Are greeks white?

Are greeks white?

Other urls found in this thread:

only the females

I know Greeks with blue eyes

pay denbts

Greeks are Atlantian superhumans, they created the Aryan race as a joke.

not anymore

white like you my man

my blood is %100 german

i know brother, i know.

pic related

I know dogs with blue eyes

Greek women are not as trashy as northern euros

Hahahahahahahaha holy shit and he's peruvian.


I read in the news they will let you ride them for a Sandwich

It sounds pretty trashy

Fake news

they look, and they are

that guy isn't white

probably british tourists

he is son


Andy Milonakis is Greek and he doesn't identify as white

No - Greeks are NOT white. They are OLIVE or HONEY CARAMEL in colour!


You see my white friend, despite begin part sandnigger, of the 20 or so German Argentines i know only 4 have lighter skin than me.

their credit score suggests no.

>this thread again

I liked it more when threads about us were about the denbts.

Not for the last 700 years or something.

Ancient Greeks were white. Greece got hit by the Islamic expansion. In Greece today you have little brown dessert niggers, the white Greeks and everything in between. Kind of like Italy north and south.

Germany took over that.
They have to pay 300 billion to the US.
tous gamise re


I am Greek

No they are black.

Of course they are white, they are Meds which form part of the White Race.
Do you niggers even know about White Sub-Groups??