What does Sup Forums think? Are Slavs a race?

What does Sup Forums think? Are Slavs a race?
I have to point out that US, South Slavs are most probably of illyrian and Thracian decent, but some generic Slavic marks are found all over the place. I found Russians who have exact facial marks as some people form here. That is even more obvious on women than men.

For example I have most Dinaric (noric) skull and body that you can find. I am 190 cm tall, I have gray-blue eyes and dark brown hair with that blond shine that you can see in the sun, my beard though is mostly blond. Thos hair traits you can find all over the Europe. But I am fully aware of my ''Vlah'' or ''Krajisnik'' face (nose, skull, eyes position, cheeks) and I think I look a lot different than a Bosniak or a Croat from the same region of Bosnia.. (Even though Bosniaks are NOT a really ethnic group). Few months ago I ran on a Russian guy who looks like a brother of my. I assure you the dude looked exactly like me. We both realized that and took a picture. All Slavs have same genetic heritage, but are we a race?
I think not, but what do you think?

I know, Varg is a bit pretentious as always, but he has some good points.

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I don't think Slavs are a race, neither are Germanics, nor Mediterraneans, phenotypically Slavic marks surely exist thanks to bottleneck population, but also to a lesser extent in all European peoples. We share a common ancestor after all.

it's not exactly that. for the most part it's about language, linguistics and semantics. but considering that CIA lemon party gestapo revealed some of their "magic" capabilities and one of them being "gift of tongues" weapon or effect - you don't have to be operation paperclip rocket scientist to see that any given historical narrative is a weapon too.
Let me give you recent example how CIA Lemon party gestapo was implementing their weapon of mass destruction called nation building here in lithuania. So about 15 years ago they created new language branch called "balto slavic language group" and placed lithuanian along with latvian languages in it even though baltic languages have no relation to slavic languages. Later on here in lithuania they started massive slavification, trying to remove letters from lithuanian alphabet, orwelling surnames, creating unisex last names, changing century old traditions about female names, etc etc.. The future never been so bleak for lithuanian language. In comparison to CIA gestapo communists were treating lithuanian language like guardian angels.

And the Dinarics in your country have NOTHING to do with Illyrians.

Every single Illyrian LARPER should be forcefully killed.

And of course Slavs are not a race.

>started massive slavification
How are you posting from the 1300s, user?

what is the half-life of the nation being attacked by nation building weapons of mass destruction? If 25 years ago by official statistics were there 90% of lithuanians in lithuania nowadays statistics seems to have been turned upside down judging only by the names in the public eye, information society, mass media, government officials, electoral records, military officials, etc.. Most of the names that even if they do not sound foreign are not names, but some words or compound phrases taken from lithuanian dictionary that puts to shame even KGB archives or intercept bullshit. So in 25 years of litvicide CIA gestapo wiped out almost entire lithuania and quietly in parallel manner moved their own operatives.

>Look at that map.

My point is, dipstick, that Lithuania was controlled first by Poland when you Grand Duke became King of Poland, and then by the Russians when Russia annexed the bulk of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

Lithuania has been being slavified for over six hundred years, and on top of that Poles, Ruthenians, Belorussians, and Russians all moved into Lithuanian during that period. You conquered a bunch of slavs, then got conquered by a bunch of slavs, so of course there's a lot of slavs in Lithuania.

They're baltic though not slav.
Don't bully Lithuania-bro.

no thats orwelled and cooked books sold as history. In the past 25 years it's very interesting to watch CIA homos performing these operations. One massive history orwelling operation was them creating new grand duke of lithuania by the name of "butigeidis". Of course that is compound word that roughly transliterates and translates to english as "to be a rooster". Keep in mind that word "rooster" in lithuanian language serves as synonym for the same word that brits use to describe cigarettes. To create stronger effect they named one military battalion after this orwelled duke. Notice if you look at lithuanian map there is not a single street named after this orwelled bullshit.

>Are Slavs a race?
nope, we share linguistic and cultural features but that's about it
each Slavic nation assimialted the savages who lived on their premises following the great migration; I'd say your distinct features stem from this fact, not some racial quality

That seams right but you forget influx of Romance speaking (Thraco-roman) population from central Balkans to the Dinaric Alps, and Ramanized population of the Adriatic coast.


