But seriously how are things getting so bad?

but seriously how are things getting so bad?

there's gotta be a better explanation than "the jews"

Other urls found in this thread:


The Jews.

is that big candy or a tiny girl

and in either case how do I buy one?

Good question, goy

Le Demiurge.

it all went downhill when mobile internet got in the hands of the masses

Too much freedom is a bad thing, there have to be guidelines.

If a child grows up and never learns to act like a child, you see the current liberal generation. Sometimes a parent just needs to smack a kid upside the head.

seven super girls is degenerate and ive stopped my younger sister from watching them. This bitch is weird af.

>girl (kek)

Unironically this.

The peace time between major powers has been too long.

Without an external enemy, Populations turn inwards and will start chipping away at their own foundations until they find resistance.

Yeah, just simple corruption and the wide range of possibilities that today's society has to do so. You can also look at it from a point of view that we're nearing the end of an era.
Governments are basically becoming obsolete, technology can take over and efficiently govern us. So they take what they can now, because they will be held accountable for such action in the future. They're just trying to assure their wealth.

Believe me, they're scared. The internet, technology. Block-chain. It's all the start of their demise. New countries will rise up which adapt these technologies first, maybe countries like Singapore. They will be prosperous beyond imagination with a quality of life unrivalled. And when one starts, people will demand the same, but they will flock to the better areas first. This will all start when energy becomes practically free. Solar or whatever they'll make. This will make movement of people simple and cheap, thus a country won't matter much in the future. Simply the place where we can be free the most will matter.

Save this post, and watch in a few decades how right I am. It may even start sooner than you think. Over and out.

That only happens in (((diverse))) nations.

Liberty too much liberty for women and subhumans

A lot of things.
Go study sociology and you can see the decline.

There's no flat defining moment like you are lead to believe.

When you work for the (((Capitalist))) he reaps all the rewards for your hard work and leaves the crumbs behind for you.

Can I get a general gestalt on block chain, I know its something with crypto

Where do you buy snicker bars that huge?

>Sup Forums please help i'm socially awkward introvert who jumps on every conspiracy theory and proudly proclaims to my 3 friends that hitler did nothing wrong. Why are women getting together with tall, dark, handsome, and socially outgoing guys?

idk senpai must be the jews again

1. Oil running out.
Less energy per capita available

2. It's cyclical
After the wars things got better because people were focused on improving their societies. Turchin is the best writer on the topic

3. Topsoil running out
We survive on it. Sahara was once fertile, so was the middle east. THeir practices destroyed their environment, as ours are doing now

4. Diminishing returns on complexity
right now the complexity of the society is such that increasing it just makes everything more costly. But decreasing complexity is very hard, like unscrambling an egg

5. USSR fell
USSR was a motivating force that made the western elites give a damn about the workers, so they had to share the wealth and give rights to working people.

It also gave the labour an alternative. Now working people have no advocacy and the elites have no reason to fear working people. SO they can rob us with no limit.

>It's not the jews you stupid go-errr I mean guy

which seven super girls vid is this?

They have 6 gorillion vids out

Only in 'murica!

Go back to your containment board lefty/pol/ shills. Fuck off with your (((marxist))) crap

Its the truth faggot.

decentralized infrastructure. Everyone keeps a tab on a huge accountant book updated in real time and gets a tiny salary from it. Can't cheat, no main server so can't be taken down, everyone benefits, save for bosses since there aren't necessary.

We started going wrong when we allowed poor people and women to vote.

Zionists and the US protecting them. They are the source of all terrorism in the world.

Wal-Mart and most of its subsidiaries depending on state regulations.
Bulk shops like Costco.
Some gas stations.

I think your faggot board is up again go there tard

The jew, the liberals, the muslims, the bankers and so on are all symptoms of the real "problem" which is that we've simply begun our decline. People would rather keep fighting some external, or differentiated, threat than accept that. Arguably they're of the character that would have been needed to reverse said decline but my acceptance is rather more comforting than chasing demons.

>no reason to fear working people
Labor has less power because they simply no longer drive the majority of wealth creation in the west. Capital does

That wasn't Marxism at all, you illiterate retard.

this basically

Oh look it's the cringy Greek who keeps whining about le gommie boogeyman

Success leads to prosperity, prosperity leads to decadence, decadence leads to weakness, weakness leads barbarians running amok. The Western civilization avoided this sequence for a very long time. But rules of the world may be finally catching up with it.

my belief has always been that when you have a government that does good things, people are proud to pay tax and endeavour to function in that society.

