Paris, 2017, March

>Paris, 2017, March


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does it look the same as years ago?

Fug, which arrondissement was this picture taken in?

>trash everywhere

Don't know.

The trash of Paris


Is the 2e still fine? I had an apartment there for a bit, was a pretty comfy location and I'd hate to see it get overrun by shitskins

what's smashed and pieced coconuts on the ground?

Paris was always a dirty ass city

Shitskins live in the 18e of in the outskirts.
2e is too close from the historic center to see it overrun.
Unless arab money gets there.

That is filthy.

the fuck


Don't ask me.

Good Lord, this is even worse than London

>Paris syndrome is a transient mental disorder exhibited by some individuals when visiting or vacationing to Paris, as a result of extreme shock resulting from their finding out that Paris is not what they had expected it to be

giving tourists PTSD

France: not even once

reminder that these people you let in are all worshippers of black magic and have cursed dolls and amulets in their apartments or should i say some hole found within paris that no average french poster knows of its existance. a place where blood rituals are made.

the whiter the skin of the slain the stronger the magic. this is what they believe in.

sounds impossible but its what they do in africa. they do it in paris too no question

Nice try, kid.

It only has to do with Japs.
Somehow Paris is idolized there.
>The Japanese embassy has a 24-hour hotline for those suffering from severe culture shock, and can help find hospital treatment for anyone in need.

Top kek.

what a fuckin' shithole

there is only one solution...

Is France officially a 3rd world country now?

Paris should be nuked desu