Texas thread

Lived in Texas my whole life, wondering what others think about it and if they have any questions.

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San Antonio is on my radar for a SAP position in the future. How will the White man fair in SA?

I like it here. Faggots need to pass constitutional carry already, though.

Any other fAggies lurking?

Austinite here


reporting in

I really hate Texas with a passion.

hello fellow austinite user.
Chili's on 45th is where it's at.

You must be an Oklahoma fag.

I've been there. Not fun. I had some friends at UT about 20 years ago. Cost 25ยข to ride the bus from MLK to 6th street if you weren't a student. Good times.

Norwegian living in Houston.

It's alright. Like the food and bars, but what the fuck is up with closing all the bars at 2 o'clock? Where the fuck is the freedom?

My nigga

I was born in TX. There are a lot of things I miss about it, but I love the mountains too much to move back. Although any castle doctrine state has my
vote. Texas is like it's own country.

You get the fuck back to your trailer and let the redneck rage out there instead of in public. What part of town are you in? 610 West is really the best place to go out around Houston. Unless you're rich and old, then stick to the Woodlands waterway.

Grew up in SA. It depends on where you move to. Aim for north/northeast side of town. City politics is full lib, though. Not as bad as niggers in Dallas or Houston, but SAPD is pretty corrupt (or was).

It's not a bad place to live.

best place to raise conservative, non religious family? goods schools and people without too many SJW?

Is it absolutely overrun with spics? If so, is there any saving it?

>tfw don't have enough hours for the ring
>tfw mindlessly rubbing the spot it would sit because all my friends just got theirs

>jealous faggot

Stay out.

Is it hot as fuck in Texas? Seems like a hot place. Say what you will about Commiefornia but the weather is great.

Every time I've been to SA I've been the only white person as far as I can see. Isn't it like 70% Mexican? Not exactly a utopia, if you get my meaning.

Fort Worth, I'd say.

Avoid Houston, DFW, Austin, The Valley and SA. Nothing but white Germans.

Montrose/River Oaks. I probably make more money than you've ever could've dreamt of.

Most of the time yeah
That's why you stay indoors.

What's the best part to move to if money isn't a problem? I've been thinking about getting a nice house in Fort Worth, then maybe also buying a condo in Austin for times when I want to be in a bigger city and closer to my own age group. And yes I'm aware that Austin is pozzed.

It's not. Texas history proves it doesn't take white majority to save Texas. Let 'em come. We'll stack spics a spic high.

Kek, River Oaks is nice, but I hate Houston. I'll stick to comfy Conroe country living. That 'redneck rage' wasn't directed at you, just the general redneck that frequents the bars in Houston.

I'd recommend closer to the coast.

Don't move to Austin

Does steer semen really taste like pineapple juice if the steer is grass fed?

Canyon Lake or the Hill Country.

Idk about bull cum, horse cum is where it's at.

I'm out in San Angelo currently. Comfy town, good vibes and not too many minorities outside of downtown. Feels good man.

where and why?

It claims to be 40% white but the only whites I ever see in San Antonio are at whole foods or they're tourists at the river walk.
Hello fellow Aggie

nature of my job is i've been to more murican cities than most americans, but i've never stepped foot anyplace outside a city smaller than 500,000 people.

so, don't know shit about the good folk of texas toiling in the desert, but as far as what i do know:

Dallas-fucking awesome. Top 5 American cities easily
San Antonio-Pretty, it's allright
Houston-Discount New York


Terrible idea, if you want to live around white people expect an hour long commute each way

NYfag. Jealous. How many blue districts in TX now?


I hate UTSA

Hill Country is where it's at

Born and raised in Dripping Springs here.

Who here hate spics unconditionally?

My opinions on Texas

>born in Austin
>went to UT
>I am an old fag
>watched every area I ever lived in turn into atleast 50% mestizo over my life time
>half to move every 5 years to avoid the brown horde
>everyone is fat as fuck
>no public land
>mowing the yard all the fucking time in 90 degree heat
>everyone just lives in side
>no 4 seasons
>everyone is brown
>Texas governors Richards, Bush, Perry never did anything about stopping or dealing with illegals thereby fucking the state forever

Fuck it I moved to Montana.. it's a way way better place to raise white children.

>Canyon lake
Literally a cholo beat a white kid to death at Canyon HS.

Also the fucking commutes man.

Reporting in. Grew up with them further north.

