Hot Jewish Women

Be a good goy and post the ones you'd spill your pure aryan seed into.

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Id rather cut my dick off, feed it to pigs, then make a burger from halal slaughtered pigs and forced feed it to her, than ever fuck a Jew


Dumbass gopnik.

>I'd rather castrate myself and prevent myself from breeding future generations against Jews than doing one of the most hated taboos in Judism against the Jews: fucking one of their women.

They get angry at that shit probably more than Whites with BMWF. Ffs, Israel allows Sharia Law within marriages that way they can avoid having to uphold Civil Marriage Law and allow a Jew to marry a non-Jew.

If you want to get back at the Jews, fuck their hottest women. That's like telling Shlomo his loan request got denied.

i do wonder what jewish women buttholes smell like

>get back at the Jews by aiding them in crypsis

Oy gevalt!


Tis where the jews killed the royal family and helped the spread of world wide socialism. You should be more grateful my Russian nigger.


iv slept with multiple jews, the ones you would want to defile are the ones that wont sleep with you.

stop fetishising kikes

>Blonde with blue eyes

Um, hard no

Bullshit. Name me a fucking race/ethnicity that generally takes kindly to half-breeds. Go on, I'll wait.

Examples of Individuals don't count, like Barrack Obama with the American Black community. That shit is just hypocrisy and their grasping for straws to make their group look better by including individuals who've done incredible and amazing things. Tiger Woods, Obongo, and etc. would be treated with disdain if they weren't so successful.


>fuck their hottest women
Maybe this is what we should have been doing all along. Yeah sure, she'll probably hit you with child support but it'd be worth it.

Fuck off kike.

The whole existence of Jews is based on stealing resources from others including GENES.

The only reason Jews look halfway human is because of the amount of genes the have stolen from whites via egypt, persia, eurasia, and europe.

If you look closely at Jews most of them still have monkey shaped mouths and of course their noses are huge giveaways as well.

Don't fuck jews.

>Other races are breeding with my race and erasing us out.
>I know, I'll just breed within and encourage breeding within my own race; never going on the offensive and trying to breed their race out.

>Kinda how when you stop a forest fire you just plant more trees while the fire still rages - instead of creating a backfire (control burn) to cancel out the forest fire.

>jewish mother

Meshuguna pls

I am equally scared and aroused by your gif. I don't know why.


>impregnate a jew thats how you will save the white race

you really are a complete fucking retard

Pennies and brisket.

Never seen a based leaf before


Ben Shapiro.


>hot jewish women
>they all lop off their hooknoses and get em replaced with white noses


Omfg, it was wrong for me to assume a leaf can think long term. Works like this cuck:

>Have some people (our best) breed within our race.

This is our defense, this gives a pure supply of white genes.

>Have are lesser people breed with Jews.

This is our offensive.

1st Gen: 50% Jewish.
2nd Gen; another whitey bred with the 50% Jew: 25% Jew.
3rd Gen; keep doing like with the 2nd gen (breeding only with a whitey): 12.5% Jewish.
4th Gen: 6.25% Jewish.
10 Gen: >1% Jewish.


Never gonna happen in this day and age: gotta be more indirect, tactical, and secretive about it. Also, Israel has that Samson Option shit and I don't want nukes flying over the world cause they're a bunch of bitter cunts.

Relax Ivan, you're never ever going to fuck..