Gun ownership

What are some valid reasons for modern day gun ownership.

>inb4 muh constitution and muh defence against a tyrannical government

This was originally going to be a bait thread about >muh guns but I'm genuinely curious. You never get school shootings here in Britbongland but they seem to happen fairy frequently in the states.

Other urls found in this thread:

>What are some valid reasons for gun ownership without resorting to valid reasons? GO!
Fuck that and fuck you Mehmet, that's my reason

>muh constitution and muh defence against a tyrannical government

"muh constitution and muh defence against a tyrannical government "

That pretty much sums it up for me. We live in a constitutional republic that is supposed to be composed of responsible citizen soldiers. We are supposed to defend the country from the dangers of a corrupted government and act as a check against tyranny. I know this concept is hard for europeans to comprehend. this is why you guys have become servile scum, and we are being dragged into the abyss with you. We should never have entangled ourselves with you guys like we have been doing for many many years.

If you take away a citizens voice, and his means of defending himself, you have made him voiceless and toothless. He is no longer an active member of the commonwealth and has become a ward of the state.

Problem is now our citizens cannot always be trusted with guns. We have become servile and irresponsible. My question though is are we supposed to solve this problem with more government intervention? Do we sacrifice all freedoms for comfort and safety? Do you not see that by cutting away at our freedoms, you are creating dependent and weak citizens? You cannot legislate these kinds of problems away, since they are problems of the heart. We need an awakening in this country.

No guns in Britain is actually a bit of a meme.

I live in a village and I regularly hear shotguns going off in a nearby field, plus several gun clubs are just a half an hour to an hour drive.

I know people who do pest control and target shooting, a few have AR15 type rifles in .22 but some have a straight pull in bigger chambers.

Many have the old Lee Enfields etc.

Just joining a gun club or doing pest control are fine reasons.

Shotguns on the other hand are super easy to get licences for, just no criminal record pretty much, no reason required (but police like to hear what you want to do).

No it isn't the United States, but the gun laws in Britain are extremely over-exaggerated.

Still shit by my personal standards though.

don't need a reason, it's my right you degenerate subhuman pajeet.

Any rifle above a 22 has to be bolt action
Also, to my knowledge you guys can't carry a handgun on you for any reason whatsoever, especially lethal force for self defense
Not to sound like a dick because you seem like a nice fella but you're cucked to shit m8

For killing the invaders when your government fails to.

having guns is good, they strike fear into the heart of the common nigger and thus reduces crime.

since guns were restricted to the citizens here, the crime rate skyrocketed.

>>inb4 muh constitution and muh defence against a tyrannical government
thats literally one of the best arguments for it you stupid cuck faggot

remember that last time america had a dictator who used death squads to kill massive amounts of political rivals and rounded up people into death camps? you dont? wonder why it happened in pretty much every european country though

UK in general? Yeah I'd agree with that.

Me personally? Well I am just mearly explaining it like it is, no point in lying, I've campaigned, joined sites like arm Britain, etc etc etc, but I ain't in any position to change anything because many people in this country are so naive, jeez I've written countless letters to MP's, made countless petitions, even had arguments at Bisleys "Nation Rifle Association" and got kicked out for telling them how much of sell outs they are for sucking the governments cocks and only going target shooting only.

If that makes me cucked burger, then fair enough, I ain't fucking superman.

>Nuf said.

Is there a greater form of civic responsibily than owning a gun and using it exclusively for lawful purposes?

actually take the time to read this
>was gonna be a bait thread
>still is a bait thread that will get more (you)s than his original idea

God, Kassadin was so fucking bullshit what I played LoL.


>Team gets Kassadin somehow.
>Fucking painfully lose cause Kassadin feeds nonstop.
>Every fucking time.
>"Lol, dude, you're an idiot - Kassadin is gamebreaking OP".

>Meanwhile my boy top-lane Wukong objectively had a 54% match win rate (the highest) and Sivir was unstoppable pre-change with an average 300+ CS.

Fun. Literally that is it. Just used as a hobby nowadays, no real need to have them anymore. You can claim defense against government and whatnot but that is an idea of the past that no longer applies. Government can literally mow us all down and nuke us to oblivion if they wanted to.

I don't have to justify my rights

Guns are weapons that allow the weak to resist the strong and it puts real consequences behind committing crimes.

>they seem to happen fairy frequently in the states
A couple a year is "frequently?" It's barely anything considering there are more guns than people here, and there are over 350 million people in this country. Consider for a moment that nearly all mass shootings happen in places where guns are prohibited, where as there's never been a single shooting spree at a gun show. Following your logic of "durr guns = more shoting" then obviously the places with the most guns should be the most dangerous. Yet not only does that not correlate, it's almost the opposite. Places with high firearm to person ratio tend to be much, much safer in the US. It's the places with very strict gun laws you have to watch out for. Chicago, Detroit, etc all ban guns wherever possible and have a bunch of restrictions on carrying in public. These places also have such incredibly high murder rates they manage to bring up our national average by a not inconsiderable amount.

The US is a lot larger than you think. If you go camping (real camping, not that park campsite, car camping bullshit) you're going to want some form of protection. Guns fit the bill quite nicely.

It's also the original department of Homeland defense.

No one wants to invade a country that has more guns in civilian hands than the military. Oh, and that country's military is the largest in the world by a fuck ton.

