Are Jews to whites just what whites are to blacks?

Are Jews to whites just what whites are to blacks?

Other urls found in this thread:'_War


do white man cut your dick?
when he came to your home and told you that you are racist?
fuck off, there is already too much of your kind on Sup Forums

But whitishness isn't a religion like Jewishness. Jews are all white anyway.

no jew are to humans
what parasites are to animals

you don't want this war schlomo
shut it down while you still can


Ah yes, because whites never claim responsibility and never ever are at fault because of the Jew, although it has been proven many times

this is the 4th thread on this same topic today

dass rite my nigguh!

Whites created civilization, jews just profited from it.


jews admit their lies and you stupid fucks still believe them

if you actually watch those guys, and know your bible/old testament, they are correct in what they say (about the scripture)

muslims and jews are cousins (both genetically and spiritually)

jews are responsible for Marxism and communism

But they are when they're advocating for the extinction of the white race though.

What does an amount of aid that's 1% of Israel's GDP have to do with my OP?

this post is funny because Argentinians aren't part of western civilization

and this post is funny because Azerbaijan gets Israeli aid

'As Jews We Should Be Outraged That Britain Is Not Doing More to Help Refugees'

'Citing Holocaust, Swiss Jews Demand Open Door for Migrants'

'British Jews Lay Groundwork for Influx of Syrian Refugees'

'Jewish Groups Rap Washington for Lowballing Syrian Refugees'

'More Than 1,000 Rabbis Call On Congress To Welcome Refugees'

'Jews Push Washington to Admit More Syrian Refugees, Even as Some Worry About Backlash'

'How Young Jews in Hungary Are Fighting To Help Refugees — Despite Right Wing Rule'

'How We Move Forward Together For Refugees'

'Jews Unite Behind Push for Immigration Reform'
'It’s the ethical thing to do,” said HIAS president and CEO Mark Hetfield, of the community’s immigration reform activism. But he quickly added, “It’s in our strategic interest.'

hey cock sucker

when American Vets who fought for those pieces of shit called jews and they can't get medical care it makes a fucking difference

ungrateful motherfuckers, everyone one of you jews

No black men or minorities actually steal our white women. It is rare. The niggers are poor because they are dumb. Whites win.

It's not about getting laid, that isn't too hard, it's that most women aren't worthy of trust, let alone starting a family.


>hey goys, I mean guys, as a (((((((white))))))))) person I feel like whites should let rapeugees in

pic related

gtfo jidf


here are your greatest fucking (((allies))) at work subverting at every level

Jews bombed our US Military and killed American soldiers

but the fucking (((puppets))) in the gov didn't think those white 18 year old soldiers were "beautiful" enough to respond


Jews selling our secrets to our enemies like the (((greatest ally))) they are

Israeli Spies: 'Mega Was Not an Agent; Mega Was the Boss'

Israeli Spying on U.S. at 'Alarming Level'

Lavon Affair
>The Lavon Affair: How to Make Jews Look Good and Muslims Look Bad

Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

U.S. Furious at Israel Equipment Transfer to China

U.S. Secrets 'Used to Buy Freedom for Soviet Jews'

Zionist Spies Against America

This, Jews can't exist without a host.

((( never again )))
>will countries have control over their identity and nations

How did you breed so many people if slaves out numbered you...

jews giving whites tips on survival

what could go wrong


>solidarity with muslims


remember who your fucking brothers are next time (no more brother wars at any cost)

>getting laid is somehow hard
>getting laid with trashy sluts is somehow supposed to be desirable
If anything Jewish influence has made it much easier to "get laid", what kind of bullshit are you speaking about lmao

peaceful jews just want to coexist but the evil neighbors just will not leave them alone


they're jews, they are insane, that's why you can't make sense of their behavior

that's how they control you, you exhaust your energy trying to figure them out while they've already moved onto the next subversion


>jew sniper victim

I guess if "Assad" blew the fucking brains out of those "beautiful babies" (((Ivanka))) would not be so moved to act.

do you think jews would be supportive of the idea of a new mosque being built at Auschwitz™

you should have shut it down schlomo lmao



I don't know shit about my bible, desu. If what you say is correct, it makes it funnier when they made that little jew boy cry.

jews have historically lied about 6 million deaths dozens of times before

pic related

no i think we should just send them all straight to hell...

