Why is she so effective at triggering leftcucks?

Why is she so effective at triggering leftcucks?

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Because she's hot and they aren't.

Smart blonde and attractive

women hate other women who aren't exactly like them.

tomi needs to stop telling people to abort their own children

I AM The Truth, not mytruth

Lol Pretty sure she triggered Glenn Beck into firing her

Gtfo with this coalburner attention whore

She's made herself boring to the point of irrelevance to anyone who can't shake their obsession with hatefucking her.

Ask her CIA handlers. This thread is straight out of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

is the CIA god to you?

Is this that tijuana coalburner or some other? I dont follow american tv bimbos as closely as I'd like.


If you aren't ugly they hate you because it shows being a fat mutant isn't "a natural woman"

She is cuck level red pill.Very low charisma,very low intelligence,very weak arguments,but at least she gets kids into the alt-right

I'm going crazy because this is true and it's everywhere


Big forehead, small shoulders, white, helpless, ...
Blood goes from brain to dick and white knight kicks in......error 404 not found
Is anyone listening to what she is saying?


I like her Pro Choice support. Desu

>a fucking frogposter


I'd fuck

I like his show better

Tiny face

I don't know who that is but I'm already triggered by that massive forehead.

It is very attractive in a woman

looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome

Smart, white, and attractive

Because she's really pretty and smart and that is the opposite image of women that the left wants to present. They want to
show off weak women who pretend to be smart such as Rachel Madcow so that women never
try and rise up to challenge the fake stereotypes that the left creates to win the victim olympics

polacks will call any woman with dyed blond hair attractive

she looks like a fetus with prognathism

It's Tomi Lahren when she was on the OAN network. After OAN she was apart of Glenn Becks "the Blaze" tv. She had her own show.... but then she came out and said she is Pro Choice. Well old Mormon Mr. Beck had a problem with that and she was eventually fired. The latest news is this:

Tomi Lahren Sues Glenn Beck for Wrongful Termination - The Root

Bad idea to sue. Makes no one want to hire you again

shes under 25 and already looks in her mid 30s

she's retarded to think that political opinions/public statements aren't grounds for people being fired all the time

Wrong, the left places more importance on intelligence and less on the stereotype appearance a woman should have. The left appreciates a diversity of opinions and fact based research for news. Rachel Maddow is an excellent spokesperson with obviously a left leaning point of view. Her ratings have steadily improved since the election of Trump. I have tremendous admiration for Rachel Maddow. She is my waifu.

Because she looks like a dumb little girl.

Obvious bait/slide thread. All you newfags replying need to fucking leave.

Liberals like their delusion that all Conservatives are old and/or overweight, being reminded they're wrong stings. Why do you think they hate Fox News?

Beck was right. She is an opportunist phony. She was calling pro-abortion people baby killers like 6 months ago.

>pretty white conservative female that believes in traditional roles


Leftists want everyone to be gendefluid-kitty people , who identify as 8 year olds, with no boundaries at all.
> They want you to have 0 kids
>yet implement mass immigration
>people who have 5+ kids
>Destroy the nuclear family!
>Have no identity
>Have no culture
>they can more easily control fractured societies
>See: The Great Game, the arab spring,the current syrian conflict
>They're funding terrorists to destroy syria
It is all connected.
>perpetual warfare
>dumbing down society through :
>public education
>mass medication
>mass media
>6 seconds clips
>sports ( Bread and Circus )

We are under a very elaborate system of control. Many people actually know but choose to ignore it because their lives are comfortable. The bubble that this elite / military complex provides is very hard to break through.

So, why do they hate her? She is a symbolic stick in ONE of the many wheels of the machine of control.

> "don't look at her back, don't look at her back, don't look at her back"

is he trying to hide a boner or just fabulously flamboyant?

Glen has some serious mental problems.

she's going to imply that she was fired because shes a woman, thus only further outing herself as a liberal idiot

she's actually quite ugly

Cause she's neocoon coalburner slut.

Why are Serbians so crude?