This so much

this so much

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Because its trump ((they)) would agree with this.

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Trump would demolish kim.

go back to tumblr

>two fat asses fighting
Sumo wrestling it is then

that would mean meatheads would be our prezidunts

want brok lazer responsible for your economy or anything else?

countrys need champions to fight wars that decide: like 10 for each country. fight to the death.

I've wanted to fight a north korean ever since I saw a documentary on nk.

I'd pay good money to see that. More than Mayweather/Mcgregor anyway.

Democrats were/are completely unaware of Obama's foreign policy anyway.
I like the thought though, why wouldn't we task our leaders with kicking eachother's asses?

Kim would whip the shut out of prep school draft dodger blumpf. Hard to land effective punches with baby hands???

Who would win though? My money is on Trump

This is retarded.
The result of this system is seeing Mike Tyson as 46th president of the US, the puppet of his secretary of state.


Yeah, because rivalry between two nations is a purely personal conflict between it's leaders.
And if Kim were to beat Trump, would you be fine with just disbanding your whole military and letting NK occupy the entirety of USA?
This is 9gag-tier bait.

Now toy have neocon TV-show star and his daughter manipulating him

you have to go back

I suppose it would be restricted to non-invasion/sovereignty-related issues.

Picture didn't say elections should be decided by fighting, retard

>implying the manlet would even have a chance
Trump practices his golfswing-jitsu daily

>lets fight 1 on 1
>other dude brings 2 guys because he really wants to win
>first dude says fuck it, brings dudes
>eventually they bring everything they got

And then Putin would conquer the world

>tfw Ireland would control the world

That's how it did used to be, way back when.

But then Thag the caveman got dangerously smart and asked Zog the caveman to help him take over the neighbours cave.

Thus the notion of a military was born, it happened then and will happen again now you facebook-tier meme spouting normie.

Yeah and then after this duel, the countries find the reason for war remains, and go ahead with it anyway

Stupid Liberals want to take us back to the middle ages.
This is why we have no progress

Would Hitler have won WW2 then? I don't think FDR's polio ass would have been up for the challenge

>tfw when you've spend too much time on Twatter, your Sup Forums posts look like incoherent brabble
Kill yourself

If wars are won by having the leaders fight, then of course fighting skill is going to be the biggest factor in winning elections. Get it together, Finland.

"this so much"

i really do hate people like you. saged

long go is teh age when kings leaded their armies to teh battle user, and even then. kings were not likely spear heading any attack

naa not against the man of steel

fuck that would be awesome, everyone watching some stupid intro to all the nations leaders like a bad wwe walk in, and here is captain sweden limping out of Somalias' dressing room once again

>Yeah, because rivalry between two nations is a purely personal conflict between it's leaders.
in many cases it is though. often there is no reason to fight and its just (((them))), often even controlling both sides, driving nations against each other.

at the very least i think the guy who starts the war and sends the others, should also be the one fighting on the front lines, because then they would probably ask themselves twice if its worth it. i know command chain and all, and we should ensure the highest commander is save so he is still able to give commands, but why not just choose a substitute from the beginning that overtakes the moment the first guy calls for war?

To put it in the words of a wise man called System of a down:
"Why dont presidents fight the war? Why do they always send the poor?"

Stalin was a fucking animal, killed thousands and learned to be a savage commie in the revolutionary war.

He would have raped Churchill and Hitler at the same time.

erdoğan would btfo every leader really.

the point of war is teamwork and conquering your opponent entirely and shutting down any chance of them fighting back. Leaders are irrelevant

Trump would kill Kim with his bare hands
and he is literally twice his age

this so much

these with cheese

Every countries should do like the Horatii and Curiatii battle
send their 3 best fighters and do a 3 versus 3 fight. winners also win the war for the whole country

You were born to late to defeat the Saracens at the Battle of Tours, fighting alongside The Hammer

Are they allowed to use weapons or just their bare hands.

I... can't even comprehend the levels of retarded in this post.

Gonna give you benefit of the doubt and assume shitpost. Well played.

If that's not the case, kys.

i would pay my life savings to see this


This is unironically how ancient jews dealt with their neighbors, sort of. Send your strongest warriors in a 1 on 1 match at the start of a war to get an honor win victory, then go fullscale.

Lol, Iceland would just get Hafþór Björnsson as their PM and every single nation would be just fucked.

Trump would beat the shit out of him even if he is like 70

Mfw Theresa may defeats Merkel in mortal combat.


Kim would win just by way of the age gap. Donald has a size advantage but very little of it is Muscle. I say Kim by eye gouging or biting his neck or some shit.

How WWII would play out in this scenario:
>Churchill, Roosevelt, de Gaulle, Stalin on one side.
>Hitler, Mussolini, Hirohito on the other side.
>Axis are outnumbered just like real life.
>Roosevelt gets kicked to death immediately by Mussolini and Hirohito, whilst Hitler brawls with the other three.
>Churchill and Stalin were older and fatter so Hitler could probably ward them off.
>Churchill killed next, then probs Hirohito.
>Long slog of a brawl between the remaining four. Eventually Mussolini stamps on Stalin's skull until he dies, Hitler is strangled to death by de Gaulle but manages to gauge his eyes on in the process.
>blind de Gaulle is finished off by a wounded Mussolini, who limps back home.
>the most useless military leader of WWII is the last man standing.

Theresa May would obliterate Merkel.

>has no face.jpg


Yeah sorry i ment tfw.

Trumps strong as an ox.

Anonews is genuinely the gayest thing on the internet at the moment.

There are legitimate reasons for going to war with North Korea. I oppose a war with any other country out there, but North Korea openly talks about destroying our allies and us. Within two years, it is expected that North Korea will gain the capability to nuke the western coast of the United States, including California, which is an essential part of the US economy.

The United States cannot allow an insane dictator to gain control of nuclear weapons that can realistically attack us, when that dictator openly talks about destroying our country.

ok /leftypol/ send your best to us, and we'll send ours. Whoever wins runs the country.

Another high quality thread.

I think Trump could fuck Kimmy up desu. Trump atteneded a military school, was pretty fit in his youth, and from this, doesn't give two fucks about danger.

Finally canada is a powerful nation

Everyone I've ever met from Canada was a pussy. Not even lying.

wars should be fought in super street fighter 2

Korea would be the huge favorite. But Japan would probably win. And then rape their women. And then come home and rape their own women.

Yes, I also watched Mobile Fighter G Gundam, OP.

This. Or they could get there top 5 countrys best fighters, and go best of 5, mma rules

>During this period, King Albert fought with his troops and shared their dangers, while his wife, Queen Elisabeth, worked as a nurse at the front. During his time on the front, rumors spread on both sides of the lines that the German soldiers never fired upon him out of respect for him being the highest ranked commander in harm's way, while others feared risking punishment by the Kaiser himself. The King also allowed his 14-year-old son, Prince Leopold, to enlist in the Belgian army as a private and fight in the ranks.

Theast king to fight on the front lines. The practice died with the middle ages but that dude was based.







>tfw we will all be speaking Canadian