>American fleet moving towards korea, ready to strike Kim Kim Land
>China supports USA, 150 000 troops ready to stop refugees from entering China
>North Korea has nuclear capability, however not advanced enough to reach the US. Possible targets might be South Korea, Japan and China, or US ground troops.
>Meanwhile, US troops massing in Syria, Iran and Russia threatens the US with armed response if troops attack Syria.

This is what I suspect, please correct me if im wrong (god i hope im wrong)

>Russia and China have at the very least suggested to help eachother in wars that each of them get involved in
>China abandons NK, but if US troops attack Syria and the Rooskies and Iranians stay true to their promise, war will possibly break out between the US and Russia, Syria and Iran. If China and Russia do have this pact of support for eachother in an armed conflict, then China will get pulled into the war aswell.
>If China assaults US troops in Korea to uphold their agreement, then NATO will get pulled into this war aswell, Since "an attack on a NATO country is an attack on all of NATO"
>To pour salt in the wound, the possibility of a smaller conflict between India and Pakistan will probably break out, as the international community will have their hands full to bother with that area, however both India and Pakistan posses hundreds of nukes

This is simply my theory, and I hope for the love of god that this wont be true as personally, I wouldnt find it too funny being sandwiched between Russia and NATO

Thoughts /Pol? What do you thing will happend in the coming days/weeks/months?
If shit kicks off, who will win? Were is safe to go?

Other urls found in this thread:


>US and China dresdens a backwater """"country"""" with zero allies

Make peace with your deity, m8. It's all ogre.

>two and a half minutes to midnight

If these so called experts are to be believed, then this is bad news bears

If trump keeps doing what he's doing, north korea will throw a nuke on seoul and it's going to actually be the start of WW3. Nobody has thrown a nuke in more than 70 years.

Also I heard that china was supporting north korea with the troops.

Is this really the end

>Also I heard that china was supporting north korea with the troops.

You heard wrong Carlo, the Norks are pain in China's ass, China is massing troops on it's border in order to attack, not defend, North Korea

Same deal a few years ago when they parked like 1500 tanks on the NK Border because Kim was being a little shit

Don't worry Sven, no one is going to depend on your country to do jack shit. Just let us borrow the Finnish, and you guys stay home.

Then why do they keep supplying fucking north korea and buying their shit-tier coal

If china stopped actually trading with NK it'd collapse on its own.

Wasnt trump supposed to not wage a bunch of wars? He was supposed to save us, not cuck us?

>Trump you cunt stop trying to do a Killary

Im just trying to survive burger, since if nukes do fly, then the skies over svea will be dark

>we will get raped in the shade

This so much. I can't believe Sup Forums bought his bullshit. The memes are fun, but it would have been best if Clinton was holding the bag.

I dont see the diffrence

Both of them cucked us all

no really all I'm seeing here in the major news is that the 150 K troops are there to AID north korea
where have you read that

I think the media is exaggerating with what's happening.

>China supports USA

I think it's more likely that they'll stab the Americans in the back and set up another puppet government in the area.

China has no interest in sharing a border with a country hosting American troops.

So that Tianjin (major city easily within NK's reach) doesn't get nuked?


The god has spoken, and when the clock strikes midnight we are all doomed

>say your prayers Sup Forums, its been a good run

I'm sorry, user

Seoul is not *that* far away from the blowout. And if they do throw a nuke on SK that would mean that they would be able to throw others wherever they want. Once the bombs start flying, there's no way to stop them from harming at least a good amount of people.

Can somebody remind me again why /pol supported a lying, war mongering zionist billionare? Thanks.

Glad you're making your country feel so important towards the next global conflict. I think if you didn't say anything, people would've forgotten you exist. Isn't that how you guys survived the first 2 World Wars.

>cus alt right, fuck mexicans, the usual

Guess they got what they wanted, now there wont be any refugees left, since the world will be completely reset

We simply want to survive, if shit kicks of, i would rather be forgotten than nuked

They stopped buying coal. They turned around a few boats full of it the other day. China's gonna buy American coal now.

Because the other war mongering Zionist billionaire received billions in campaign money from Soros and Saudi and was a self proclaimed feminist. At least our warmongering Israeli shill pretended to not want war in Syria and told SJWs to fuck off.

We were fucked either way in our 'democracy'.

oh yeah I just read about it.

Well, to be fair this is probably going to end in fucking nothing as usual.

Man, things are not happening even with a retarded imbred manchild with the finger on the button

What do I need to do to get a good happening going, bully kim myself?

this happens every year.

>it turns out the reason NK is dark at night is because THEY ALREADY LEFT THE PLANET
>Kim is already on Earth 2, a.k.a. Best Earth
>Trump waltzes straight into the trap

What's the problem with not wasting energy on useless lights? It seems people there live much more naturally and environmentally friendly. If more were like that we wouldn't be facing global extinction event due to manmade climate change.
There's things to learn from them.

Climate change...

Being this dumb.

Photo implying the earth isn't flat.
Wake up!

Nuclear Climate Change, wonder if thats a thing kek

>draft dodging pussy wearing medals
lmao ok


That's fucking beautiful.
>restart American coal mines to sell to China
>fuck over nork
>everyone except fatty mcfuck face wins.

I have a lovely dream of starving norks climbing over each other to eat Kimmy alive.

So it was lose-lose. Those sneaky bastards.

At least we tried, I guess.

they published the report in january

>implying it isnt midnight

>DPRK allies with ISIS
>German and Sweden flip
>France is taken within a day after the flip
WWIII I see it now

>implying Tianjin hasn't been nuked once already
>being this bluepilled