Syria General /sg/ - Death to Shills Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Palmyra Apr11
>Raqqa Apr9
>Mosul Apr9
>E Aleppo/Raqqa Apr6
>N Hama Apr3
>Jobar Mar23
>DeZ Feb23

Developments Apr11
>N hama: SAA storm base S of Suran
>S Palmyra: SAA, Hez liberate Sawwanah Junction
>NW Aleppo: SAA,Liwaa Al-Quds target the territory around Anadan Plain
>Putin:Idlib ‘chemical attack’ was false flag to set Assad up, more false flag to happen
>G7 rejects UK's call for sanctions on Russian over Syria
>SDF attempt to enter the town of Tabqa
>Tillerson visits Moscow. Russian, Iranian, Syrian FMs to meet in Moscow at end of week
>U.S: Tillerson says Russia must choose between aligning with US or with Assad
>Tiger forces recapture Maardes
>IS claims responsibility for rocket attack on S Israel
>army:IS controls less then 7% on Iraq
>Best korea ready for war,China moved additinal 150k soldiers at the border,US Navy strike group heads towards them


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who is going to win the battle between these two?

Assad will stay comfy

What's wrong with isolationism? Our military budget is so much larger than everyone's or is that just a meme.

Battle between those two isnt happening ramirez

Do you also want someone to predict the outcome of next presidential elections in Russia?

pretty sure there's alot more people who'd want to kill Medvedev

First for nakba

russian hackers will not let putin win

it's a meme because the budget is wasted

BREAKING: Russians hacked Russian election

Death to America!
/ag/ soon God willing!

>What's wrong with isolationism? Our military budget is so much larger than everyone's

You just answered your own question. All that gear needs to be used in order to justify its own existence. This is called the "military-industrial complex."
>Putin is backing a person that's truly an evil person" and goes further calling Assad "an animal"

Death to Trump regime.

libyans for sure
it seems that 3rd world countries are more redpilled about (((you know who)))

>an animal
Will no one stop this madman?

Trump is courting normies like when Putin compliments Islam.
Our normies are more blood thirsty and honorless than yours

Can anyone post some White Helmet images or links? Never really built a folder but now I'm in a discussion with someone over them.

>pic not related but it's a Jew

Is literally this!!

it's not going to work, they still see him as Hitler

But Assad is WORSE than Hitler.


So now Trump has said publically that the US doesn't plan to invade or go to war with Syria, how long before the next massive gas attack?
It took under 48 hours last time.
They will probably have many more killed, lots of children to tug at Ivanka's heartstrings.
I'm sure it will be brutal.

Why not just cut spending, decrease activity duty while increasing reserves, and focus on domestic issues while the rest of the world fights over some sand?

based trump

Freedom ain't free

You won't get much other than context less images or images with made up smear captions. I find the white helmets are evil meme so dumb, there's much more genuine evil people to hate in Syria

According to spookanon and the Russian MoD

>Took under 48 hours last time

The Jews are likely ready to invest in his next venture if he just gains a few popularity points.

Assad makes me shake more than literally.

it took 48 hours to go from
>The people of Syria will decide if Assad stays

The Ruskies are already saying that the rebels are planning a 3-city wide massive false flag to justify American intervention.

So probably soon. Otherwise the Russians wouldn't be making such dire warnings.

>>The people of Syria will decide if Assad stays
we know what does it mean

The israelis, sure, but the diaspora fucking hate him no matter what

The Trump administration stated on tv and in the UN that they were no longer pursing regime change in Syria.
Less than 48 hours after that, there was the gas attack, and the cries of Assad must go returned.

>"Since we have destroyed Assad's chemical capabilities, it appears this attack was performed by the rebels"
>60k tomahawks fly all over Syria murdering snackbars
>"Death toll is 1k lower than anticipated. Sad!"