Once the government reaches a certain point where the tax in and tax out just becomes a blur people give up. There is no desire to be a part of something great or even something great to be a part of.

Things like enabling gettohs via welfare and anti racism etc Handouts to certain groups, people trained to think there is always going to be some support network to catch their laziness or whatever.

Im a proud australian, i wasnt born here but Ill do what ever I can to make australia a great country. In my eyes the first thing is to make sure that the work people do, the tax they pay goes towards building our communities into something people want to be apart of. By giving billions to the UN and green groups etc we achieve nothing in the long run.

Oh look it's the autistic lefty/pol/ commie neckbeard teenagers shilling for bolshevist kikes. Go away subhumans

You have no idea how the west works do you? Your boss is the real Jew.

You seem to think that the government role is ensuring economic prosperity. That someone may seriously hold this opinion only shows the depth of socialist corruption.

The government role is ensuring efficiency in killing people. Everything else is derivative from this. Laws exist insofar as the government can kill lawbreakers better than they can kill government agents. Countries exist insofar as people within have enough capability and will to kill people without to make them respect borders.

>This will all start when energy becomes practically free.

So, never.

America is a great country to live in, but we're in a nihilist slump. If we had a world war tomorrow, nobody would want to fight. Nobody gives a shit. When you have nothing to die for, you have nothing to live for. People just live in America to try and make some money, live under a law system that sort of works, send their kids to an OK school, and go shopping at strip malls. This is nihilism, even if people don't know it.

Society has definitely fallen away from Christianity. Churches are corrupt with weak and cucked pastors. So even if somebody is trying to go to church, they're not getting anything out of it because the pastor is usually a massive faggot buried in debt, so he's afraid to preach anything controversial because he needs to make money. Also most Christians these days are weak pussies and they don't even know what the Bible says anymore.

Then politics just sucks. Left/right want to kill each other and have nothing in common, and our politicians are completely corrupt. Everybody knows it too.

Art/music/film is just depressing. Even the underground stuff sucks. People aren't excited about it, it's just kinda... there. Metal has gone stale, rock is boring, bluegrass has gone stale, classical is a niche genre at this point, hip hop is only enjoyed by uncultured faggots and tumblrtards

Everybody knows acadamia is a scam. The teachers are lazy/on a power trip, the curriculum is usually lame. But you need it to get a job.

Basically everything is shit, people are just kinda... floating. Theres no meaning in anything anymore. Every institution has become a joke and a laughing stock. Even marriage.

>Sometimes a parent just needs to smack a kid upside the head.
Nigger detected.

>Basically everything is shit, people are just kinda... floating.

You are projecting your own inner turmoil onto everything around you, it seems.

There is lots of depth and meaning to be found even in the most mundane of things if you look within.

Society needs a spiritual revolution.

my dad was no stranger to corporal punishment and i turned out pretty sad tbqh

I'm talking about the herd. The general population.

I'm actually pretty happy.

Spot on, nothing to do but wait for the fireworks.




Pretty much says they all want to be "KIKE ON A STICK" to me.


Does pol have a horse in this race? Classic vid.


Gas station. Not sure about the candy bar though .

Things are going bad because we have given the individual too much freedom and rights without teaching them about plights, responsibilities and virtues, and we have based our society on a few basic assumptions that are not true but simply wishful thinking. These faulty assumptions are mainly manifested in left wing progressive ideology. It’s not just Jews that are behind this. There are many conservative Jews. The left wing ideology that I’m talking about is spreading rapidly because it contains some memes that make excellent neutralizers of strong counter arguments by falsely appealing to morality. We have given too much power to the state, and the states, together with the new technocratic overlords, similar to the 1900’s oil tycoon bosses, own your pathetic poor ass.

Assumption one : All humans are inherently good.

Humans are not inherently good but develop certain moral values due to the specific civilizing process of the main culture that can be either good or bad within the respective culture that they grow up in. Most moral values and reasoning besides the core moral values (don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t hurt) are subjective and relative. A multicultural society without a single main culture will cause clashes between these different modes of thinking and reasoning, creating conflict and strive between its members. Loss of a main cultural narrative means a loss in overlap of moral reasoning and thus the downfall of coherence and order in a nation state. When addressing the inability of certain minority groups within a society to function at the same level as the host group, the left makes the mistake to empower the cultures of the minority groups instead of integrating them into the main culture, creating only a vicious circle of conflict, whilst having a reason to blame the host group, because all humans are inherently good and want the ‘best’, but they never define then what it exactly is that these people want. We don’t speak about differences in moral values, life outlook, past and future. By seeing every person or human as the same, equal and inherently good, it is impossible to talk about problems or solutions, because any problem addressed would be a false problem and thus the person stating the problem is the problem, not the problem itself (and the addresser is branded xenofoob, racist, sexist, bigot)

