Should people be required to obtain a parenting license in order to have a child?

Could this be the solution to stop degeneracy?

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Reddit is considering this too

Are you retarded? the moment leftists are in power they will use this to take away kids from people they deem undesirable such as racists and christians that say faggotry is a sin.

Havent you fucking germans learned to not rely on government? Do you need to be taught the lesson a third fucking time?

>cucked gercuck asking for more gov regulations
it's a bout time we kill all of you fucking subhuman gercuck scum.

Who is in charge of issuing them?
>Oh user, you're a white male. Denied :^)
>Oh user, you don't believe that North America would benefit from mass immigration from Africa and the middle East? Denied :^)

That would instantly be struck down in the courts as racist and therefore unconstitutional

This guy knows what's up.

first hitler, now OP. why are all germanese such evil cunts?

What happens if you have a child anyway?

>Put penis in vagina
Welp, what are you going to do police officer? Lock me up?

>guys, you should need a government mandated license
>you just need to be against guns in the home, be for gay marriage, be against fascism, etc.

kill yourself

labour camp

passing your genes is a privilege, not a right

68th trimester abortion

No, that's fucking retarded. You just stop giving them handouts, so they either die or have to step up their fucking game.

Look at Singapore.

There should be an income requirement. Something around annual income of at least $50,000/child.

> A German .
> Wants to be regulated by the state.
Fucking cucks.
What if you want to raise your kid a Nazi? You'd lose your kid to the state. But is ok it was your wife's anyway.

yes but only for niggers and muslims

id agree with this if only non niggers were allowed to have them.

this too

It would be against human rights. Another step closer to humans existing at the whim of the state instead of the other way around. Sage.

I really hope your shitty country gets overthrown by the muslims

Ultimately that would be a terrible idea that would help (((them))).
At first you would have mostly whites getting the licenses, and then someone would go ''oy vey, das rasis'', then you would have affirmative action making sure there are as many or more non-white babies.
They would start giving the licenses to niggers like free candy, while white people would be turned away.

This would kill all liberals

>Could this be the solution to stop degeneracy?
it could be the step to 1984

youre not being provocative, just - ironically - supporting degeneracy with thread title like this

Maybe stop giving benefits to shitskins rather than restricting even more freedoms and you will stop degeneracy

>making it harder to have kids when white birth rates are already way too low

Also this power would definitely be abused by leftists

Not that a redditor would know any better

The fucking government makes us getting a drivers license.
this is fascist
Every idiot should be allowed to go to a car dealer, buy a car and drive around everywhere he pleases. Who cares about street rules. People need to figure out themselves how to drive. We are free people and we want cars without a license.

Straw man.

I think setting cultural norms, incentives and certain repercussions should be enough. In the west you also just got a fuck ton of broken families these days but I guess compared to recent history there is significantly reduced child suffering. Sadly we can't say the same about the rest of the world but they can figure shit out like we did.

This (with prerequisite mandatory sterilization) would solve almost everything. License requirements would have to be ultra-stringent

The fact that you think anything at all is fundamentally wrong about what you just said is really, really hilarious.
s h e e p ~

Will never happen so long as politicians have elections to look forward to and donors keep lobbying for it

Parenting license is a thing that might happen. and could either be a force for good if applied properly.

Presumably what happened to Chinese people who had a second child under the one child policy

I have a feeling that's currently something we could benefit from too, especially if we included a clause that kept out Pedro and Abdul and their families of fifteen.

>do you think deporting undocumented citizens is abhorrent?
>based on your psychological profile you've been deemed too violent for child care and have been denied

Trash knows no color

>Answer yes
>Based on your psychological profile, you have been deemed as unable to properly protect children from harm and have been denied

That's some Orwellian shit OP. If you're serious you should kill yourself immediately