Tennessee votes to pay $45 million for slower internet instead of getting it for free

Full title: Tennessee Could Give Taxpayers America's Fastest Internet For Free, But It Will Give Comcast and AT&T $45 Million Instead

Yay lobbyists!


Chattanooga, Tennessee has the fastest, most affordable internet in the United States. Many of the rural areas surrounding it have dial up, satellite, or no internet at all. Chattanooga wants to expand its network so these rural areas can have the same Gbps and 10 Gpbs connections the city has. Rather than allow that to happen, Tennessee's legislature just voted to give Comcast and AT&T a $45 million taxpayer handout.
This year, the Tennessee state legislature was finally considering a bill that would have let EPB expand its coverage (without providing it any special tax breaks or grants; EPB is profitable and doesn't rely on taxpayer money). Rather than pass that bill, Tennessee has just passed the "Broadband Accessibility Act of 2017," which gives private telecom companies—in this case, probably AT&T and Comcast—$45 million of taxpayer money over the next three years to build internet infrastructure to rural areas.

To be clear: EPB wanted to build out its gigabit fiber network to many of these same communities using money it has on hand or private loans at no cost to taxpayers. It would then charge individual residents for internet service. Instead, Tennessee taxpayers will give $45 million in tax breaks and grants to giant companies just to get basic infrastructure built. They will then get the opportunity to pay these companies more money for worse internet than they would have gotten under EPB's proposal.

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sounds too simple. who deals with all the assholes who have internet problems when everyone gets it for free? that will inevitably cost more than 45 million

Burgers will defend this.

Point proven.

God dammit. Fuck Comcast. Bunch of crooks.

Well no they won't, they'll just be unable to reply with their internet speed.

Ultimately it's for the best though. Less rednecks on the internet.

Of course you want less whites on the web Merkel.

Yeah ISPs being comprised of human garbage isn't news and neither are corrupt politicians. Lobbying should just be illegal, with a minimum sentence of having to walk naked down main stream of the city that you're seated in while the townsfolk throw rotten produce at you.


East TN user here.

AT&T and Comcast are notoriously terrible corporations, and our state legislature is full of cuckservative shitkickers -- so this doesn't surprise me at all. In a just world, they'd all be in jail for the thievery, fraud and corruption they engage in.

bump. We need to spread the word about this and get the people who voted for this shit shoah'd in the primaries.

Nothing will happen.

Memphis here, nothing ever gets really shaken up in TN politics.

It is retarded that we still pay for internet.

On a related note, I'm growing these in my garden. Does the name imply that this sort/breed originated in TN? Or where do they come from?

What do you expect from hicks

I also grow peppers (in TN) and I've never heard of them.

> dumb rednecks
> white


What is EPB?

>Fiber internet

I don't think you know what that word means.

Wiring the state for fiber would cost billions.

$45M is a compromise to promote broadband proliferation because a state that's 90% Appalachian mountains can't afford $2BN to drop fiber to every house.

That's why I'm a bit puzzled about them. There are only very few sites selling the seeds (and claiming they come from TN, USA). On the other hand they are mostly suitable for decoration due to the intense colors, and not very tasty at all... so that might be the reason they are not overly popular.

FUCK all telcoms and cable companies, they were given billions to expand and update their networks years ago, and they just took the money and ran. Zero accountability for the funds - where did that money go? We should all support municipalities providing their own services, in areas that they do, there's actual competition and it keeps rates super cheap.

Their public utility (EPB) was willing to expand the fiber network using their own funds and private investment. The internet service wouldn't have been free but the expansion wouldn't have cost the taxpayers anything. Instead 45 million dollars of taxpayer money was given to Comcast and AT&T to do what EPB was willing to do at their own cost.

Normally at this point I'd chastise you for not reading the article but OP fucked up the link.

>To be clear: EPB wanted to build out its gigabit fiber network to many of these same communities using money it has on hand or private loans at no cost to taxpayers.

What is reading comprehension?

>using money it has on hand or private loans at no cost to taxpayers
Well, if it already has the money and / or won't cost tax payers anything, obviously this plan is still a go despite the competition from the commercial providers, right?


Oh you're just a fucking shill, a >1 post by this ID shill, you don't really care about the topic or know anything about it, you were just told to make it here for your shekel.

Sage all >1 post threads.


Yes, just like Socialism is free

>>To be clear: EPB wanted to build out its gigabit fiber network to many of these same communities using money it has on hand or private loans at no cost to taxpayers.
>What is reading comprehension?

Implying that cost wouldn't have to be recouped with higher rates for something...

What is economics?

> implying Comcast is cheaper

Seems you enjoy getting ripped off by kikes.

If this doesn't redpill kids on how more government is bad and more competition is good I don't know what will

Internet is controlled by telecom Jews, more news at 11.

Remember when they got Google Fiber shut down because it was "too competitive"? And now thanks to new legislation they'll probably become even richer selling consumer data.

Germany has some of the most expensive and slow Internet in the world.
Large parts of germany still use copper wiring.
A 75 Euro per month contract with the Telekom for mobile lte Internet with 6gb traffic volume while 100 GB mobile traffic are 3 Euro in france.

To be fair Tennessee is notoriously corrupt and them along with Kentucky are the worst about porkbarrelling in federal and state bills.

This is really shitty, but unsurprising. Those two states are basically giant good ol boys systems.

This. If they didn't intentionally stifle fiber competition we would have seen proves drop like a rock by now.

I literally moved to Japan just because I hated Comcast so much
I would rather pay NTT 70 dollareydoos a month for gigabit fiber and still be left without landline phone service and only 12 tv channels than suffer another minute capped under the silver-stained fingers of the coaxial Jew

Fucking yes.
Also from TN here

>Be a 'Noogan
>Deal with shit comcast prices, service, and outages for years
>Become EPB customer
>It's better in every way imaginable
>Comcast & AT&T lobby state reps across the state
>State reps vote to give your taxdollars to Comcast & AT&T

Every motherfucker involved should be buried under Brushy Mountain.

Bahahahaahahahaha. Enjoy your shitty internet burgers. Lol!!!! Yanks btfo!!!!!

Who cares about mobile?

Kill them.

>muh internet

Certainly not you, you basement dwelling fatass.
You missed the part where even normal Internet is routed through copper wire and slow as fuck and more expensive than elsewhere.


This should make you guys even angrier. I don't understand why so many states would willingly cripple their own economy in this way.