What is better for us?

What is better for us?
Forced feminization of beta boys or testosteron therapy?

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how about you turn on the economy and let people climb out of the hole on their own?

I wanna be force fed hormones by a daddy so my natural boobies grow bigger, my penis shrinks and I get even more lovely.

how about parenting?

yes, that would take a proper and healthy family.

>Forced feminization
White boys are doing it willingly. It's so hot I don't want them to stop.


I see it this way

therapy with T
>he will have beta children

>his genes will die

so for white race it is better to help these beta boys transitioning and not allow them to reproduce

Castrate yourself faggot

You guys should feminize yourselves tbqh

>therapy with T
>he will have beta children

so you think the result has nothing to do with teaching the kid how to behave and how important excercise is?

>he will have beta children
>he will have children
>therapy with T


all boys should receive testosterone supplementation by the age of 14 to counteract the estrogen contamination that is EVERYWHERE

or at least do fucking sports

Just a daily reminder, if you plan to live past 30 don't take the hormones or you will look like a disfigured man

Look at bailey, he has to take surgery now since he has the body of a male (fridge type) and his man skull is more protruding than ever and remember this guy took hormones very early.

Isn't Bailey cycling the hormones though?

Forced feminization for the betas.

Good boy. Or goy. Whichever.

>estrogen contamination that is EVERYWHERE
that is a fucking meme

>do fucking sports
that is not a meme

sedentary lifestyle and sugary foods fuck up the lifecycle of urban children.

>he's gonna take hormones his whole life to remain a "woman"
wow future is so bright!!!! goy

neither. we should just stop pretending its socially acceptable

anything that stops them from reproducing i guess

> that is a fucking meme
It surely has less relevance, but hormone disruptors' infamous effects are well known nowadays

> sedentary lifestyle and sugary foods fuck up the lifecycle of urban children.


>for us
Heh, I knew pol is full of tranny Poles and other scum.

I wish I had bf to suck my hairy man boobs

that's what happens when a kid is raised by a single mother

I meant that he's taking hormones and then stops for a while because he wants to be able to get hard


Face is kinda uggo but that bulge is supreme. Who is this?

nothing can save him from that disgusting face

>have faggot thoughts about becoming a fe(male)
>usually repress them
>tfw they keep coming back
I had a normal non-degenerate 2 parent household childhood and mostly non-degenerate friends, so I'm fairly convinced that this is a result of the xenoestrogens or whatever the fuck in the water supply making me and the frogs gay.

neither, beta men should live a stoic life. i mean fuck, all men should live a life without women, women are parasites.

It might be related to your Sup Forums browsing habits.

I barely look at trap porn if that is what you're getting at.

>1 generation later the white race goes extinct

All beta males and homosexuals should be turned into traps.

Pity that's not a uk flag. I want to be someone's daddy.

Windows phone

Scum of the universe right here

How about instead of artificially altering your chemistry you pussy bitch faggot cucks have a daily dose of "man the fuck up" in the morning.

who cares. id rather be the last of a dying breed than have my fellow men succumb to the horrors of women in the household

Both violate the NAP

Manlets should probably be turned into women because they are literally never going to be treated like men.

>right is kinda okay (even if that dick is super tiny)
>left is disgusting
ha! I'm not gay!

Masculinity camps where they can be taught to be real men in an athmosphere of comradership and friendship.

It's pretty hard to get HRT around here desu.
Like, wouldn't that be in (((their))) favor if they were readily available?

I was dady of a faggot.

But he killed himself. I tried so hard but couldn't help much.

>have always been quite feminine
>people pretty much mistake me for a woman on the daily
>I still look better than the hormone-taking """"""""""""traps"""""""""""" you faggots post daily

Exogen testosterone induces testicle shinkage and sterilization.

Sometimes you just can't help what people do. At least you raised him well enough that he fucking necked himself instead of becoming societies problem.

pics or gtfo

its too bad though, daddy shouldve beat his ass more.

Do you think he still canhave kids?

I hope Trump bans commercial plastic surgery and the use of hormones

Not entirely sure, but don't hormones end up sterilizing you?

I tried so hard to make him look for help, but he refused. It is better this way, he was suffering too much.