Israel mossad and al-CIAda already working on it

Then i want to see what trump does, he cornered himself with his idiotic move if he really didnt want to go to war with Assad

Russian MoD on Burger Missiles: US Tomahawk strike on Syria as effective as dropping missiles from air balloons

Lel 3 city wide? Putin said one place. Or are other Russians just expanding on the disinfo? If another big attack does indeed happen it will look more like a rebel creation. But i feel like it'll be silence.

Its more likely to be
>Russia and Syria lied about destroying all the chemical weapons.
>Missiles attempt to destroy all airbases and command centers

it's been half a week, anyone know what's happening on the ground?

Military ironmongery is a major domestic product so you'll be shutting down a lot of factories as well as bases. Much of that budget is congressional pork given in the form of free D.O.D. contracts in the congressperson's district.

In order to shut down the Pentagon military machine, you need a major political upheaval.

Gains by SAA
Buildup in Jordan
other than that, nothing

If the US attacks Syria, I think Putin will take the opportunity to invade Ukraine.
I mean, what are the western powers going to say or do about it? They'll have just invaded a sovereign country themselves. Also, the US military will be nuts deep in Daraa by that point, and too busy fending off Hezbollah VBIEDs to deal with a separate conflict.

>screencapping in case I'm right

Putin said 3 cities, actually.

Fights for Daraa, gains around Palmyra, gains at northen Aleppo.
Kurds are stil besieging city next to tabqa, Hama is somewhat calm

Hmm. I know I've seen many of the images around here with some of them having some information on them. Basically I'm aware that White Helmets are at least a mixture of people wanting to legitimately help people and others who are there just to make anti-Assad propaganda.

Am I wrong on this? How?

>wanting debt riddled hohols
maybe Dontesk and Lushanka, but since they already have Crimea, they'll be fine

Advancing in Hama.
Kotel in west Aleppo forming.
Attacks and counter-attacks in Daraa.
Advancing around Palmyra, maybe heading south and east to cut off a US/Jordan advance to Deir Ezzor.

What a stupid theory. Russian no holds barred invading Ukraine would be all out war, and Russia isn't stupid enough to do it, no matter how hypocritical the US seems

>Putin will take the opportunity to invade Ukraine
Literally nothing of value beyond Crimea
All the Soviet era industry and science centers are gone by now

Loved how the (((media))) ignored this

Not to mention they have nothing to gain from it since the remaining parts of Ukraine are worthless.

So I'm basically wishing for something that's never gonna happen.

97.62% win :')

I'm sure it will be called an invasion of Ukraine by the media. Its more likely they will just let the NAF off the leash a little. Have them crack some Ukrainian units, maybe take a few major towns.
And hypocrisy has never stopped the west from doing anything. They'll scream Russian Aggression from the highest hill in the land over it.

It's both. Clearly they are pro rebel biased. They spend all day cleaning up civilian mush after Assad airstrikes so clearly they hate him if they don't already. Just seems weird to smear campaign rebel EMS.


>that's never gonna happen.
No it'll happen, it's just a matter of when
the US is in major imperial decline right now, we just don't know how it's going to crash

>it will look more like a rebel creation
Yes, just like the april 4th attack.

But I'm sure all the retards at /ptg/ will eat it up.

I don't know where any of this is going, but USA has always been militarily aggressive. Something big has to change if we want it to stop.

Hola primo


something tells me that's australia, just based on the trees and how fat everyone is


>too busy fending off Hezbollah VBIEDs to deal with a separate conflic
I really wonder how mureens will fare against Hezbolla guerillas.

True, there's nothing of much value there.
It's a matter of pride. Russian nationalists regard Ukraine as Russian clay. Look at the risks they took to grab south Ossetia and Abkhazia (in the middle of the Iraq war, I might add). Not much there, either.

I'm wanting some hit me in the face blatant here. I don't really think April 4th counts as that. Now, if it happens again before the end of the year, that'll raise some flags for me. Cause after eating 59 tomahawks you know, you'd think, Assad definitely would not use them

So are you telling me that Assad is bombing civilians, these guys clean up and over time they decide to join the rebel factions? Therefore the anti-Assad propaganda is more or less justified?

