Fascism wor-

>fascism wor-

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Get the fuck out of here you spaghetti faggot

Kill ratio

>communism wor-


i don't understand the "Fascism did not work argument"

Losing a war does not necessarily mean a system of organising society works or doesn't work. And thats not going into the different measures of success.

Communism's measure of success is the classless borderless society, and they failed and their citizens starved because it turns out command economies don't work well.

Fascisms measure of success completely depends on the nation that's adopted the ideology, for Spain that would be restoring traditional values (which they sort of succeeded at), whereas for Germany it was lebensraum which they failed.

Fascism is completely dependant on the unique circumstances of a nation, in some cases its worked and in others its failed, however do remember that it has only been tried a small number of times.

Compare that to communism where every time it has been tried (many mind you) it has failed or they have morphed into something different.

also sage shit thread

Communists go to Hell.


>throws away like 12 million people to save your shit country just to let it fall to pieces 40 years

Try fascism without muslims

Such a disgrace to see a fellow countryman comparing nazism and fascism. You should know better, amico mio. Your ancestors are frowning at you

literally kill yourself

It was socialism
italy was facist

>bombed from all sides by several superpowers desperately throwing all their money, resources and manpower after holding their ground and generally having the upper hand for the better part of a 6 year long world war
>see? proof it doesn't work comrade now let me tell you about the virtues of communism *kills all the productive members of society


fucking wop


which one is that?


end yourself

I'm lmaoing @ you, 'amico'. The Dux can hang for all eternity.
