Who is the biggest cucks in the universe and why is it Maddox?

Who is the biggest cucks in the universe and why is it Maddox?

>Hasn't made anything funny in years
>Canceled a successful podcast because his ex-gf of 4 years had sex with the co-host
>Tried to smear said co-host by appealing to SJW
>Denounced his only best seller just to try save face from SJW

hello 1998

literally who? finding it hard to keep up with all these insignificant non-entities that no one over the age of 14 cares about.

glenn greenwald?

early-2000s were comfy

Hello 15 year old.

Maddox was funny shit in the albinoblacksheep, joecartoon, and ytmnd days. He is now irrelevant.

Does sage still work? God, I feel old.

How about Jared Kushner? Bannon thinks it's him and must know something...

I remember as a 12 year old finding out his website where was mocking some little girls artistic skills lol, he used to be quite funny and cool, I guess he turned pussy

>Maddox was funny shit in the albinoblacksheep, joecartoon, and ytmnd days
i have no idea what any of that shit is.

t. early 30s fag

>Maddox was funny
No, we were just 14. Do also still think "DO U LIEK MUDKIPS" was funny?

it's pretty fucking sad, considering when i was 14 i thought his website was funny. i remember when it had like, 10 posts.

the whole thing became extremely gay when he started incorporating other forms of media besides text and a few images.

Like Group X?

Prime hilarity, truly. It was a golden age of comedy. Take the real redpill. Give money to my Kickstarter and I'll make a film with Adam Sandler as Mudkip.

Leaf infrastructure is always lagging, I guess. Those were the places where great comedy used to happen on the internet, before Sup Forums.

Dub 5s confirm

Turns out it isn't confirmed. But yes. Stuff like that. In retrospect, it was really not that funny. But they did have some catchy tunes.

>Those were the places where great comedy used to happen on the internet, before Sup Forums.
I see. Those were my bar years. Smoking cigs indoors and drinking cheap beer. Kind of wish i'd participated in some of the early 2000s internet shit but what can you do..

>Who is the biggest cucks in the universe

ask her about her shoes

You didn't actually miss much desu senpai. Comedy on the internet was slim pickins back in the day. What's truly funny is to think of how far things have come.

>You didn't actually miss much desu senpai.
Maybe so. I honestly didn't give two shits about the internet from 97-2007. Didn't even have it at home. Plus i'm french canadian which means my social circle was probably at least 15 years behind the times when it came to anything internet-related. Still though, i'm sure mid-2000s Sup Forums was something else but maybe anons are just embellishing

everything is very forced now days. people were satirists and comedians for fun, now people just want to be worshipped and e-famous. pretty diluted. at least Sup Forums has the illusion of anonymity so every funny picture isn't watermarked with #faggotusername

Yeh, it was, and if you disagree you're getting 12 feet of cock down your throat.