Thanks it sounds like the usual skirmishes. So the base attack didn't coincide with a new 'rebel' offensive, or they were met with the same intensity from SAA/RaF?

Of course the FBI tried to COINTELPRO the pro-assad protest

ISIS attacked
ISIS got repelled

>I really wonder how mureens will fare against Hezbolla guerillas
Objectively speaking, Hezbollah is probably the most competent military in the Middle East by far, with IRGC probably being a bit better
Assuming the muhreens were going toe to toe, I'd bet on Hezbollah every time
changes once you bring in air power though

Well ill tell you all a secret.
There are no democrats or republicans, there are only US elites and global elites.
Clinton camp represents US elites and its goal to keep robbing world and living large.
Trump represents global elites and his task is to deflate and restructure US since such way of life is unsustanable for this planet much longer.

Some of them are in rebel factions already, some aren't. You can watch the videos posted on YouTube, it's just endless collapsed homes where they are clambering to pull out half crushed bodies day after day, obviously a depressing job and it will obviously make you hate the person responsible for the mess you're cleaning up. Like if you're in the shoes of the guy cleaning up dead civilians day after day of course you hate him. That's just natural.

Yeah it changed nothing so far, if fact Hama area is calmer when usual

in fact*

>US military

>fending off Hezbollah VBIEDs

they are biased because you sympathize with the people you are in contact with, with whom you cooperate. These people try to help the bombed civilians and they know Assad only from impending bomb strikes

USMC will just CAS Hezzies until they're not combat effective because they're pussies who can only fight when they have immense overwhelming force on their side


im sure they've changed doctrine since 83

>War should be fair

Last time out did not go well. The 1983 Beirut barracks bombing was the deadliest attack on US Marines since Iwo Jima. Hezbollah is a more cunning and dangerous adversary than Al Qaeda. The Israelis know this.

America in general is CAS crazy. We went into Vietnam and decided being CAS crazy is the only way

Equal numbers and no airpower MAYBE . . . USMC would have the edge in artillery and numbers most of the time.

Both groups have.

ISIS tried a 2 pronged assault to cut off Palmyra, but failed.
HTS were already being pushed back, so it didn't affect them much.
The airbase is functional as a landing strip and refuel/repair point, but its usefulness as a command center is degraded since they hit the radars and control tower. Its degraded their ability to conduct airstrikes in the region. The US claims by 20%. That seems to be a reasonable number.
It has put the region at risk due to this loss in capability.
Any losses that could have been avoided by air support are entirely on the US and Trump's hands.

Hezbollah humilliated those ((((((parasites))))) in 2006

I think you're overestimating our military, we're not that great, we're just good at picking easy targets

You know I have not seen one mention of what the target of the "gas attack" was in Idlib.
>Where are the dead rebels?
>How many and what ordinance was dropped.

im not suggesting, that, im saying the Hezzies would be fine in an infantry enagagement, but American doctricne is CAS centrist and the Hezzies wouldnt be able to fight that

To be fair, how else can you into jungle warfare insurgency

>Assad terrorist regime thread in a Trump board
Get the fuck out.

A shed in Khan Sheikhoun, more in the outskirts of the town. 87 victims, all civvies, 20+ children.

And nobody knows what ordnance was dropped as the crater and debris suggest an artillery shell but US State Dept. claims it was an airstrike.
Generally fuck knows.

> Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said today he personally reviewed the intelligence on the Syrian regime’s April 4 chemical attack on its own people, and there is no doubt the regime is responsible for the decision to attack and for the attack itself.

I don't expect the US can even put a sizeable army into Syria right now, or get approval for the saturation bombing needed to protect that army. Not that great indeed.

But why overestimate Hezbollah who are on a far tighter budget, technologically and logistically? If the US really invades it will be a huge emergency, I would not be surprised to see Hezbollah leave the front line or even withdraw to Lebanon in that situation.

>Assad terrorist regime

Hes fighting ISIS you retard