Yes it's a race, anyone here can spot a Slavshit

funny that it comes from swedistan

They're the only people with white skin?

Romanized population is only left in Dalmacia,as the rest,as the rest got cleansed by the Avars.
Source:de administrando imperio

Thracia is based in Bulgaria and Greece,so i have no idea what does it have to do with Bosnia and Croatia.

The only Ex-Yu country that has some "Illyrian" is Serbia,because of the Ethnic migrations during the Ottoman times and the fact that Vlachs where also invited to the Millitary frontier,hence some mixing happened.
Also little information on Monte Negro,but it would seem they are also Balkanite who only had a Serbian prince rule over the.

Croatians and "Bosnians" have next to 0 to do with Illyrians and Thracians.


I'm Slavic, do I display any characteristics of the Slavic race? Also guess my origin.

It's a language, nothing more.

Even east slavs are just a bunch of sarmatians in denial

You look like a turko germanic rape baby. Unlike any slav i've ever seen


Supposedly 3/4 Russian 1/4 Eastern Finno-Ugric.

>those eyebrows
1/16 kurd?

>Millitary frontier
Most of my family comes from Lika and Dalmatia.

I was born in Russia. Who knows desu, maybe it's the Sarmatian in me.

Yeah,you look like a Russian guy who is here for waterpolo,though he was also a little hairy,his eybrows where not THAT fucked up.

Yes, you could easily pass as someone from Bosnia,

This thread is perfect for my new OC

Bruh,the Bulgars where the center of Orthodox Slavic culture.

Aren't they mostly commies?

>South Slavs are most probably of illyrian and Thracian decent

the illyrian and Thracian languages are both indo-european. they probably spread from the russian/ukrainian steppe in the bronze age. most of south slavs dna comes from people who were in the balkans before their arrival. they are mostly a mix of the native hunter gatherers and neolithic farmers from anatolia.




>Poles, Czech


>Slovenians, Croatians

>Serbs, Bosnians, Bulgarians, Macedonians

Prove me wrong.

I mean they where a Soviet satellite state,but nowdays they are not commies.IN fact they have already vandalized a monument dedicated to Soviet "liberation",while they have kept the church dedicated to Russians from the 1876-1878 Russo-Ottoman wars,where Bulgaria gained her independence.

You are Australian.

>Southern and Northern Slavs will always be separated

Based Hungary cucking slavshits.

Magyarisation 2.0 when?

Based Hung Aryans always BTFOING slavs

Time to extend the southern fence Magyarbro

Slovenian west is more or less extension of Shitaly. North east is more or less extension of Austria.

Also, Croatia is the divider between civilization (Slovenia and north) and turkish rape babies.

Recent genetic studies show that Serbs got more in common with Germans than Russians for instance.

South Slavs are mainly protoeuropeans (illyirc, thracian etc) for instance.

Slavs are just a linguistic group


Got refer to you genetic studies again.

>Slavs are just a linguistic group
as for most of southersn slavs that would be true but not for the western slavs. We share ethicity


>Magyarisation 2.0 when?

Also Slovenes are wussies. No offense but you know it's true. Bosniaks are traitors, and Macedonians are just delusional mix of Serbs and Bulgarians.

>Recent genetic studies
What recent genetic studies?

>Are Slavs a race?
Not really. Some of us have common ancestry, but it's a linguistic group first and foremost.
For example, we (Slovenians) look more like our non-Slavic neighbors than Russians, for example.

Meh,there is nothing wrong with Slovenians."Bosnians" already chimped out in the medieval ages when they made their heretical church so one could say they are staying true to their tradition by being Muslim just to be diferent from Serbs and Croats.

>Also, Croatia is the divider between civilization (Slovenia and north) and turkish rape babies.

Can confirm. Slovens are like Austrians.
Comfy AF, and some of the best friends I have met and keep in contact today are Slovens. Best times growing up during the summer.

Even though I have some bros from zergia I met online while playing wow.

Everybody else is subhuman trash with their leaders the albo apes.

Sorry, this was meant for you. Simply I just wanted to point out that population from Dinaric Alps is hugely inter mixed with Romance speaking population. Especially orthodox slavic population (Serbs). We are so intermixed with Vlahs that you cannot separate Vlah and Serbian culture from each other.