I'm agnostic but grew up in a very religious family (Christian) so I knew the bible very well. the arguments the black "jews" make are more in teaching with what the bible says.

they are both insane though (the black "jews" and the semitic jews)

I don't think so, niggers are genetically behind but jews are just parasites, they can't live without a host vital enough to feed them, is a tick superior just because it can suck blood out of you?

forcing jews to live only amongst themselves is the definition of hell (no diaspora)

I'd personally help them build a bigger wall to keep them there :)

now that I have your attention with pic related watch the video until the end

anne frank bullshit

calling out jew hypocrisy

jews are so "persecuted" they feel the need to persecute themselves lmao

I have a friend with a similar religious upbringing. He tends to wreck people who use religious arguments.
Weirdly though, he doesn't connect the fact that he had a religious upbringing with the successes he's had in life.
It's why jews are successful; shared religion creates strong families and emotional stability, which leads to stronger communities.
They call it the opiate of the masses, but forget the medicinal qualities of opiates.

Why are there 300,000 jews in Argentina?

>reason jews were stripped and cloths removed (typhus outbreak)

American military cordoned off zones in ww2 because of typhus out breaks

religion has done more harm than good

just one of many contributions of religion'_War

>It was one of the longest and most destructive conflicts in European history, as well as the deadliest European religious war, resulting in eight million casualties.

don't equate morals with religion
logic and reason are lasting
religion needs to put constant fear in you in order to obey

one is understanding consequences (logic)
the other is fearing consequences (religion)

the country isn't going to subvert itself


peaceful jews would never call for genocide of anyone, especially after what "happened" to them
>ohhhh G-d, I'm getting flashbacks to t-the holocaust™

around jews never relax

>peaceful jews
Sad, that peaceful jews make up so little of the overal jewish lot.

jews have no problem "killing babies"

as long as they're not "beautiful babies"


>religion has done more harm than good
Debatable. Without religion, which stems from shamanism, witch-doctors, etc. We wouldn't have leaders, the first tribal rulers were from their priest classes.
Early shamans were supposed to be able to control the weather, or at least predict it accurately enough to plant seeds at the right time of year.
So, the earliest forms of religion gave us calendars and kings.
They also gave us our first forays into science, you see, the price for incorrectly predicting the weather would have dire consequences, if the local shaman was useless, he'd quickly be replaced by someone who could get it right, or who had favour with the gods. So, it was in the interest of the Shaman to glean as much information as possible from his surroundings.
Without science and social cohesion, we'd be pretty fucked desu.

Niggers complain about whites and slavery. It's true because the superior people conquered them. They complain about bigoted systems bringing them down by not letting them get hired, pushing them to welfare, etc. This omits the fact that niggers are less educated (also that their family unit structure was more solid with Jim Crow laws).
Whites call out Jewish nationalism hypocrisy and their affinity for open borders in white nations, Marxist social/economic justice, and indoctrinating the niggers and spics to espouse the nonsense that they do IN white nations (from immigration and diversity acts like the ones Celler introduced).

"peaceful" jews are just subverting your emotions and playing a role in the overall scheme

it's the equivalent of the "moderate muslim"

High functioning autism in the poison gas: what did he mean by this?

the question is who's cucking the jews

What the fuck Chaim Shlomo goldenrodburg..

Whew, for a second I thought I was forced to pay exorbitant taxes to fight Israel's wars! What a nightmare, glad that turned out to be a conspiracy theory huh.

Yes, but only if "white" means "Sup Forums"

The average nigger is more redpilled about the kikes than we are:
There goes your shitty theory and thread.

Never claim responsability.

Immigrants coming to our countries. Who do we blame ? Jews

Why did hitler lost? Jews

Why are we having less and less white people? Jews

Why does my life suck ? Jews

Is it because I'm white? Who could be behind this? Jews

Never have we ever taken responsability and asked ourselfs if we are the ones fucking ourselves.

