Why are Jewish elites marrying Asians?

Soros married an Asian in 2013. He dumped his Jewish wife for an Asian qt!

Fakeberg CEO Mark Zuckerfag also married an Asian and had baby with her.

Now, the jews have always married only jews in the past, but now they are starting to force their bloodline into the Asian gene pool. Do they know something that we don't? Or are Asian's just the superior breed of women?


Trying to infiltrate the east.

The ship is sinking and the rats are scurrying to the next.

So what are such women called in Mandarin? 潔食妹?

US on way down, China on the way up. They are trying to hedge their bets.

If China overtakes the US wait for them to play a game of "Christians always hated us...".

here is mark and his asian wife

they're trying to look asian just like how they're able to infiltrate the west because they look white

>West is dying
>China will be next big thing
>no jews in China
They're ensuring their lineage is "Chinese".

our glorious Turtle fuck Senate Majority leader is married to a chingchong

yellow fever

It's part of their apocalyptic Zionist cult story, they're unifying the bloodlines of the world's financially elite families in preparation for The Great Culling the intend to unleash upon the rest of humanity.

It's the same reason both of our "choices" for President were New York ultra-wealthy who have princess daughters who are married to powerful Jewish financiers.

Money is their new religion, but as throughout the ages they intend to ensure loyalty by blood relationships.

Asian pussy is god tier. Before I fucked Asian hookers I wasn't even really attracted to Asians, now I think I've got to find one to marry.

Even jewish guys have realised feminism is a cancer that has fucked up their women

Do you ever wonder why China never had a Jew problem? I present Sup Forums with a theory....Jews were always cucks to their Asian masters. I guarantee if you look in to it.....Asians are behind a lot more. Such a large homogeneous population is far more efficient than the diversified leaky pipes we have here.

(((they))) understand that life hates them more than they hate life. It's ethnic suicide. It's good. It's also the price to pay when you make others feel guilty for nothing.

The reason China has never had a Jew problem is because Chinks are the Jews of the Orient. There ain't room enough for both of them.

What is more efficient than an asian jew?

Gene stealing.

Gotta fit into the next megamarket now that they're almost done collapsing the west.

And after a few short generations they'll pass as chinese and can manipulate them as easily as they do the west currently.

They most certainly have secret kids with Jewish woman.

Jews are owned by Asians, they are making [[their]] moves now.

i agree with this theory

This. Gene stealers.
>As a Chinese man, I've always felt that we should be more receptive to diversity

Soros, that's funny.
Interracial Jew, oxymoron, error

I dunno, why does 80% of Sup Forums and Stormfront want to stick their dicks into Asian lolis?

I guess the Jewish elites aren't that different from most anons and Stormfags.

this makes sense
they got to stay retentive
they can earn the trust of the asians if they look like them
maybe i'll have asian wife also. if asians take over me and my senpai will be okay

While East Asians are quite successful, the Jews are a different league altogether.

Japan is what happens when a race overcomes their Jew.

if you're one quarter jew than you consider yourself as jew. the non-orthodox only care about tribe environment. actually they're embarassed by how they love. that's why they do rhinoplasty cirurgy


No. China destroyed their cultures with the Cultural revolution. It became just a big market.
Therefore Jew doesn't hate China.

by how they look *

Every one is just jeleous of the haves because they have not. Every one would become like the corrupt elite if they had the means.

They have to practice what they preach i.e. deracination. Once they have decided to dirty their gene pool Chinese are the best choice as they are the closest to Jews in IQ

>they're unifying the bloodlines of the world's financially elite families

Zuck's wife isn't a financially elite family. She's a normie.

I have been pondering this. Fiat currency works in a sequence. The gold goes in (say 100ton), fiat is issued, gold goes out (say 500ton), fiat collapses.

Then the 500ton gold goes to the next place and repeat. Huge industrial expansion and prosperity, resources depleted, gold stolen, on to the next country.

The gold was in America. Now it's in China and Russia.

Also, I doubt these people marry for love. Which Chinese families are these wives coming from?

Jews becoming Chews

>ITT Shit thread with shit answers

I think the Jews are in disarray. Some believe in pure bloodlines, some are spergy technocrats like Zuck, some are just in it for the old boy networks, some actually hate being Jewish. Now it's all tangled up.

i fucking hate asian women too
but they are the best of the worst

thats not saying much though
fuck women in general

>give birth to twins
>amazing tight body
I doubt it, and don't sexualize muh YUI.

They need DNA to create the Asian infiltrator models.

They ready to destabilize the next few countries.

yeah, and i think once the older ones die their kids wont use their power the same way and the world will start to correct itself and it will find its natural state without jewish control.

Soros has probably been with her since she was an infant


Asians don't know what Jewish means.

While we kill the niggers, they're going to build robots while the Jews run off with the fucking money.

why do you think that?

they are seeking to infiltrate east asia next, once they have been pruged from the west.

They are looking for the next super power to TAKE DOWN.

They are going ASIAN FACE!

Zuckerjew married a daughter of a rich chinese buisnessman because he's trying to open up a new market in africa for consumerism of chinese goods. The nogs won't need to buy nikes and iphones if they can't access internet thats why he's trying to launch satelites to hook then up with some (((free internet))) containing ads and content designed for social programming that will make alot of guys rich in china and he will make tonnes from ad revenue.

Because racemixing has been going on in humanity forever.
If you think Jews are any different you would be mistaken.
I believe if the elites push for more racemixing is because they know it breaks down social barriers over the generations.

They're targeting Asia next, after they scuttle white countries.

This. They're unironically reptilian shape shifters.
Cold blooded, self serving motherfuckers in the process of changing form, so they can subvert another culture.

Jews are butt-licking China. They know who is the next boss going to be, but can't infiltrate them without having chink eyed offspring.

Also amerishart faces when the jews ditch them to die in their shit... lol.

They are trying to get into the eastern world, for the final part of their plan.

>for the final part of their plan.
there is no final part, they're just hoping for survival.

Soros is too old to procreate.


Being an insufferable SJW is a virus, a spreading cancer that cannot be contained. At this rate, the west is finished in 2-4 more generations, unless there is a massive war and purge.

I'd wager most elite white women are insufferable at this point, with the self-absorbed brainwashing, virtue-signalling, etc. Even a paladin amongst the SJWs would find that unappealling, so they go to the next, soft target: Asia. Eastern Europe is too bitter the shit the soviets put them through for their women to take to this nonsense.

But (((they))) won't stop their ways. They will be preaching diversity and all the other shit that left the west burning and broken, doomed to repeat the same shit.

Asians, don't fall for it. You will have only yourself to blame when Nigerians and Pakistanis are flooding your streets and your women turn into shrieking harpies.