>tfw you see an actual schizophrenic posting for the first time in your life

>"Bosnians" already chimped out in the medieval ages when they made their heretical church
Bosnian church doesn't exist. that was just some ORTHODOX heretic sect. And it was never called a Bosnian church. Also Kotromanici were Serbs and declared themselves as Serbs. Being Bosnian doesn't exclude you from being a Serb. Same goes for Herzegovian, or Montenegrin or...

Wat?Most of the Vlachs in the Timok got cleansed,we are not Magyars kek.
Stari Vlach was just always Vlach to begin with,so no real mixing there.The only place where we mixed was the militarily frontier.

In fact i am pretty sure that in Dusans code of law it was forbidden for Serbs to marry Vlachs.

it should be poles that are crypto-jews.

It was a Bogumil sect,and the point was they made it to have an excuse as an "ethnicity",so LARPING as Muslims to have an "ethnicity" again is literally a part of their culture,therefore it is highly debatable if they are "traitors".

Tvrtko crowned himself on 26 October 1377 as Stefan Tvrtko I by the mercy of God King of Serbs, Bosnia and the Seaside and the Western Lands. Stjepan Kotromanic (1322-1353) declares in 1333. a letter to Dubrovnik in which he states: "thus I evoke to the noble ban Stefan my golden seal, so that all may know and see the truth. This is why the seals are equal, two in Latin and two in Serbian and all are sealed in gold". At the time, it was a tradition to give out four letters of the same text in Serbian and Latin. This letter may be found in

Franc Miklosic, Monumenta Serbica, Vienna 1858. str. 105-109
Lj. Stojanovic - "Stare Srpske povelje i pisma" (old Serbian letters), I, 46.

australians are crypto-chinks.

No, Slavs are more of a linguistic group than an ethnic one.

why do you have a map in romanian

lol slavs southern of danube are slavs in the more "cultural" term, if one would argue that slavs could be a "type" of people

>first time in your life

they usually like to stick to /x/ with their theories but sometimes bleed onto Sup Forums.

It's vulgar Latin not romanian

>Slovenian west is more or less extension of Shitaly. North east is more or less extension of Austria.
Daily reminder that you aren't true Slovenian if you aren't from south-east part of the country.

t. Hrvoje

Bow to glorious Štajerc master race

Also, when we hang our traitorous leaders we will come together as friends once more. And maybe genocide Italy a bit again, for lulz, to hear those mamma mias sing once more

There is a huge period (5 c.) Between Dusan and this day.
They Vlachs migrated with Serbs from central Balkans during the ottoman times. When I refer to Vlachs I don't think about Vlachs from Timocka krajina. I think about Vlahs from Krajina, Lika Dalmatia, Romania.
Here in Krajina we inherted a lot of Vlah traditions.
Ojkanje (Singing) Gluva kola, certain words like Čantati. The evidence of their Romance language are toponyms throughout the Dinaric Alps, and many anthroponyms (surnames) with specific Romance or Slavic word roots, and Romanian ending suffixes found among South Slavic people. The "Vlach" or "Romanian" traditional system of counting sheep in pairs do (two), pato (four), šasto (six), šopći (eight), zeći (ten) has been preserved in Velebit, Bukovica, Dalmatian Zagora, and Ćićarija until today.

There is a really cool discussion about it on this forum forum.krstarica.com/showthread.php/514492-Vlasi-(Romani)-Starosedeoci-Balkanskog-poluostrva/page15

To point out that South Slavs are hugely intermixed with Romanized population in the Balkans.. You are probably just as Slav as I am

>not romanian
fucking kill yourself muzzie

Jako koliko pravim gresaka u kucanju hahaha

But my first post was that Romanticized people who are left and that you mixed with them in the Millitary Frontier.

1. Not a muslim.
2. You are as Slav as I am. Picko

yeah I guess Romanians are half slav too

Ti bom že dal Hrvoje. Tukaj ne vidiš Hrvatov.

Yes but it is very debatable did Romanticized population of Dinaric mountains and Dalmatian hinterland came there during 15-16 c. migrations or was it already there.