>wondering what others think about it and if they have any questions

How does it feel being more irritating than crossfitters, vegans, and feminists?


You guys are alright. Wish we could go back to the 1850s when California wanted to be Texas. Don't let the Angelinos trying to find affordable housing ruin your freedom haven. As soon as I'm done building the wall and poisoning all the goat meat in California I promise the exodus will end. Hopefully by then without the illegals overwhelming the polls we'll go red again.

I go to canyon lake for granny d's
Biggest pancakes in Texas

Mexican border has moved to south Austin.

>1980s workers all hot blondes with red swimsuits
>1990s workers blondes and brunettes red then blue swimsuits
>2000s workers poo in loos, Mexicans ugly people in dark blue
Fuck everything Texas about 1900-1985 was god tier

Now it's just all fucking ruined

I've been here since the mid '90s. I'm about to move for the 5th time to avoid the brown horde. Taxes aren't low, they have no state income tax but enjoy your 3.5% property tax. You moved to Montana.

I didn't look at the school districts. I should, because where you live is where you go here in Texas. That's why I'm about to dump a few hundred grand to get my kids away from spics and niggers. Again.

I loved based Texas, away from the big cities. It's the worst place on earth the closer you get to the big population centers.

fuck off, Texas is a brand, it's the third most recognizable state to outsiders after New York(which is a bland state coasting on NYC's glory) and Cali(which is, well, Cali.)
People love Texas. You can't even pronounce it without doing a cowboy accent.

Planning to possibly go there. tell me user, how is the size of the school affect an individual student. i like the idea of going to a massive school but not exactly sure what it will be like.

I was living in Spring Branch..
>one day at HEB
>literally mestizo shit babies everywhere
>low rider whistles at my wife
Fuck this.. I moved to Montana

I mean literally have to move 60 minutes from town but a 500K house and still couldnt escape the fucking beaners

La Porte Texan here. OP is probably a transplant do not trust him

It really isn't. Our big cities are 'cosmopolitan,' but the rest of the state is filled with ten gallon hats, horse trailers, guns, and pretty much every other stereotype you eurocucks make fun of.

keyboardcleric on Kik

LOVINGLY make fun of. It's texas, all stereotypes are allowed there.

>Lived in Texas my whole life
So have I. It's gone straight down the shitter.

From Houston, to DFW, and Austin to Amarillo, the state's identity is in a death spiral.


I love(d) Texas. The freedom, the independence, the individuality. But it's all going away. Brown people don't care about any of those things.

One generation from now Texas will be California 2.0. Hell, at the rate we're importing califaggots, it could be as soon as 10 years from now.

It's heartbreaking because there's no escaping it. Literally every other state is more cucked than Texas, and Texas is catching up fast.

Someone posted an Alaska thread that seemed pretty comfy, but I've lived in Texas my whole life. I can barely tolerate temperatures below 60 degrees.

How is living there? Is there alot of niggers there? Liberals?
Im a US citizen living over in poland all my life, i wanna move to the US in the next few years.

No but my name does start with a J.

Yes I forget the propert taxes enjoy paying 7k a year. And you have to nearly move every 5 years to avoid them its a fucking nightmare.. maybe trump can change that

Northwest Montana!!!

That's Houston. At least you didn't have to deal with the Katrician niggers in Humble/Spring/1960. These days you have to go north of 1488 to get away from all that bullshit. And even then....
When I first moved to Houston a minority wouldn't go north of Greenspoint. I dated this chick in HS that lived off of 1960 and it was a rich white area, and it wasn't even by the country club. It was by Kuykendahl.

Plano is Heaven

I'm in New Braunfels. Ask me questions.

Is it true that you get killed there if you critizise christianity

My Aunt is German, literally thought we had to deal with Indian raids. I tried to explain to her that we Smallpoxxed them all. She didn't think it was as funny as I did.

I want to go!!! Wife won't let me. $12k/yr here my friend. I could pay the house off and still have a $1k/mo payment. It's awful.

Why can't you cleanse Austin of the cucks, Houston of the niggers, and the rest of the state of the beaners?

visited waco this weekend, it was pretty comfy.

i live in a small town an hour away from houston, it was quite nice too.

lol you guys do realize mexicans have always lived in Texas. they fought alongside in the Texas revolution.

Do you have a season pass to Schlitterbahn or is it overrun with shitskins too?

I went to a high School in a town of 800 people. Graduated with 22 in my class.

