How does Sup Forums feel abut tipping?

How does Sup Forums feel abut tipping?

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dont care

Explain how this is political.

Wait, you can do that with tips? I'm going to try next time I dine out

Would the total not be $35.86? Am I missing something?

Sup Forums has gotten so stupid that I don't know if this is bait or not.

It would

tips should be based on service, not required. shit service, shit tip. why do i need to pay 20% each time ya feel

no but you can ask to see the manage and ask for food to be compensated because it wasn't good

39.86 - 4 = ??? what even

Nice post

>1 post by this ID

i am not tipping
pay your staff properly

if you want extra suck my dick on the way out and i will hand you a ten

Automatic 15% minimum I don't care who you are

although eating out in the first place is retarded

>subsidize workers' wages because boss is a cheap fuck.
>workers and bosses encourage customers to tip.
>virtue signaling cucks also encourage tipping.
>customer doesn't tip and workers hate the customer.
>boss gets off scot free.

sounds like a scam to me.


Americans are weird

when its money you love tips

but when its weight loss tips or the tips of your dicks...

>eating out
>not cooking your own meals from fresh, high quality ingredients
pick three

I rarely go to restaurants, and one of the main reasons is that I refuse to be a bludgeon in the war between management and labor while being hated and resented by both.

yes but you're only allowed to deduct up to 25% without manager approval. I would not recommend ever doing this because the servers will put your CC on the blacktip forums and you'll never have a decent meal again.

I hate when I go to pick up carry out pizza and the bitch cashier hands me a receipt with a tip field on it


>Not paying your staff an insisting they beg from your customers.

I live in Britain where everyone is payed for what they do. And nobody needs to be shamed into tipping.

jesus christ
and you still EAT OUT

americans are insane

I don't feel like tipping, but you can keep the change if you don't fuck up.

American business should pay their staff more

I pay the bill for regular service, I pay the bill AND tip for exceptional service.

The only people who make these threads are NEETs.


>blacktip forums
I dont even know if this is real or not anymore

the idea is to incentivize workers to do a better job. it works too. I've worked restaurants and better servers get better tips on average.

that being said i think its a shit idea. tips should be given for service that excels the bare minimum. they should be given a real wage and get a few tips if they go the extra mile. like a golf caddy or some shit

my family own and run restaurants and we don't encourage tipping at all, that's untaxed money going to my staff

I'd rather customers just use that money to buy extra food and drink, it's more money into my business

I don't know if it's you or me that's the retard for believing what you're saying

>having to tip
>first world country

Pick one and only one.

>t you can keep the change if you don't fuck up.
>pays with credit card

Won't do it
Stole multiple tips though so keep tipping

-Servers are paid a wage for their work
-Tip is my choice, based on my definition of exceptional service

Expecting a tip from me is ridiculous. I will tip whenever I see fit, and only when I am provided with service I deem worthy of a tip. A tip is not associated in any way with a wage.

It's simple.

Details? A search for "blacktip forums" leads to discussion about sharks.

Have the pornhub address I last copied because I thought it would paste "blacktips forums"

Video related fucking loved the Czech Republic

>How does Sup Forums feel abut tipping?
I'm all for it.

Needs to be eliminated to balance the pay scales between the front of house and the kitchen it drives me nuts when i see a server pull 300+ a night after i did a 16 hour shift and we shouldn't have to incentivise servers for exceptional service they should treat every table the same regardless

servers wage where i live is $2.13/hr

Regardless, fire waiters and replace them with bots. Why provide a revenue source for degenerate sluts?

Tipping is a terrible practice, and waiters are terrible people. All the money I save on not tipping waiters is used to tip other service industry jobs that matter, like drivers.

they don't like it they can quit

Kiwis don't tip. Kiwi hospitality staff are in no way subservient or submissive, just how it should be.

I had to draw a polygon around a street sign to post this. It was not worth it.

Here's one for pol:

Do you tip based on the total amount or do you tip based on the pre-tax total?

Federal law dictates a person can't make 2.13/hr so you're a liar. Your wages are "minimum wage" if you don't make minimum wage or over in that hour. You could say, "Yeah but they'll fire me." - and, that would only continue to prove how ignorant you are, since an OSHA case would make you never have to work again.

I just tip 20% for food, or 1 dollar per drink served if I'm just drinking. It's barely any money, I'm not gonna be a jew with my money unless the service was awful

its an acceptable form of abstinence until you are married, then you can go full shaft

it's a private forum, I wouldn't know the link but pretty sure its a .onion url. here it was before the move though

>How does Sup Forums feel abut tipping?
It's fun but the cows don't seem to enjoy it much.

there's a different federal minimum for tipped (at least $30 a month in tips) employees

How does Sup Forums feel about shitty kindergarten math?


why don't you give a regular pay to your waiter like every other develop country?

crazy concept that only happens in USA. good concept tho, i like it. never tip less than 20%

I think it's the worst thread topic on this board.

