Mfw people here actually think the fbi pays people to shit post on Sup Forums

>mfw people here actually think the fbi pays people to shit post on Sup Forums

>mfw people here actually think a wall will help

>mfw people here actually think the world is run by giant lizards

>mfw people here actually think 9/11 never happened

>mfw people here actually think hitler doesn't exist and is a myth

>mfw people here actually think the moon isnt real

The fuck's wrong with you guys?

Other urls found in this thread:

There is only B O G

getting kinda tired...anyone else maximum /comfy/ and starting to fade away?

Why would the FBI pay people to post here? There are dozens of other agencies to take care of that.

>look mom i posted it again

Is it even a strawman if you don't refute the ideas you've projected?


vault 7 my man
not fbi but cia does


>the cia has nothing better to do than shitpost on Sup Forums

>you know like catch terrsts

lol shill

can you link me i must have missed that

>mfw people here actually think the fbi pays people to shit post on Sup Forums
>mfw people here actually think a wall will help
Why won't it? The Gulf is a long as way to swim and there is security at the airport.
>mfw people here actually think the world is run by giant lizards

>mfw people here actually think 9/11 never happened
Inside Job=/=Hoax
9/11 was done by Israel to expand its land after the US invaded Iraq
>mfw people here actually think hitler doesn't exist and is a myth
>mfw people here actually think the moon isnt real
Again, Wat?

take that back

You read me right, some people think the moon itself is non existence

>to expand it's land after the US invaded iraq

Then why did the US invade Afghanistan instead of iraq?

hey bruh
interested on a board to talk Sup Forums shit without all that?
I'm trying to gather other people like you, but it's gonna be boring for a while without people

go to and let's talk there

Fuck off, leaf.

What the fuck is actually wrong with flat earthers? is it autism?

after many a rigorous debate with flat earthers I have come to the conclusion that they have some fucked up trust issues and think the whole world is trying to trick them. I'd say 95% of them are schizo's and the other 5% are kids

>there are people here that take things out of context and ignores actual facts because he wants to seem superior to everyone else in conversation

*cough cough*

The first two are true though.

No idea but according to them this is what earth actually looks like.

>the fbi uses it's resources and money to shitpost online.

Do you have any idea how retarded that sounds?

fuck off shill

user I have some bad news for you. The government is not always bright. I dunno about posting here but Sup Forums is monitored at the very least.

lisa simpson thumbnail. How appropriately libtarded.

monitored sure, if they have a good cause or reason to believe some shits gonna go down.

You guys seriously believe the fbi is going to waste their time and money reading what you sick fucks have to say online?


>mfw people here actually think the fbi pays people to shit post on Sup Forums
Agents have wives and families to come home to. They also have the same amount of free time after 5pm as any other government employee.

>mfw people here actually think a wall will help
It's an expensive strategy but it would contain people inside their own country

>mfw people here actually think the world is run by giant lizards
No comment

>mfw people here actually think 9/11 never happened
9/11 did happen, but it was perpetrated by Mossad

>mfw people here actually think hitler doesn't exist and is a myth
Never heard this one, but Hitler never died.

>mfw people here actually think the moon isnt real
Technically, if you have personally never visited the moon but only have seen a projection of it, there's a < 1/10!% possibility we are living in a simulation.

>You guys seriously believe the fbi is going to waste their time and money reading what you sick fucks have to say online?

You seriously believe they don't?

Too many murders were posted here in 07', they don't have a choice.

kek, and you think you are not one of us... kekekeke

new fag as fuck where were you when the amount of sources were posted on the shite Hillary was willing to do and openly admitted to payin cunts to fuck us over and lost btw

gone fuckin neck yourself ya fuckin shill cunt

talking about the FBI shitposting, do have a read at this thread that got 404'd it might be important or not.

>Mfw you're CIA

Forgot the picture, how silly of me.

Can't fool me, CIA nigger.



it's likely they're watching but it's highly unlikely they're gonna do anything to you unless you upload something that will draw their attention.

>believing everything people say on the internet


Btw GG on rekting russians during winter war...No re

>CIA tries to slowly frame imageboard users as being X
>attempts to cash-in too quickly

that's not how you do it, "newfag"

>he thinks the federal government wouldn't waste money for laughibly inefficient purposes
>he thinks walls don't prevent things from coming in


You gotta say the right things to make them start talking, user.

Same thing with intelfags, CIAniggers, JDIF, or any five eye friends.

But no, only cointelpro and CIA are paid to actually post things here.

Have you tried to monitor Sup Forums without shitposting, it's impossible.

As someone who works in government you'd be surprised if some of the most inane things people get a salary for just to fill a budget


I wouldn't want to give our friends less respect than they deserve :^).

I've been on Sup Forums since 1990 I assure you I'm no where near new.

I strongly doubt the FBI or CIA is going to bother wasting their time on here when they're out catching criminal scum.

Well I'm not paid to shitpost

>mfw the fbi pays people to shit post on Sup Forums
The fuck's wrong with you guys?

>Mfw people have varying beliefs and opinions regardless if they are true or not

>I strongly doubt the FBI or CIA is going to bother wasting their time on here when they're out catching criminal scum.

Not everyone is a field agent, user.

And even among those who are, the allure of conversation is more enticing than you give it credit for.

>the fbi

Are you retarded?


Shillary didn't win

Also kek!

You stated two things that only a shill would say and camoufled it with bullshit. Im not dumb enough to fall for your tricks, senpai.

>not everyone is a field agent, user

Irrelevant never said anything about field agents

man aren't you guys getting sleepy? Think it's time to head to bed.

>mfw people here actually think the fbi pays people to shit post on Sup Forums
Just 2 guys on alternating shifts.

>mfw you believe anything people say online

you can't prove that the moon is real

You can't prove 9/11 was an inside job.

That wasn't my only exchange with them.

>shill doesn't think a literal human bean would do human bean things like shitpost
>no that would just completely destroy my world view
>drumpf will never ever be president
>d-d-drumpf will be kicked out first week!
heheheahahahahaha 8 MORE YEARS BITCH GOTCHA

drumpf will start world war 3

baiting for active times to lurk and shill on Sup Forums well nope were immortal cunt and we actually never sleep so enjoy gettin rekt every time you act a cunt

I wonder when they'll finally come to terms with it.

Go chase your rainbows and get drunk.

When they stop getting paid for it.

Who would WWIII even be between?


>look the merchant is at it again

The world.