Trump calls Assad an animal

Trump calls Assad an animal: "If Russia didn't go in and back this animal [Assad], you wouldn't have a problem right now,"

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All that pro-Israel shit was no joke. Funny that everybody thought he was anti-semitic, even Obama didn't want to knock over Syria for Bibi.


trump is done t.b.h

Fucking hell this fat fuck is quick to turn coat. I guess the USA is founded by turn coats so it makes sense.


Fuck Drumpf

Trump is a kike scumbag!

Yeah but "animal" as in "this guy's an animal ovaa heeree" just jokes and laughs senpai

>knock over Syria
That was thanks to previous administrations. Trump is taking the reigns of a destabilized socioeconomic climate.


/sg/ btfo by God-Emperor. Praise Kek.

Who's left on the antizionist Arab list? Iran is that the last country

So its somehow Trumps fault that this girls parents were terrorists, and living with other terrorists, in a war zone while openly plotting to kill Americans, while being funded by Obamas people? RIIIGHT

I'm still fucking hoping we will eventually witness Trump's redemption arc...

Let's nuke these gooks into the sea

> If ISIS conquered Syria we wouldn't have a problem right now

Rattle dem sabers, Donnie boy, your cultists will never call you out.

God knows it's what your jewish masters want you to say.

Hes digging his own grave, that 20% approval rating isnt going back up.

Most Americans supported bombing Syria tho. You don't represent majority.

Democracy is inherently flawed because most humans can't think for themselves.

Genuine question, what does Israel want with Syria. I've heard land but not 100%?

ps: "It is clear to all of us that the power of the Assad family is coming to an end, and the question is how exactly it will end and what will be the transit"

Rex Tillerson, April 11, 2017

Trump's fault is that he's hypocryte that supports al-Qaeda terrorist narative, while based Assad is fighting them. Killing Trump is the best thing Americans can do now.

>Genuine question, what does Israel want with Syria
nothing Sup Forums is literally /x/ tier now

Yinon plan, they will wipe out the populace and do settlements later on, kind of like they are doing with palestine, but much harsher. There is also the pipeline they want.

he was always a joke, always will be

Jews bring ruin to everyone around them, it's in their tribal nature to be evil. They just can not get along with their neighbours.

Iran influence

Apart from their politics in the middle east and keeping other states weak, having a destabilised syria without proper border will also allow Israel to take / settle the rest of palestine and push the palestinians back into syria

>Jews bring ruin to everyone around them

> United States
> The first economy in the world
> The second country by the number of Jews in the world

/sg/ on suicide watch

The second time their sandnigger hero gets mentioned in the mainstream he gets called out like a little bitch by a much more important figure

>yfw you realize the shilling a couple days ago was /sg/ REEEEEEing and spreading out to other boards

it is all about the goddamn pipes.

>"If Russia didn't go in and back this animal [Assad], you wouldn't have a problem right now

Yea you would only have tens of millions of people under ISIS

>>yfw you realize the shilling a couple days ago was /sg/ REEEEEEing and spreading out to other boards
>he actually thought differently
lamo @ ur life


Senile yellow haired TV clown calls humble opthalmologist an animal.

all come here:


>it's Russia's fault that Middle East has problems
Again it's all Russia's fault.

This article is a reasonable summation, if a little melodramatic:

A lot of this just relates back to Israeli domestic security, territorial ambitions and the old clean break policy.

r_thedonald IRL

Maybe Trump is right and pol is wrong?
Checkmate, getfag.


It's not /x/ tier lol. How do you think they GOT israel in the first place?

They paid British politicians to let them settle the land, even though it was already occupied. So they went in, and started forcing out the people who live there.

Furthermore, they were offered perfected good land in 1908~ but turned it down because it wasn't "The promise land"

Google the Ugana Scheme.

>No wall
>No muslim ban
>continued Israeli and Saudi cocksucking
>Not ending NAFTA
>No Hillary behind bars
>No Obamacare repeal
>No better relations with Russia
>Not ending the neocon shenanigans in the Middle east
>No america first
>No swamps drained
No refunds!

Yeah, but when I call Arabs 'animals', I get pinged for racism. What the hell man

>Trust between Russia and the US has degraded under the Trump administration, Russian President Vladimir Putin stated. During his presidential election campaign, Trump said he would like the US to have better relations with Russia.
>In an interview on Wednesday, Putin said that if Donald Trump had intended to bring about a thaw in US relations with Russia, he has failed to see this intention through.
>“I would say the level of trust [between Russia and the US] is at a workable level, especially in the military dimension, but it hasn’t improved. On the contrary, it has degraded,” the Russian president told Mir broadcaster.

