Redpilled movie suggestion

Hey Sup Forums here is an old Soviet movie you will like.

Also one of the guys who plays main role looks like m00t.
>pic related

Other urls found in this thread:фарадей берцы&ved=0ahUKEwiC45y4t57TAhUEMJoKHVuEDz8QMwhZKDMwMw&iact=mrc&uact=8



another self shameless bump

Take a hint faggot, sage

Why? It's a pretty good movie user. It has subtitles too.

seen it before, a soviet classic

cheers kiwi m8

Dredd 3d is pretty good
The only caveat are the digital blood spurts.

The Eternal Jew. Just watch it.

Name and summarize it or you're spam seeking clicks.

Jew free movie.

Redpilled Soviet Movies:
At Home Among Strangers
Burnt by the Sun
Andrei Rublev
War and Peace (1965)
White Sun of the Desert
Dersu Uzala
Little Angel, Make Me Happy

I'm not entirely sure what would constitute "redpilled" movies, but these are a good start.

Some of them aren't Soviet but it's a good list m8.

I want to watch a movie about the Nuremberg Trials. Which is the most redpilled one?
Judgment at Nuremberg from '61?


It's about the post war soviet Moscow. They are an investigative unit of the government fighting organized crime. It has good subtitles and that's why I post it here. Not to much Soviet propaganda either.

Vladimir Visotski is the guy playing the main investigator Zhiglov. He was blamed to be an antisemite because he named Jews sometimes. He was also married to a white french woman and loved German cars.

bump and good day for all of us tomorrow user


internet belongs to 2ch/b/ nao lol

last bump from OP

>going to bed desu captcha window

redpilled or commie propaganda?

Bump. Please answer.

No commie propaganda. Good movie.
I don't know user. Maybe some other user do.

Watched Come and See recently and it was very powerful

the way he captures so much chaos on film in the village raiding scenes is amazing must of taken so much effort and coordination.

>redpilled or commie propaganda?
A little of both. War is hell, and even if you see the Germans overall as the good guys, it's not far-fetched that shitty things were still done by them. Good movie either way.

Not true sovet boots.
Ex of soviet|russian boots:фарадей берцы&ved=0ahUKEwiC45y4t57TAhUEMJoKHVuEDz8QMwhZKDMwMw&iact=mrc&uact=8

Second try

Fuck. Ok. This

wtf is that url kek

Thank Mordor's Language.

Documentary or Feature Film?

OK I looked it up. I remember those boots. They looked cool but sucked in wet snow. Look at this this way user, every country sucks in some way but there are also good things that people can enjoy. Most of the people seem not to get that part.

I'd rather have a feature film, but documentaries are great too.



his female partner makes me hnnnnnngggg

>OK I looked it up. I remember those boots. They looked cool but sucked in wet snow. Look at this this way user, every country sucks in some way but there are also good things that people can enjoy. Most of the people seem not to get that part.
Sucked in wet snow? Hmm. I have 3 pairs of boots with this foot. They are not sucked in snow, if you mean wet, and they sucked in snow if you mean slide. But major defect of this boots is comfort. They are kills anybodys foots. You must wear it 3 weeks-2 mounth to get used to it.
>every country sucks in some way but there are also good things that people can enjoy
You are right, user, but in some times suck cases a lot more than profit cases. I am about Russia now.
Sorry for my English, i am studing it.

You can try to fid any films of this list:
American film "Nuremberg" (Nuremberg) (2000);
Polish feature film "The Nuremberg Epilogue" (1971)
Russian documentary film "Nuremberg. The last fight "[20].
The Russian feature film "Counter Strike" (2011)
German documentary "The Nuremberg Trials" (Michael Kloft, 1997)

American life can be really miserable. Most of what you see or hear on main stream news is only a cute propaganda cover. I understand how most Russians feel about America, they think if it's not Russia they will be able to have more nice things but it's not. This is exactly how some Americans think, wow Scandinavia is cool and all that. But when you ask some people from Norway for example they say otherwise, lurk Varg Vikernes or just this board, average salary in Finland for example is 1500 but it's nothing because everything costs more too. The only way you can find out is apply for some job abroad and how things really are over there. I know Russia isn't the best it could be right now but it isn't the worst either. Learning English or any other language will benefit you in the future when it comes to job hunt, don't give it up and best luck.

*few grammar errors there in my post but i've had few beers and typed it laying down trying to sleep

Oh, user, I am understand you, you are saying right things. If you saw on my posts you not read any raytings or evaluations abous life in USA or Norway(but I would be interested to read you opinion about USA-life, if you really located in America). Also I understand that Ruassia-life better than life in some African's countries, may bee Ukraine(more hypothetical freedoms I think will not replace economic problems in nowdays ), some Arabian countries.
But Russia in nowdays is frightening me. Now we rather "banana republic with a little totalitarianism-elements" but country take way to full totalitarianism.
Also new goverments taxes is not give optimistic mood. Average salary in my city about 300$-350$. All taxes for flat about 150$. It is not funny, really.