Now how are people going to respond to this ?

you are basically saying superstition is beneficial because we haven't gone extinct.

look throughout history
religion destroyed empires because people's superstitions turned weak men into gods.

advancements were made because of ethnic, genetic and racial make up not religious ideology.

how long has Africa, South America been Christianized, yet what was the last advancement made by them?!

religion is the equivalent of civic nationalism

>a 75 iq sub Saharan will magically turn into Alexis de Tocqueville or Da Vinci by reciting the Declaration of Independence or Magna Carta

religion is a chain on society
once the dog goes rabid, you'll realize who is chained to whom

>jews using non jews for experiments

why did you think they let them come in?! their love of others :)

pic related

Why do Jews do stuff like this though...and promote it in media you control?

>religion is a chain on society, once the dog goes rabid, you'll realize who is chained to whom.

I'm stealing that, thanks

disgusting monster

because they are filthy, insane lunatics

why do jews think raping a small girl is permitted by their Torah ?! because it is as long as the child is non jewish

does ((( ivanka ))) think her jews raping and killing babies is kosher?! yes because they are not "beautiful babies"

nowhere in the 'torah' it says a male jew can rape a women... these satan worshippers are citing the 'talmud'

you're distorting the truth because you don't know it, you don't want to know it because you know can't live without excuses or forgiveness for your evil ways

>If a man comes upon a virgin who is not engaged and he seizes her and lies with her, and they are discovered, the man who lay with her shall pay the girl’s father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife. Because he has violated her, he can never have the right to divorce her.

when I say religion is evil,


No. The 135+ IQ population of Whites is more than fiftyfold that of Jews, and yet we see absurd over-representation of Jews in ivy league academic enrollments and so on.

this there's reason forgiveness and restitution are critical to religions

religions promote sin in order to tighten the chain around your neck, religion creates sin rather than cures it through understanding.


the OP jew created a slide thread and disappeared

'a nation gets the jews that it deserves'

don't insinuate i am a shill or jew -- i fucking hate them more than you

>Are Jews to whites just what whites are to blacks?

We (whites) get almost nothing from blacks. They drag white societies down in every conceivable way. We do everything possible to raise them up and it inevitably fails. The "system" fails black people because they are retards, not because of some plot by evil whitey.

Jews on the other hand use every conceivable way to rig the system to their favor. They control government, media, and banking. They contribute NOTHING while siphoning off the productive labor of whites. The only real flaw in white people is the inability to recognize a parasitical element hiding in plain sight among them. Empathy and altruism are so ingrained in white genetics that the ABSENCE of empathy is considered a psychological disorder.

The Jew thing is a meme. We use it as an argument in case someone brings up about how blacks are being held back in society due to the white man. So yes, the Jews are to whites as whites are to blacks.

I'm just going to report this thread, hopefully the mods delete it

Yea, "shut it down" Schlomo.

it's me had to change to wifi
it was nice discussing things with you, take care (sorry for the out burst lol)

>Immigrants coming to our countries. Who do we blame ? Jews
It's literally jews pushing multiculturalism and "tolerance"
>Why did hitler lost? Jews
The whole reason he rose to power was jews pushing Marxism after WWI and people getting sick of it. Then once he rose to power every jewish newspaper owner, radio station owner, and politician told lies about what was going on.
>Why are we having less and less white people? Jews
See above on jews pushing multiculturalism
>Why does my life suck ? Jews
No it sucks because your a pathetic retard who needs to stop posting
>Is it because I'm white? Who could be behind this? Jews
behind what? Now you're just throwing words together
>Never have we ever taken responsability and asked ourselfs if we are the ones fucking ourselves.
Of course we fuck ourselves. The jews just get the ball rolling by preying on the stupid who proceed to drag everyone else down with them.
>Now how are people going to respond to this ?

What's your favorite thriving atheist nation

Jews are always dong it, doing it
picking their nose and chewing it, chewin it

That's true and I think that's part of the jewish inferiority complex. I mean I don't care for them either but imagine if you was mistaken as say a chinaman. Jews just don't feel that they matter, hence the fake Hollywood holohoax.