How many people here can generally relate to this image?

tfw no black gf

that pic pisses me off so much each time i see it. why couldn't the person make the ass fatter giving the nazi a real reason to sweat and question his beliefs. as it is currently it just looks like every other white girls's ass.

Of course they are the most beautiful.

German guy here. I'm absolutely in love with black and brown girls.

I don't like white girls at all

>white guy here said nobody ever

Good because Germany will be full of shitskin anyway. Hope you love your somali childeren.

>Be me
>couple years ago
>my one and only year ever living inside of a city
>bad snowstorm
>fuck driving in this shit, hey I'll use the bus
>go to work
>coming home, niggers galore on the bus
>even for nigger, the behavior on the bus is nigger-tier
>autistic niggers start dogpiling on a cute black girl and her friend(don't know/remember why, don't care)
>im standing in aisle
>dressed pretty sharp, for a bus full on niggers and homeless alcoholics i look like a billionaire
>said black girl walks by and runs her arms over my body and says "id love to take you home with me"
>well you can
>go to her place in the middle of the hood and smash
>mfw I cucked a busload of niggers

90% of them are nasty gorillas but yeah I get the fever for the top tier ones

Germans are well known for being racemixers, all that denazifaction propaganda ruined your entire cultural psyche

rip faggot

only fucked black/latina girls, only dated them, only talk to them, life is stress free. feels good man

My wife is from South America and both of our kids came our blonde with green eyes.

Why did you lie to me pol

kys faggots

I love how all you shitskins act as if you are white on pol and then shill nigger women. That picture you posted is a nigger with white features which is about .01% of niggers.

White boy who grew up and went to middle/high school in San Diego.

Latina girls crave, nay, NEED white cock! I was a status symbol.

I would tell you to kys but I don't want you to. What you are about to go through will be much better.

I don't believe this. I'm Nigerian so close to 100% black, but my IQ is 104.

Not me I have only been with white girls

Image is nonsense. Would never dream of fucking a she-nig. Throw the issue of polluting my children's genetics aside and I am still repulsed by them. They are ugly, dumb, and degenerate across the board with minimal exceptions.

I'm white with a mediterranean parent, why so mad? Have you seen white women in today's society? They eat unhealthy as fuck, wear a shit ton of makeup, and don't take care of their skin or body, and think they can get by with zero personality and everything given to them, At least black and hispanic girls less frequently will wear makeup and take better care of their skin and body and are generally more conservative and religious and know how to cook.

Ive dated a black whore some years ago...1 year after we broke up she started dating a 1.95m nigger(im 1.73m,do yiu guys think the size meant something?


My first GF was black. She was the daughter of her countries consul in our city, so probably the classiest girl I ever had. Was fluent in French, English, German and 3 local languages. She also spoke Low German, which is really weird for black people in Germany. I only know one other guy who does.

104 IQ but can't understand averages. lol.

also i forgot to post a "nigger" with more "niggerer features" since i posted one who was too white

LOL dumb nigger doesn't understand bell curve graphs.

Black women thread?
Post more Nubian Goddesses German bro

I genuinely do not find black grills attractive.
I have seen "some" features that I find unique
and appealing but not enough for me to be
generally attracted to them.

I don't believe the statistics. My IQ should be 70 since black means low IQ.

This isnt even reddit tier bullshit,this is a whole new level,maybe twitch chat level bullshit


Black women are so beautiful. Look how pretty her dress is!

Cx TriHard

i help too friend I have many pics on my comp


>Generally more conservative
>Know how to cook
>Aren't as unhealthy as white girls

All of this is objectively untrue. Stop shilling and lurk more.

Thank you

Go to any heavy black/hispanic community in NYC and most of those girls are conservative and religious af and grew up around cooking and helping their parents and grandparents cook.

That's if you were an average black from Saharan Africa, you can still be 120+ IQ and black, all it means is you're an outlier in the distribution. 104 means you're pretty much like an average asian/white. Gratz lmao.



99% of the white nationalists here would def impregnate the fuck out of some cute beret wearing, wannabe black panther, natural haired, darkskin afrocentric black girl if given the chance.

>what is an anecdote?
I'm not a low IQ idiot like you. All you need is the objective research done on things like this, which you have proven you are too stupid to look for.

that hair...

I cant handle that shit.

Not what the poll says. It is obvious you aren't white and don't know how disgusting niggers look to us.

Anyone who has ever had an indepth conversion with a nigger regarding any topic will know that we are two different a species. How can anyone be attracted to such creatures is beyond me.

If I didnt know any better I would think jews inplanted some genes genes into niggers to make us compatible in regard to reproduction.

friend I never said anything about IQ, you said I haven't done research on things "like this", bitch i'm talking about how they can cook and be more feminine and don't need makeup to try to look cute, and they take care of their skin and shit i'm not talking about their IQ at all keep shitposting about that and get a white wife who will look like she's 40 years old at 25 and make you wanna blow your brains out.