Assumption two: every person knows what’s best for him
This assumption has led to the evaporation of social control mechanisms and calling people who act dysfunctional in check as form of prevention. It has it’s origins in new ways of pedagogic parenting styles that promote individualism based on the neoliberalism notion that all humans act rationally and accordingly to self-interest. This notion is backwards and does not work if there is no civilizing process that teaches new members of society what rationality is. To a certain extent, it has worked and has given children more freedom that led to more happy and successful kids with secure attachment styles. However, this only works for kids in strong families, which similarly breaking down. The assumption has run amok, and through cultural evolution now implies : you can’t tell anyone what to do based on moral concerns because ultimately it’s his or her choice and freedom. Combined with the dismantling of a common civilizing process, it leads to new children that crave genuine guidance, don’t receive it, feel lost in the world, and thus readily buy into capitalistic materialism as an answer to their questions. Capitalism knows consumers hardly have freedom of choice or free will, especially the weak who were never taught to think critically because we somehow assumed that critical and higher level cognition arises out of thin air, based on the assumption that humans are naturally magical fucking unicorns and culture and language has nothing to do with the way our brains are organized. Capitalistic crap is never an answer to fulfil meaning, thus we see a steep rise in mental illness and adolescent malfunction.

We let everyone run around on their own with the idea that trial and error will always lead to well-functioning members of society, and when we see it does not work, we give our kids pills instead of guidance and lecture and still hope for the best that these pills will steer them in a right direction. Parenting and setting up rules and boundaries is deemed too conservative. Instead, we don’t teach our kids anything, but let the state and companies imprint their values upon the minds of the young through education , child marketing and ‘youth culture’. By the time they are 25. 50% of the kids are brainwashed normies that think they are acting as individuals, whilst being blind, brainwashed money spending puppets of the state without any morals, long term goals or direction.

Assumption 3: the market is inherently good and fair
It’s not, because it rests on the assumption that all people acting in the market are rational beings. The idea that If everyone would act in their own self-interest, we would see a overall rise in the quality of life of the whole population is wrong, because people do not do this, and also get tricked into acting against their own self-interest, thus increasing the self-interest of a select group of people. Thus, we have seen an accumulation of unsurmountable inequality in wealth over the global population. It also implies that the market can harm people and influence them in such a way that is not beneficial for them, nor the planet, nor civilization in the long run. The market is like evolution. It has no utility function but survival, and has no checks for what type of things that are desirable. The common notion is that evolution is an uphill trend or battle from primitive forms to more complexity and is often associated with the metaphor of transitioning from bad to good. This is a false assumption. The Western Dollar market and financial regulation also holds the distribution of global world in a death grip, which is inevitably going to backfire and crumble just like the colonial empires did.

Only this time, there will be billions of extra impoverished coloured people that all want their stake and rights and piece of the pie. This is never going to be able to happen given the resources of the planet and the way they are distributed right now. Left wingers cannot grasp this idea, because they believe all humans are equal, inherently good, and thus should be given the same rights and opportunities. They don’t see that their privileged lives and political positions are only possible due to the same global financial death grip that they happily support since they are in fact the money spending brainwashed puppets. To save the world and make it a better place, your way of life must and cannot exist. This is rather existential and is thus never brought up in left wing discussion. Helping the world in western ways also poses a problem because it would be colonializing again. While they are so proud of decolonialisation because everyone is equal and the same, it is actually being used so that we don’t have to share the last critical resources, let people develop into western people, before we fuck off to outer space or an Elysium style halo ring. Left wing ideology goes against the self-interest of the people that follow it which makes it inherently irrational, and why parts of the west that follow it are in decline.

We have become decadent and prosperous and this above all things has ruined us.

Whites have been memed into the upper middle class; a place classically known for its low birth rates and cucked males. We must return to our humble roots to restore our pride and rise again to bring prosperity to the Earth and stars

Assumption 4: technology is neutral
It is not. Although smart phones and the internet are beautiful devices that in theory make the world a beautiful knowledge sharing and connected place, we have seen that is primarily used as an entertainment tool to blind the masses to reality. Besides, connection leads to conflict, not to empathy, integration of ideas in an organic way. The assumption of everyone knows what’s best for themselves (while hardly anybody does) has also led to people who are highly prone to manipulation by marketing and diversion of attention. Our digital technology is continuously going towards a trend of obscuring the real reality and truth from the people, but feeding it what a Google or Amazon AI predicts what you want. Augmented, mixed and virtual reality and the internet of things will only make this stronger. Imagine a generation growing up with snapchat in contact lenses. We will turn into cognitive slaves slave to the market of cognitive capitalism, whilst ignoring the shitty parts of the world that we destroy and leech for the last bits of resources.

