Mike CERNovich sold his soul to the Devil


He looks like the child of a rock and a gorilla.



Cernovich is the Nickelback of alt-lite new media.


all Jews worship the devil

That's the White Power symbol idiot

Bruh... that's the white power/pepe hand signal

He is the lowest form of life on earth. He betrayed the trust of people he knew and doxxed them. Fuck him.

hail enoch
hail sven
hail victory


>"Ok" hand gesture is a covert Satanic gesture

This is some schizophrenia-tier shit

He sold the space between his eyes to the devil long ago


>being this much of a bible thumping white trash redneck
opinion discarded

Right wing: "The 'ok' hand symbol represents 666"
Left wing: "lmao, right wing retards"

Left wing: "The 'ok' hand symbol represents white power"
Right wing: "lmao, left wing retards"

>"so who is this guy mike cernovich, never heard of him before today, but i saw he makes the a-ok hand signal when things are a-ok"

This is what we call an analysis done by a rank amateur.

We were the ones that were pushing the white power symbol meme though

monkey mindset

Can anyone explain why this infantile piece of shit got so much action? He acts like he's some kind of secretz intel-actionman with high self-importance. Faggot isn't even in the position to be arrogant.


the way his crane is shaped and his eyes are positioned, he looks like a border line retard

oh wait he's actually retarded

I think the new version is called Tapir Telekinesis and will be the sequel to Lemur Lifestyle

>oh wait he's actually retarded

This is so true, it made me laugh hysterically

>the power of Christ

Idiot OP Instant sage, who gives a shit about an "ok" sign?


Bruh it's actually the freemason all seeing eye hand sign