>that hair...

my fetish desu

> idontknowhowbiologyworks.jpg

Good one, Assburger.

Black women are literally perfect. Pic very related.

There is you above average mid life nigger that "takes care of their skin".

I can tell you've never talked to a regular black or hispanic person.

>Pick 1
I understand that they are a different breed and not a different specie.

oh damn dude michelle obama picture that makes every other black woman in the world less attractive fuck me man you just checkmated me, autistic edgy kid.

Ive never found a black chick hot in person.

Usually its just >ahh fuck, black people.

Then I put my wallet and phone in my front pockets and keep myself alert so I dont get knock out gamed or some shit.

This. I've fucked with a lot of black girls. They really want a man to take care of em and provide. They fuck. They cook. They're pretty loyal. Some of em are pretty fine too. Ghetto hood rat bitches are nasty as fuck, but so are trailer trash white bitches.

I can tell he has, the people that hate blacks the most are the ones that have to be around them every fucking day.

"There is you"

Nigger detected

The graph shows that 85 is the black average, why are you suggesting that you would be over a standard deviation below it?

exactly this

Guys on Sup Forums think every white woman is some kind of queen and every black girl is obese and from the ghetto, a lot of these autist edgelords will end up being a beta in a relationship with a white woman who wears a shit ton of makeup and smells like shame and cheap perfume because they think if they get a white woman all is fine in the world. Sorry friends but Hispanic and black girls are really the future, especially the Caribbean hispanic/blacks


70 is the average for sub saharan Africans.

No, but for some reason black/brown girls are attracted to me like a fucking magnet. Everywhere i've worked/Gym i've used. And they're bold too, much more straightforward than most white/asian girls.

Itt: highly photoshopped mixed girls passing off as full black

you realize most of these girls are African American and have about 20-30% european blood in them because of male slave masters fucking their female slaves, even back then the white man knew what was better LOL

Black girl I was talking to

most black girls that don't have a ghetto mindset always talk about "swirling" and shit.

I know the descendants of slave owners are black lmao blacks are just that much more despicable LOL and they had shit taste in """"women"""" because they fucked literal chimps LOL

They are trying to have their offspring move up the genetic ladder. Hopefully you aren't dumb enough to shove your offspring down the genetic slide.

t. Stormfag

Sure, I even wear that colour bikini.

race traitors are pieces of shit
but natural selection has a "cure"

blacks STDs


In 2014, 55.4% of all reported cases of gonorrhea occurred among blacks. The rate of gonorrhea among blacks in 2014 was 405.4 cases per 100,000 population, which was 10.6 times the rate among whites (38.3). This disparity has changed little in recent years. This disparity was similar for black men (10.6 times) and black women (10.7 times).


In 2014, the overall rate among blacks in the United States was 1,117.9 cases per 100,000, a 6.2% decrease from the 2010 rate of 1,167.5 cases per 100,000. The rate of chlamydia among black women was 5.7 times the rate among white women (1,432.6 and 253.3 per 100,000 women, respectively). The chlamydia rate among black men was 7.3 times the rate among white men (772.0 and 105.5 cases per 100,000 men, respectively).


During 2010–2014, the rate of primary and secondary (P&S) syphilis among blacks increased 7.8% (from 17.8 to 119.2 cases per 100,000 population). In 2014, 38.1% of all cases reported to CDC were among blacks.

The overall 2014 rate for blacks was 5.4 times the rate for whites, while the 2013 rate was 5.6 times the rate for whites. In 2014, the rate of P&S syphilis among black men was 5.3 times the rate among white men; the rate among black women was 9.2 times the rate among white women.

In 2014, the rate of congenital syphilis was 38.2 cases per 100,000 live births among blacks. Race/ethnicity for cases of congenital syphilis is based on the mother’s race/ethnicity. This rate was 10.3 times the rate among whites (3.7 cases per 100,000 live births).

anyone who would shall not escape gassing

>doesn't know how to green text
>uses stormfag unironically

leave redditfag and lurk more before you post.

If you weren't in your basement all day you'd realise pussy is pussy

you're a faggot, go fuck a cute ethnic bitch to take the edge off cause clearly you are stressed and haven't seen sunlight in months.

kek i did notice that too, they owe reparations to themselves lul, but nah they would fuck the shit out of their female slaves while the white wives would get mad af and whip the girls that her husband fucked extra hard and make them work longer out in the fields.

most black girls I talked to like dirty talk where you talk about your white cock and their black pussy and i've been careful to bring up a slave master race fetish but each one i've brought it up to has liked it.