The atheist that consume it

Conclusion: we are already living in a virtue-less capitalistic society with dumb people and power structures that are over their heads that is strongly heading towards a technocratic hyper unequal dystopian future full of conflict, state surveillance and mind control by the elites to fight over the last resources on earth before fucking off or creating a first sentient general A.I system and leaving all poor people to starve and because this realisation is too grim left wingers that belief in a just world and love and happiness and beautiful forests naively try to convince themselves into thinking that it is possible to peacefully share the planet with other people that have completely different moral reasoning, interests and value, and the only way of doing that is by giving up their own self-interest, thus giving more self-interest to the elite to endorse this type of thinking, because in the end, they’ll be in their high castles and space ships watching the world burn around them. While progressivism is portrayed as the most moral thing to do, it teaches people nothing but ignorance, humbleness to the state and giving up self-interest and own responsibility. This is why democrats are endorsed by globalists, because you cannot create a globalist dystopian techno state with clever people. Newspeak will dominate. Intellectual discussion in the masses will be crushed.

It is only the beginning guys. The ride will not end. Prepare.


Thank you based Dutch guy.
Finaly some sence.

russia? the jews
syria? the jews
western civilization dying? the jews

Israel too? :(

women are the absolute cause of every ill in society and every problem we've got


Who was our enemy during the Cold War? Socialism.
Who supported the USSR while living in the West? Socialists.
Who was in favour of all the degeneracy from free love to mass immigration? Socialists.
Who still hate the West and openly wish for its destruction? Socialists.

Socialism, and all forms of Marxism, should be completely outlawed.

it's literally the jews you stupid fuck

Who is this semen demon?

The socialists.


Because the social engineers have turned the fuckery up to 11. They're enlightened though so they know whats best

We are ruled by criminal gangs. Like all greedy and corrupt people, they just can't stop stealing and lying. This kills the society. The majority of people are stupid and ignorant also. If you don't crush the snakes, you end up with them all over the place.

>Solar or whatever they'll make.

Nuclear fusion will be the one.

How does Butterfinger compete?!?!



The thumbnail looks like he's choking on a huge veiny dick

huge veiny and BLACK dick

in your opinion, what would be the most useful field of study for the future.

trust me. its the jews.

It sounds super hippy to say this but it's money that caused it, that's why Jews are the running joke.
Every degenerate thing in this world can be traced back to someone or a group that are money hungry.

>sluts >more relationships >more money spent on useless shit

>leftists >"you can only ascend if you take this 666k$ course"

Everything is caused by money and sadly the people in charge only want more.



Jews lmao. Theres literally no other explanation

>Too much freedom is a bad thing

We're the least free generation of Americans that has ever lived.

Did you know when Thomas Jefferson was president no one paid any taxes at all? The government was funded by import taxes.

My dad beat and yelled at me all my life and I turned out a massive shitter

yeah but this wouldnt be happening if it werent for the jews and their marxism and societal degredation

breakaway from tradition (could be jews)
democracy (I think some anglo did this)
speed of information
sexual revolution (might have been jews)

Unabomber was right
I want to go back to medieval times

Everything is going to shit because we have too many resources and quality of life, that creates spoiled people who want big daddy government to take care of them

Good times create weak men

Wtf is this non-country? Do you need a dose of freedom?

Le beat your kids and they will be successful meme

Isn't it obvious?
Girls like big dicks, underdogs, cash, dominance and rebels

((America)) has successfully exploited this by marketing shit like hip-hop- a genre that exists solely for the ((music industry)) to color black people with all the aforementioned traits.

Are they trying to outbred us? Probably not-
they are however trying to obscure racial lines in order to unite this planet.

No, China will kick your ass if you come here.

In the last year, things have gotten better

Atheism, liberalism, Hollywood and so on.

Bad for who? Average white men? Consumer society is set up to please the average woman because it's more profitable.

>there's gotta be a better explanation than "the jews"
what can be a better explanation than a slave species (the jews) of interdimensional, robotic, parasitic intelligences (the archons)?
miguel serrano the golem

whom the jews serve

Have the original by chance?
Or a sauce for the original?