RH negative Rhesis negative

Couldn't help but notice that the old thread was scrubbed while the site went down for a minute.
I didn't see the thread, but it's obvious that you all must have been on to something since the entire website went down for a few moments and that thread 404'd as a direct result of that.

I've seen some other threads concerning this, however. Pax 2, previous threads alluded that it could very well be starseed dna. Others say it could be the "Christ gene."
image related
discuss until faggot mods prune it again

bump for visibility

What are you talking about? Give more details fagget.

Every day on this website I find new reasons for suicide.

did somebody say a thread got scrubbed?

someone has been spending too much time on gematria

Yet never do it. May I encourage it in haste, sir.

larp threads are against the rules and i dont see any political relevance in your garbage thread

during satanic abuse you often are forced to have sex with animals, like donkey even. now look at pic related. it may or may not be fringe medicine, but it is weird that according to this they all have damage at the tastis or ovaries. i can see that happen when a donkey forcefully rapes you, or even some much bigger guy when they are that young

For you

Donkey shows are common in mexico

>all very low-res photos full of jpeg artifacts

fuck off back to /x/ OP, you tinfoil conspiritard shill. you're just trying to slide important political content.

it's getting late here in United States, shouldn't we all be getting some sleep? you're just seeing things OP, your eyes are tired. all of our eyes are getting tired, let's get some sleep.


not sure if troll or if the bots have to be feed new lines of text to not be that obvious anymore

We're too late...

Yeah. It's that genetic condition where the cells don't die correct?
It makes so much sense. We need to investigate doctors that are close to David Brock, Clintons, and whoever else we suspect are involved in this.
Lets not forget that some of the best modern assassins were doctors. And there are many cases of deranged nurses and doctors as well, so it's not completely out of the realm of possibilities.


every day on this site i find new reasons to kill :^)

I've tried looking at these pics but I'm so tired I just got from the gym I'm getting some sleep now

Can someone give me a quick rundown

I know what RH neg is, im rh neg. However i dont believe that has anything to do with the abnormal pupil condition. I do believe thats something separate.

Where would you grow billionaires' tissue type matching spare parts so that those can be quickly harvested without hassle when needed?

What in the ever loving fuck are you even talking about son.

RH neg is a uncommon blood type that lacks the normal monkey protein.We can not have babies with a normal human unless we get a shot called rhogam to prevent our bodies from attacking and killing the fetus.

by using bullshit flashlight and magnifier "science" iridologist believe they can see past/current/future health issues for you. he's implying that fucking donkeys or grown men as a child could be why their eyes are like that, according to the chart he provided.

oh look, more useless faggots seizing on some trivial aspect of themselves to feel special

you guys are fucking pathetic.

if you want to feel special, how about you try accomplishing something? this rhesus shit is "we wuz kangz" level delusion

Pasta could be Cocaine, Cheese some other drug.

there is some kind of "diagnostic method", which seems like bogus, but still the (((coincidence))) creeps me out for some reason. the method underlies the assumption that damage you see in the iris is directly related to damage elsewhere in the body. in case of OPs pics, which are from instagramm accounts from the pizzagate investigation and suspected to be victims of ritual satanic abuse, the kids all show damage in the ovaries or testis region

yeah this literally we wuz mysticisms

fucking Sup Forumsplaying

how in the fuck could you honestly believe this to be true. your eyes can be damaged by literally anything and it would have nothing to do with your body. what you are saying is entirely divested from everything known about biology.

Trauma from forced animal rape.


biology is overrated.
lecches. leeches are the way to go.
trust me i'm a doctor

Don't reply to the shills.

>it may or may not be fringe medicine
It isn't fringe medicine, it's pseudo-science palmistry tier BS.

if you fuckin idiots didn't insist on this stupid /x/ shit the board would have more respect

this roleplaying shit is the cancer that is killing pol


>be me
>have flashback
>..."the cancer that is killing Sup Forums"
>..."killing Sup Forums"
>..."ing Sup Forums"
Sup Forums was never good in the first place.

what the shit are you talking about nigger

no, it was certainly never good. but at least it wasn't full of floppy bullshit like this

i didnt say i believe it. at least i dont believe it to be 100% accurate. but i also doubt its 100% bullshit. its worth looking in these things at least before dismissing it, and in case of these pictures its a creepy (((coincidence)))

you served your purpose during the election now fuck off retard

I always suspected i was master race. Pleb faggots.

Can we get back on to the guy who thought his pastor was a frog alien and shot him 8 times and the dude was fine. Then he went to the white house threw a thumb drive and told everyone the frog aliens were sodomizing Obama or some shit. That was great.

Wait, are the frog aliens gonna rape me now that they know I'm master race?

i want to read this



Dudes name was odom, pastor was Remington i think. Had a whole creepy xfiles shadow creature storyline. Great thread


How the fuck is this a larp thread? Am I portraying it as something that it isn't? Fuck off, sauerkraut nigger.
Assume much, leafnigger?

I swear to Christ, all you faggots who immediately say go back to /x/ when something isn't instantly noticeable as politically related are the same kind of people that make it possible for these sick fucks to continue to get away with this shit.

Obviously, I'm hitting a nerve, then, Mr. one post in this thread, faggot.

get off the internet...