I fucking hate how entitled waiters and waitresses think they are to a tip.

You take count of an order, tell it to someone else, and then bring food out later.

Hell, some places are even cutting waiters out of their staff and just having you order at the table with a computer and busboy runs everything out to you.

Your mom cooking for you doesn't count.

It's a terrible culture. We live in a country that attacks you if you don't want to tip and actively defends those who threaten the safety of your food. Waiters are like proto-Jews, they lie through their teeth about getting "slave wages" while making more than anybody in the restaurant and blackmail you in the restaurant to give them more or they'll hurt you then call it a service.

Yeah we have a separate pay rate for servers aswell its around 1-2 dollars less an hour in bc

if they don't make minimum wage in tips they are paid as per usual.

if they're acting entitled complain to the manager about it

I'd sack any of my staff for asking for tips

i love the big boobs waitresses that treat me nice tho

>tipping people for doing their job

fuck off brit i work here. scroll to the bottom of the list. they can pay you $2.13/ hr but at the end of the year if you dont average more than minimum wage, $7.25, then it is the companies responsibility to make up the difference. my biweekly paychecks are like 10 bucks

For certain jobs the IRS expects them to get tips and taxes them on it. By not tipping, you essentially fuck them.

not my fucking job to pay your waiters

Exactly what I was gonna post

Tipping is a hang over from the great depression.

using tipping, the people who had money could subsidise the business and their customers. Everyone wins, except rich folk, who don't give a shit because they're rich.

These days it's not really needed, businesses should just pay their employees a fair wage.

But you can't really change the business model of a whole industry over night, and if they did their prices would just go up %20 anyway.

So i don't care, when i'm in the states i just tip regardless, but eating out here it'll depend on the place and service.

Stop living in a garbage state. My state doesn't have bullshit tipped wage positions.

I don't tip anyone anymore.

I mean they only have had like 90 years to change...

men probably make 25% more in waiting tables tho, which is chauvinistic. cause men have big boobs too

but it is. when you pay 10 bucks for a meal you are paying literally everything else. if waiters didn't get tips then the food would just cost a bit more.

Im a student.

Never pay tips kek

I just think of it as a hidden tax that is occasionally optional if my server is being a dick. What's so bad about that?

then charge me more in the food.

Hidden tax. Wars have been waged over taxes.

ok thats all it takes. but you have to have an entire culture change first. and convince business to start paying their employees so good luck

>hidden tax

taxation is theft.

No it's not.

Pointless in the UK since it's illegal to pay below the set minimum wage here, in the US it's not illegal, hence why tips exist.

i come from a place where tipping does not exist... still i think its a cool concept, makes for some incentive for the waiters to be nice to you. still, when i go to america i always place 20% + in every bill for services, is this not the normal?

>average service
Tip a few dollars
>good service
Tip a few more dollars
>bad service
No tip

Don't have to.

is it not the same?

How would a server know to shit in your food before they check your CC to see if its been posted on blackedtip?

You're a fucking retard. It's $2.13 in my state too. Their tips have to add up to minimum wage for the week or they're compensated but the base pay is $2.13 an hour plus tips.

Why would you accept that? Grow some balls and get a better fucking life. Jesus Christ.

servers need to stop working for restaurants that make them rely on charity from customers, it's up to them, not the business

Well, it is illegal, and it is enforced by a federal agency. They should just eliminate tip credit altogether and keep paying waiters 2 dollars an hour because they're fucking useless.

Fuck tipping.

Put the whole thing in.

One post by this ID
Sage this shit you retards.

thats what she said

>You're a fucking retard
>I mean yeah you're right the employer has to pay me if I ever make less than minimum wage
>And I never do
waiters should be first to hang on the day of the rope

Crickey you're a clever cookie!

I don't get how it became a must in the United States.
Over here it's usually when the service is really good or when the change is small and you don't really care about it so you say something like "keep the change"

>implying bimbo waitresses with barely enough technical knowledge on how to securely store their pussy pics on the iPhone cloud would know how to access onion links

you dont get it though. servers make 2.13/hr from the company but $15/hr from the customers. shits way better than making minimum wage. servers arent going to be the ones to change it

Its no longer an incentive for the waiters to be nice but protection money to stop them from being dicks.

i see what u did there, kek