Are you saying this girl isn't attractive to you in the slightest?

holy christ

The Donald fags won't heed the warning. I hope their dicks fall off and then they die of AIDS.


in an anonymous poll lol

Brown is ok , niggers are bad.

This. Even one that said she didn't have a slavery fetish told me she wanted to be tied up and beaten with whips etc.

not in general but

Not at all, I ignore any advances made by anyone other than white/asian. Basically friend zone them so i don't reveal my power level.

yea, also they liked dirty talk where i talk about their "nigger pussy" and call them a filthy nigger and shit, they're freaky as fuck.

My philosophy is that all women can be or are babes. It's usually the guys of other colors that cause most of the trouble.

Why are black girls with natural hair so fucking hot?

You are the epitome of what people hate on this board. Fucking leave REEEEEEEEE
Pussy isn't pussy you race traitor faggot, are you really that dumb? Serious question what do you know about human biodiversity, honor, morals. Have you no standards because you are so dumb all you think about all day is muh dick.
>inb4 virgin with no gf
I have a qt 3.14 white gf. So no, pussy isn't pussy.

how about stop being a pussy and fuck them then move on? You're letting some dumbass ideology stopping you from getting your dick wet.

Good timing for this thread, little story for you niggers:
>grow up through teens on Sup Forums and later Sup Forums
>strongly against racemixing, think it's disgusting and hate nignogs
>always posting anti-nigger memes and shit
>start college last year
>normally shy but forced myself to find a friend group and did pretty well if I say so myself, have a sizeable group of compatriots
>random other freshman in group, soft-spoken thick black chick with glasses keeps trying to make friends with me
>always sits next to me in study groups, walks with me when we go anywhere etc.
>hate her with passion at first but gradually get used to her and tolerate her
>she asks for my #, give it to her and she texts me every day, I never initiate conversation and only reply maybe 30% of the time, when I feel like it
>other guys keep telling me she obviously likes me and asking why we haven't hooked up yet
>still pretty sickened by the idea of being with a black chick at this point so make up excuses
>this goes on for a while
>she starts asking me alone to hang out at Starbucks to "study," we mostly just shoot the shit
>finally start genuinely liking her presence and enjoying her company and looking past her niggatry
>she invites me to hang out with her and her girlfriends at a nearby tavern
>her friends (3 prissy kinda slutty black chicks) all adore me and keep hugging me and fawning over me and one asks me when I'm gonna take her friend's virginity
>didn't know she was a virgin
>we end up making out with her in my lap at the behest of her friends
>really enjoyed it and felt good for days afterward
>that was 2 weekends ago
>she just invited me to come over to her place alone this weekend to "study"
>still conflicted over racemixing
So... anyone want to convince me why I shouldn't fuck this negress at this point? I only have a few days before I'm tested. I kinda feel like I owe it to her for pursuing me relentlessly for so long.

I didn't call them nigger but I did talk about white cock/black pussy etc. Needless to say they were great in bed. Much better than white women who expect you to do everything

I'm white as can be, I havent been attracted to a white girl for over 10 years. It's actually sad. I like anyone smaller than me who is not fat and has brown skin. Or Asians. Spaniards. Sure, even nigs. As long as it's not white. I blame being a virgin and watching anime as a teenager. I was bullied throughout high school and white girls participated or laughed at me. White christian culture is the best thing in the world, but I can't find myself giving a crap about it because I'm literally just a pariah to my own race. My endgame is to move to Thailand when I'm 35

Swede bro, don't tell me these girls aren't mindbogglingly attractive to you.
Also pic one Sup Forums

I'm attracted to all beautiful women, no matter their race.

hhhhhh-nnnnnnnn-gggggggggg !

im fucking one right now. feels good man BLEACHING her

Pussy is pussy, mate. Women are inherently whores, even your supposed "qt white gf".

More Somalis

wait don't you realize if you pump and dump a black girl, the kid will be mixed and less black, and if that kid marries a white person then their kid will be white at that point, keep REEEing faggot, you can be a white supremacist all you want but when you get to the point where you put all white and asian women on a pedestal when almost all of them don't take care of themselves and want a guy with money and shit then you're stupid as fuck and should kill yourself.

There is literally zero proof anything like that actually happened. That shit was propagated by a Jewish abolitionist newspaper and a cunt from Connecticut who was commission to write Uncle Tom's Cabin.
But regardless, it's funny how pissy people about how blacks were supposedly treated when that is the kind of behavior they respond to. They are literally like dogs in a sense and it's not cruel or inhumane because otherwise they are literal niggers

Not a fuck and chuck type person, tried that lifestyle early on in college and it wasn't really my thing.

Settling for a black girl is like buying the v6 version of a muscle car to me. Doesn't sit right in the mind

all these black women pics, are women who have some European mix, is wearing a weave or is Photoshop, try again niggers

Those aren't girls, those are muslims.

do it!
