? If it bothers you wear headphones you bitter piece of shit.

do you know how I can contact shareblue

Factor in the cost of baggage, user.

Southwest lets you check two bags for free, while other airlines charge $25 or $50 a bag.

You have to buy them at least 3 weeks in advance. I can show you old receipts of my cheap southwest tickets if you want me to.
I pay 117$ on average round trip if booked Early

They are no-doubt based, never had a problem going from Texas to Arizona all my life.

What does that have to do with anything?

>over boarding.

that's not even an air travel term.

have you ever even flown not for vacation?

Med student here: We should report this guy to the state medical board for a psychiatric assessment for fitniless to perform his duty. Would you want him to perform a heart catherization on you?

What difference does it make, nigger?

Double integers say you should bro.

You've never flown Southwest, have you? Their planes are those of third world countries, they're so ungodly small.

Sorry, will only fly United now. Since they will make the right call and drag some asshole off the plane that's holding up the flight, I'm there.

Every time I eat their food I get sick, but other than that it's a decent companty. Virgin is preferred though since their wifi actually works and I can rub one out in the shitter midflight if I get the urge heh

I like the free snacks you get on flight. I never flew with them till I had to do a business trip. I liked the plane shape cookies and even on a 1 hour flight they where handing out bags of Oreos and such.

Fuck yeah.

Southwest companion pass holder right here (I can bring my gf to fly for free with me) Fly them all the time, by far my favorite airline, and it's based out of based texas

It's an airline to at least help save money where you can. Free luggage. Why the fuck do you need a lounge?? Just go get a seat like everyone else

I like it, makes them seem more human instead of the ones on united and american that won't interact with you outside of giving you peanuts and a drink

Pic related is flights to las vegas. And that's with your luggage factored into it

The only time I ever flew delta, because SW didn't fly to miami. Delta lost my luggage on the way there, but were able to deliver it to my hotel. Then they lost it on the way back, never found it. And my luggage had LITERALLY all my clothes in it, and refused to reimburse me for new clothes because they demanded to have receipts for shirts that were like 2 years old. I had to wear the same clothes for a week to work until my company gave me 200 bucks to buy new clothes from the fucking sales rack at target

also if you fly united, you'll have a better chance of the seat next to you being empty due to the "muh outrage" people.

Yeah i might agree with you on there m8. Their planes are pretty small. But as long as you're not some fucking boogie2988 or whatever than you should be k

This man knows what's up! I wish I made a Southwest account when I first started flying them. I would have a shit ton of free flights because I've road with them so much.
Also you forgot the picture you mentioned!

>Why the fuck do you need a lounge??

>All you can drink free booze
>All you can eat free kitchen food
>comfy chairs and couches
>free wifi

but yeah... you enjoy that free pack of peanuts and diet coke.

Was the liquor complementary? Those heart straws or stirs are fucking insane.

You need to learn to work the people, because all the seats are first come, first serve. You have to make them look unappealing.

Usually, I'll sit window and stick some of my belongings in the middle seat, so people walking by will assume that someone is sitting there, and they're just in the bathroom. Or if you're flying with someone, just have them sit in the aisle seat, leaving the middle seat open, making it more likely for the other people to go try to find a window or aisle seat. Or sit in the middle seat, leaving the window seat open for as long as you can, but cover your face and pretend to sleep so nobody will bother you, then move to the window when everybody has boarded

>I've road with them so much.

I take it back. You are indeed, Southwest's target customer.

With the way things are going for Southwest, I'm sure they will upgrade into a way that even people like you would be satisfied.

Oops.Here's that pic

I don't drink, and all my food is reimbursed by my work, and theres always free wifi at the airports. The comfy seats seem okay

Rode** sorry man. It's like 12:30 and I've had a long day.
Here, have a picture of my favorite pepe. I'll let you share it :p

I mean save it

Damn man that's fucking awesome.
United airlines BTFO

No you have to pay for liquor. Soda, water, juice is complementary and so are the snacks. I think most airlines would charge you like $3 for a bag of Oreos.

>Logo is a heart implying they really do cherish their customers

also their stock ticker is LUV

And their home airport is love field airport

Damn, you find out something more nice about them every time. Definitely /our airline/

Believe me, most of their employees are pol-tier autists too

They obviously are trying to harness meme energy when their stock tick is LUV and their headquarters is located on lovefield. Oh and don't forget that heart logo.

>Flies from San Jose to Orange County at least twice a month (round trip)
>If you book in advance it is MUCH MUCH MUCH cheaper then anything else
>Not my fault you procrastinate.

I was actually thinking about working for them. All of their employees get free flights to wherever if there are open seats. I was talking to a guy sitting next to me who loads luggage, said he was flying from san diego to denver because he saw a food show the night before about a bbq place there that he wanted to eat at. So he was flying out in the morning to eat lunch at the bbq place in colorado and flying back at night. seems pretty cool

Don't forget, they also have free cancellations for all flights, up to 1 hour before departure. Southwest is a perfect example of a business doing things right and succeeding because of it.

I recently flew Spirit Air from OAK to LAX. Avoid, avoid, avoid.
> Carry on bag extortion story.png
I've flown Southwest in the past. Pleasant, no surprises, silly stewardesses, cheap.

But how is this politics related?

The airline shit is not politics. GTFO

America is literally your fucking playground if you work at southwest.
But to be honest that's probably a perk if you work in any airlines.

Not trying to shill for them but i work there as a ramp agent, so baggage handler and its the best job i've ever had. I literally just meme out with my buddies all day with maybe 2hrs of actual work in an 8hr shift. Pay is great, benefits are phenomonal and the whole company runs on alcohol

What's going on that's so important in the world that this is considered a fucking slide thread you cocksucker?

It's a company that Sup Forums should definitely respect and I figured we should have at least one positive thread about airlines, with the whole negativity coming from that shitstorm coming from united.
Let the world know that at least one airline is doing it right. Plus it's late so one thread that's not so political shouldn't hurt.

I noticed flying around that Southwest employees seem to be happy when they are working. Can't say I have seen that anywhere else. I mean, if a stewardess is willing to sing on the intercom, she must be happy with things.

Matching 77s is correct. Everytime I enter and leave the plane, it's just full of smiles from the flight attendants and pilots and a bunch of thank you for riding with us. Very pleasant.

Thats good to know. I live in San Diego, so it would be pretty fucking sick to work by the beach everyday, working outside in the sun, getting a workout too. I'll probably apply tomorrow!

Yeah, they really do, every single one of them, from the people giving you the tickets, to the people at the gates and doing luggage
Plus the nigger rhymes, love Southwest!