This holds true to this day.

>Muh Constitution, government should be afraid of it's people, FREEDOM
All valid as well


except the supreme court ruled they dont have to. yet even more fucking reasons to buy muh guns

Yeah but we can make it hard for them to do so. Dictators can pop up in any country, user. I seem to recall that people after the first world war believed that it might be a time afterwords when there would be no war and that national armies would "not be needed anymore". I hate when people use the whole "current year" form of speaking. It is naive at best, and manipulative and creepy at it's worst.

>you guys can't carry a handgun on you for any reason whatsoever
Yeah this is really fucking stupid. Our olympic handgun team has to practice abroad.

>a fellow kong main

My nigga

He's very good right now, I had a 64% WR over 280 games with him in season six in the jungle. He's all I play. If you come back, try him with some of the new items.

I like to take AK-chan to bed with me and cuddle with her in small hours.

>What are some valid reasons for modern day gun ownership.

That is literally it. Suck my cock and balls you cucked piece of shit.

fuck off muh gubament aint gettin muh guns

>Sound of an eagles cry
Freeman talking right here.

Come to America. We're all fat and stupid but we can still defend ourselves...for now at least.

I'd say voting but honestly, I'm not sure the votes matter anymore.

Because it is a self evident right you stupid faggot.

What gives you the right to breath?
What gives you the right to take up space?
What gives you the right to live on earth?
What gives you the right to see and hear?
What gives you the right to wake up every day?
What gives you the right to not have your ass gaped by Muslims on a daily basis?

Stupid fucking britfags, it's our right because it's a fucking right, it's not a privilege and is not a need.

based georgia

>muh fucking 'functionality drop in magpul over excessive spending free float' brother

I spent a solid paycheck on getting this rifle and outfitting it with modest gear that will protect my family, my home, and myself. Absolutely everyone who can should get a gun. If you are some piece of shit rancid cum rag criminal that uses his to rob or attack other people. The might of the population will shoot you dead until there is no more.

Criminals don't fear police because they are very obvious, and few, and broadcast their presence. No, what shitbirds are truly afraid of is armed citizens. You cannot victimize someone when everyone is armed and will kill you on the spot if you attempt to fuck them over. I'd rather trust an armed nation to decide what is right or wrong over a very minuscule armed force given power by the Government to control all weapons who cannot be in the right place at the right time and. God forbidding, turn on the population because of orders up high.

Any Government that fears armed citizens is guilty and knows that their position would not stand if left in the hands of the people.

fucking this right here

You're an arrogant AND short sighted son of a bitch if you think you're absolutely confident that your government will never become tyrannical anytime between now and the heat death of the universe.

They don't happen frequently. It's a combination of soccer moms with nothing to do and yellow journalism that fabricate the "problem." School shootings were more of a copycat crime from columbine than anything else, and all gun crime here has been on the decline for quite a while. Most of the shooting deaths here are from minorities in our shities (cities), which is really just a consequence of diversity.

Anyway, on gun ownership; It's a direct form of trust with the U.S. citizenry. Unless you prove otherwise, the gov't assumes you want to be independent (more or less) from their control, and so allow you to defend yourself and your property. Self-determination and all that. Until you've proven you can't handle that.

Plus it's a neat little hobby, and fun sport for military geeks like myself. Come to America and try it, our gun culture is full of sweethearts just looking for love.

fucking gun as a gun keychain. I love this fucking country!

Go listen to the scanner in the CPD thread.

the defense of myself, my property, and the people i care about
also hunting

just cars running into crowds, much safer than guns

>still playing league
Wow the UK really is fucked

Cause I fucking want to and I fucking can.

There is literally no better reason

>What are some valid reasons for modern day gun ownership.

>protecting business
>protecting house and other valuables
>potentially killing robbers
>target practice
>skill developing (marksmanship has always been highly regarded from stones and slings to modern rifles.)
>putting down beasts of burden, animals, and hunting
>guns also make good assets of investments for their price, and are never useless unless broken.


Nah, done with that game and probably MOBAs in general (although DOTA looks tempting and I can't stop watching DOTAWTFs). After Jayce, I didn't like where the game was heading; also it was rage inducing.

Oh, I love "the government could nuke us" argument. Then what? What do you do when you've turned your citizens, your production capacity and economy into a glass floored self lighting parking lot? "AR15s can't defeat them drones, man." Ever wonder why the feds didn't just steamroll Cliven Bundy and his little enclave of Nevada holdouts with National Guard troops and tanks back in 2014? Because the last time they did it, somebody set off a truck bomb made of diesel fuel and fertilizers and destroyed a government building. Imagine the Iraqi insurgency, only it's a million rednecks and hood rats setting off car a truck sized IEDs at anything that resembles a government building or facility.

I'd point out that we're a big country and gun deaths account for 1.2% of total annual fatalities. If you eliminate gun related suicide, you're left with just .4% of annual deaths. Clearly, something must be done about this epidemic. Pic related. Stats are from the Centers for Disease Control.

Ask yourself this:

If shit goes south and your country plummets into chaos, do you want to be a faggot with a gun or a faggot without one?

At the end of the day, you are the one and only person that gives a shit about yourself and your well-being. And the reason you just see more about school shootings here is 1) because the media loves to rev up those gun control stories and 2) you're too busy drowning in mudslime cock to notice anything else.