Ive never felt overwhelmed by the size or amount of students in any classes. It's very comfy here, just not tons of stuff to do outside of school if you're a social retard that can't make new friends

Native Austinite reporting in. JFMSU World HQ is absolutely located here.

keep refining our oil faggot

I am from Texas, if you are white you can handle cold weather.. modern clothes makes it very beatable especially if it's a dry cold.

Texas is a wet cold and it's miserable.

I moved to Montana and it's been a long winter but the temperatures are never really the problem. I mean I leave the house and it's 2 degrees and it feels Better than a cold wet Texas winter when it's 28

You're right though it's a travesty what has happened to Texas especially for anyone old enough to remember the 80s

We have the death penalty for murder unless they are threatening you on your own property.

>a fucking frogposter

>German sense of humor

Keep sending it down here so we can build our profit margin in.

Tacos, guns, sandy cheeks. Flat, hot, dry.

Greenville checking in -- have seen one nigger in 2 months since I moved here from MD. I love Texas

That's like asking why you can't just rip the parasite out of someone's gut. Would just cause a whole lot of collateral damage nobody wants to deal with so we're forced to take the slow (but maybe faster now that Trump's in) approach of deporting illegals and coming down hard on spic sympathizers.

Look at the demographics dumb fuck asshole.. Texas was 80% white less than 50 years ago

I can see it. I mean I called Houston a discount new york, but there are some differences, like the fact that houston has an actual fucking rodeo they host. I couldn't believe it. People came there with cowboy hats on.

It was glorious

the opposite


>Texas bans Christian prayer from all public schools, then begins opening Muslim prayer rooms in public schools

I love my Aunt, but she takes cucked German liberal to a new level. My cousin (male) will only date black women. Haven't seen them in 20 years.

whats it like to go to a bar and every woman is republican?

thats like one of my dreams

Yeah it is. The state wants Christian backed marijuana legalization. Look up Marijuana legalization in Texas on Google and ogle the inclusion of Christianity as a crusade.

watch ur mouth or i'll do it for ya. We're taking our right clayful back and nothing you white cuck cowboys can do about it. not our problem want that big mexicano cock

Abbott signs law that can now send "sanctuary sally" to jail.

"The new legislation will essentially jail the sheriffs of...sanctuary cities that continue to defy the federal law."


Have you been to the rodeo? We went a few weeks ago. It's pretty fun, even though I hate going in to the city. Carnival atmosphere, concerts, hospitality tents with free booze. It's a blast. Didn't get to see any actual rodeo stuff. The NFL Experience was fun back when the Superbowl was here. Then we have (((pic related))) mayor.

Lol you are cuckier than sweden. What a bunch of brown redneck faggots

>i live in a small town
They're the only safe places left.

I've lived in "small towns" all over Texas. From outside Odessa, to outside Fort Worth, to outside Houston. Scan any 'Texas thread' and the only people that have anything positive to say live at least an hour outside the major cities. That's not a good sign by any measure.

I've seriously looked at it. Hopefully I'd be able to relo before the NGOs stuff it full of Somalians and Chads.

I wish I could experience that feel

t. 26 y/o Native Austinite

Fucking hell m8. If there is one thing I took for granted before venturing off away from Texas after college, it was this.

My German relatives did get killed by Indians but that was in Fredericksburg.

weird because your city is 19% nigger.
>Greenville was famous for a large sign, installed on July 7, 1921 over Lee Street, the main street in the downtown district, between the train station and the bus station in the 1920s to 1960s. The sign read: "Welcome to Greenville, The Blackest Land, The Whitest People."
tippity toppity kek

Texas Mexicans are not the same as Cali Mexicans. I know it sounds strange, but its different albiet still Mexican but not the same as California

Not this year, but yeah, I've been. It's great. It's a perfect balance of "somewhat self-aware" but not self-aware to the point that you're trying to make fun of yourself.

It was just like, "yeah bitch, it's a rodeo in texas, deal with it".

Irs probably too late to be honest.. the demographic damage has mostly been done.. aisd is 80% mestizo iirc I convinced my wife by taking a family vacation through northern Idaho, couer d'Alene, sandpoint, over to kalispell and then back via Wallace.. bonus points check out glacier nairobal park(going to the sun road etc)

When your wife sees that everyone is white and how beautiful everything is she may change her mind.. it's how i got my wife to do it.