Assad is far more civilized than this fat cunt

You're probably not old enough to remember when George W declared the new Axis of Evil

top kek

We need to delete the Trump general or convince em to go back home to the_don

>Sup Forumsnises would rather back a MUSLIM, than a white man


>you wouldn't have a problem right now,"
Yes because al-qaeda controlled syria is not a problem

>a living organism which feeds on organic >matter, typically having specialized sense >organs and nervous system and able to >respond rapidly to stimuli.

well his not wrong

not supporting assad in syria means indirectly backing israel,saudi arabia, alqaeda and ISIS
a little pragmatism could do wonders sometimes,burger

But Jews routinely say they aren't white?

Why are you doing this Trump

We didn't have very many Jews when we became a superpower. Actually the time we began allowing Jews into our country is around the time we began to lose everything that made our country great.

Whole thread is shills Jesus Christ, you dumbasses don't realize you're shilling each other.

"And we will strive to reduce morbidly obese fat ferret Donald Trump and Washington to ashes"


Just curious, what is it you consider to be a shill?

Your just pulling guilt by association.
Just because isis and Saudi Arabia don't like assad doesn't mean America is buddy-buddy with them

>implying America is not buddy-buddy with Saudis
Thanks for the laugh.

They're not. They have a small number of sympathetic (read: bought) members of the royal family, but it's a big bloody family. Influence has waned a bit since the change of hands as well, the current big wig has plenty of nefarious links and is putting more cash than usual into the family doctrine (accelerated funding for overseas religious ventures, etc).

It's real enemy of my enemy territory, with the US enemy being whoever is causing Israel to stay awake at night.

We'll see animal when this cuck runs for a second term. He will be humiliated.

It's not about land, Israel is more concerned with homeland security. They sure would like to have Assad removed as he's the nexus between Iran and Hezbollah but all they can do is help some rebels. They arent even a main player, and the US has it's OWN REASONS to bring him down (Clearing a way for a new oil pipeline from the Gulf to Turkey and Europe among others I heard)

We have always been at war with Eastasia

why don't we just establish israel somewhere in the united states to end all of this

whats the worst that could happen

Greater Israel extending from New York to LA.

Defensive in nature. They fear that Iran via hezbollah will have a highway straight into Israel.

Beyond that the gulf states want their oil pipeline to have monopoly access to Europe.

We are helping Israel and the sunnis. And the sunnis are responsible for literally 100% of terror in the west. Iran is Shia

>And the sunnis are responsible for literally 100% of terror in the west.

That's not 100% - Syria has been doing naughty things for years and the Ayatollah has put a fair bit of cash into smiting the infidel.

The conflict just isn't black and white and seldom boils down to shia v sunni. Sometimes it's as convoluted as village v village (with divisions within a village to boot). They're a hyper sectarian bunch that function very differently to what we are used to. All the more reason to stay the fuck away and just react when they appear at the gates of vienna.

I can make you faggots better memes for some shareblue bucks. Hit me up on my AOL.

You're going to be disappointed. They say $800, but it's just flight vouchers for United (domestic only).

What a kike.
If Russia didnt back this "animal" you would have an Islamist caliphate in Syria. But of course that isnt a problem for (((them)))


We need to deport all the Assad shills to live in Syria tbqh. They place loyalty to some sandnigger king above loyalty to their country.

>being this retarded

if nothing else they want to keep syria from being strong enough to make war on them

Fuck Drumpf

How fucking stupid are the people thinking anyone is shilling for or against Trump here.

The facts are clear: he promised to stop middle eastern intervention and he's done the exact opposite and intends to make things worse. Trump needs to go if he doesn't fix his shit

Yes. Now this is what I voted for. Can't wait till Kim feels the wrath of his banter

/sg/ on suicide watch

"P-poor sandniggers... p-please don't bomb them. If you bomb them my daughter can't fuck them anymore."

Literal cuck tier arguments. Go back to leftypol faggots.

Not unlikely that some of the left are feeding on this as well and adding to the noise. Still, fighting wars for israel has been an issue for me for years, and he's embarking on another round so I'm happy to just walk away from the praise, even if the left get a jolt out of division in the ranks.

>guy cheats on Melania
>other guy defend his country against foreign invader
>gets called an animal.
yeah ok.


You're fucking retarded. If you bomb Assad you pave the way for ISIS to take over and destabilise the country even further causing even more refugees in Europe. Remember Iraq?
I know you cant get your fill of Ahmeds cum but not everyone is a dumb cuck like you.