Timocani where already there.

The people who i refereed to in the migrations where Albanians.A lot of them them moved North to fill vacant spaces in South Serbia,there where even a shit ton o fthem in NIsh.

Also a few Albanian tribes also moved to the military frontier rather then converting as well.
I know Vlachs are old-landers.

criminally underrated

They have some dope music


interesting, if you will see this comment, post more

Just one question
Why D fuck would CIA gestapo homos want to ''Slavificate'' Lithuanians?

The balkan people are basically half arabs.

it's hard to tell if they want to slavificate. Thats probably just a phase where something looks like for passengers rushing towards final solution. One can speculate that they are performing global WAR-ming rainbowlution and in lithuanian surname system of lithuanian human terrain was big thorn in their unified pervertariat "big data". So they really went the distance orwelling it. For example there was no male surnames that ends with "ė". Only female. Nowadays they have bunch of such male surnames.

>This map does not count as slavic
Well finally someone gets it right

No idea senpai, i just thought that guy had an unique ideas i have never heard of before. But ill tell you this, after gaining independence, what was Lithuania before got drastically changed. Some hardcore nationalist and historians call our country just a facade, a shell if you will of what was Lithuania before. Examples: our monarchy got destroyed even thou we should behaving a queen/king ruling our country, our coat of arms got altered as well. There are definitely some fishy things that went on and are currently going on.

Post more tinfoils about lithuania, pls. I wanna get redpilled.

I like Czechs. Good movies, good beer, party people, great sexy chicks!

Akin to Slavic "byti gejem" - "to be gay"? Bravo Lithuania.

no it's more like "to be a faggot".

faggot is different in every slavic state.

odakle si matereti


Būti - to be
geida - a wish; a desire; a craving

Butigeidis - to be desired/craved

Kakav si ti idiot, otkad to postoji Ilirska genetska grupa?
Koliko ja znam iliri su bili narod vezan teritorijom a ne krvlju, a kroz sve i jednu mapu Ilirije sto imamo Bosna je centralna teritorija

>Slavs are R1a haplogroup mostly and are literally the whitest race

>Before the jews exterminated the true russian ubermensch (Fall of romanov dynasty) Russia was the the number one aryan race

>now its Poland followed by western Russia

>Slavs took the beating first then they cucked the germanics which are also high up in the gene pool and not very different

>Slavic countries race are now the upholders of the white race after the fall of germany

>Traditionalist, slav spirit/soul, peaceful but do not take shit, rich culture and that brotherly feel that no other race has.

>This slav-bro identity is what the jews had to break first, thats why many slav nations talk shit about each other.

>this strong cultural identity is what many nations have nowdays lost, and what the jews never had which is why they hate the slavic ubermensch

If you have been fooled to hate the slav you are with (((them)))

>tfw youre a dying breed
Russian, 195cm (6'4), Well bult/defined, blue eyes, light brown hair, good looking.

At least I get laid easy here in spain.

Slav > any other

there is no medicine in CIA lemon party gestapo. it's written in lithuanian constitution as tar on white: Įstatymo nežinojimas neatleidžia nuo atsakomybės. Probably its the same story in most jurisdictions around the globalized world experiencing effects of global WAR-ming.
So if someone offers you any colored pill - treat it as something concocted by rainbows to nurture you away from nature.

Winston Churchill exposes forces behind Communism.

Sources on Jews and Communism

Stalin's Willing Executioners: Jews as a Hostile Elite in the USSR

The Jewish Role in the Bolshevik Revolution and Russia's Early Soviet Regime


Why did Hitler hate jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you


We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish (Israeli Ynet News)

Vladimir Putin said: "80 to 85% Jews in 1st Soviet Government." (When they set up the first commie government, out of the 545 commissars, 477 were Jews and most of the others were married to Jews.) youtube.com/watch?v=j6p1zxKnDeM[Embed]



there is no such thing as "Bosnians/Bosniaks" that is made up term, spewed around to make muslims in Bosnia feel good ignoring the Serb/Croatian origin

Right. I was trying to see how it could have something to do with "faggot". I guess it sounds like "to be a rooster"?

Biльня belongs to the Litvyn.
Never forget.

"rooster" in lithuanian language is "gaidys".