Kill yourself faggot freak

>being a tranny
>in Poland
it is pretty impossible

Kill yourself faggot

depends. the anti-androgens they tank pretty much drop their sperm count to zero. sometimes this is reversible sometimes not. there are guys who do gear (roids) and end up permanently serilized. tldr: dont fuck with your endocrine system.

Ye. I think that happens after a few months on girl pills, let alone however long bj has been taking them.

>blood stained thong

Oh, sweetie. Take estrogen and you'll feel so much better. I promise. Even if all you do is take hormones and live outwardly as a male. For me, it was such a relief knowing that I wouldn't masculinize any further.

I remember reading in a bodybuilding forums that those guys often cycle to avoid side effects like sterilization. It is probably the same for trannies.

Kill yourself gross repulsive faggot

What's with ur pic related?

Kill yourself mentally ill abomination

But why?
I'm not greek.

I bet you're Cretan, you imbred raki-drinking goatfucker

t.sodomite weeaboo faggot weirdo

Neither. You need head therapy.

>Spitzer-armed with research showing there were no valid data to link homosexuality and mental illness-advocated forcefully for the strategy of deleting homosexuality from the disorders list and replacing it with a new one called "sexual orientation disturbance."
>In a key vote in December 1973, the Board of Trustees overwhelmingly endorsed Spitzer's recommendation.

>Robert Spitzer, Jewish American Psychiatrist Who 'Normalized' Homosexuality, Dies at 83


stop looking at all that homo snuff shit and you'd be less of a faggot yourself

pretty much the same

>small shoulders and hands
>round face
>almost no body hair
>firm butt

I once had long hair and people mistook me for a girl. And I'm not even trying neither do I want to be a sissy

Your cute

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH fucking kill yourself faggot

Kill yourself faggot

You're the biggest degenerate on Sup Forums for months I've seen you autistically post and sperg off in gay threads.

You've really got some issues kid

I mean seriously look at all the tranny gore porn you have xD

>autistic lanklet in woman's underwear thinking he's the hot shit

Every tarp ever.


I will stop when you degenerate faggot abominations stop spamming Sup Forums with your faggot sodomite propaganda and slide threads

>therapy with T
>he will have beta children

He might not have any kids at all since using testosterone has a probability of making you infertile

But anyway, might as well when you get older and your test levels drop to shit + you have already had kids. It pretty much "stops" aging.

It's like a tfw didn't get to grow up as a girl doing girly things pic. I think it's from National Socialist era Germany.

Do we offend your kike book god's sensibilities?

How to achieve cute boy look? 18 yo

Most of theses are plain females you retard

cute lips

God's work user, thank you.

Who's this


Take a shotgun load it put it to your head and pull the trigger


Found the triggered hideous tranny abomination.

I want to be able to produce offspring until i'm 120 years old. How to achieve?

Poland, YES! Seriously though i thought you goys were immune to kikes, stop that shit you homo.

She's a good girlfriend

No they are not I just censored the pic because faggot mods delete it but have no problem with your faggot slide lgbt threads

Kill yourself gross fat faggot bulgayrian freak

Oh boy I am literally shaking right now that will show me!!! I just can't even...

>tfw I unironically love when people call me feminine things like sweetie and cutie.
Although I really would rather not become a sterile abomination, I haven't completely ruled it out. Right now I'm managing my mild depression and high anxiety with a fairly low does of anti-anxeity meds and throwing myself into my job as a distraction. Girl pills are going to be my last nuclear option if shit gets really bad and nothing else is working.

I don't know what the fuck that is? Sounds like some useful ancient practice we used to do before we all became degenerates.

The redpill is realising that the kikes arent trying to ruin heterosexuality. They're trying to ruin homosexuality.

The true home of the white man, is between a cuteboys legs

You need medicine and professional help. You are delusional and psychotic.

Kill yourself gross repulsive faggot. Die of AIDS already

Poz me bby

You belong in a gas chamber

Disgusting. You need help, get some.

you are really mad at something

what is the problem? the more turn gay, less of them have children, we live in an overpopulated world and killing people is not enough

>Sup Forums wouldn't fuck this