Honest question, what's the difference between Sup Forums Sup Forums and 8.chan Sup Forums?

Honest question, what's the difference between Sup Forums Sup Forums and 8.chan Sup Forums?

user i know the answer, but I can't tell you.
It is a good question that many people here want to ask but are afraid to do so.
Stay gay.

Stop asking questions gay nigger

8 is full of stormfrontfags from old pol and the mods are stormies not sjws like they are here
Still do it for free though

User inerface.

I don't know how 8ch works

Sup Forums Sup Forums is very disorganised and has a fairly diverse range of opinions as a result, to the point where you'll occasionally see Communism General even though we're supposedly Nazis.

8.chan Sup Forums is an extreme Nazi authoritarian hugbox where everyone who is left of "14/88 gas the jews" is Stalin and everyone who reaches who gets that far is a jewish spy that should be ignored.

It doesn't help that the 8.chan Sup Forums moderators pretty much ban dissenting opinions, so nothing good ever comes out of it.

Oh yeah, and they have shittier memes.

8 chan is more cucked than us now.
ever since the (((hack))) they've been flooded with shills an bots.

It's worse than cuckchan.

No point going there now.
The only option is nextchan now

Well they were both one community until the split. A portion of the userbase went to 8pol and a large portion stayed here. But here's the thing, the group that left were the serious ones, also very much into internet activism. A lot of the shit in the media that gets blamed on Sup Forums is actually them. It's also a really good place to visit once a day for news, because they dig deep and do not tolerate faggy roleplaying. But being so serious all the time, they're a bunch of no-fun paranoid faggots and will not hesitate to ban shitposters.

Sup Forums is a much faster board, but it's composed mostly of shitposters, LARPers, trolls and shills. It's hard to find an actual good thread without having to read the most garbage posts from people who have no fucking clue what they're talking about, but feel the need to post anyway. But it's also a more fun board to post in, it's like hanging out with a bunch of dudes and laughing.

I wish both boards would be unified again, because that's when Sup Forums was truly great.

Best post. Well said

8pol is more angry, the autism is more pronounced.

Otherwise, mostly the same.

Better info there, generally. Though less legit discussion if it goes against pre-determined narrative.

8pol is more ideologically dogmatic (full of Nazi stickies) and srs business. You can get b& there for breaking the circle-jerk. It's basically a sekrit club.

4pol is, well, what happens when you put a politics board on Sup Forums. It gets s lot of passers-by from other boards who are just there to shitpost and join Happenings.

It's not like that anymore. There was another exodus after the hack and a lot have moved from 8pol to other image boards.

There's now a new wave of shills and bots on 8pol, possibly even worse than here

I really haven't been there in a while. I went over during the polharbor incident when the board was fucking nuked. I remember the "CHECK YOUR PRIVILEGE" tags on all the posts and the audio playing in the background "10 rules for cuckoldry".

The difference is 4

8pol is pure rage

They take the jew memes 100% literally. I would not be surprised to hear one had a private oven in their basement for rogue jews they found on the street.

The people who stayed at 8pol are the ones who could not forgive Moot for what he did. Therefore they are the most bitter, autistic of all of Sup Forums. Which means they are the most bitter/autistic in the world.

8pol is run more like a command center than a meme board. All their threads involve some new propaganda push, project, or research digging into Shlomo's plans.

The mods there do not fuck around. There is no fair play. If you don't agree with them, you get banned instantly.

Welp, Kek spoke. Time to kill the thread


Digits don't lie

The only good chan besides Sup Forums is 420chan.

>Sup Forums is run more like a command center
lol, I would agree with this. They took Sup Forums and stripped it of everything that made it fun down to it's bones, and then rebuilt it up as a battle fortress in a constant state of autistic secret Internet warfare. Christ, when I go there you'd think they are battling the fucking Illuminati, I've never heard of so many shadowy shill groups relentlessly attacking.

The F.B.I. mostly...

Makes sense, Sup Forums for the sake of preserving it's existence has harsh resistance to being a platform for any sort of operation even if it's legal activism by the mods. As such all propped up "exile" chans have historically served solely that purpose in the long run.

It started with 7 to continue raiding for lulz, then on to Triple eight for continuing chanology and now with eight for GG and Sup Forums interests.

our mods don't really care
that's the only difference, and I really prefer it that way
every mod on that board has a stick up their ass

Really? Not 34chan?

no difference

honest answer? just stay away so the post quality stays high


Also vi & xyz are so crawlingly slow
