What's his name, Sup Forums?

What's his name, Sup Forums?

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Dlag me aussaid, hau bau daw

I Want Trabble

>Doc, I'm afraid you're going to have to hand over your Medigates.


Dr Dao, I'm UA

Ping Pong

hey. HEY. This is airplane.

Just kill me
Just kill me
Just kill me

I don't know but he looks like a big guy.

Dao Ni Gao

Perhaps he was wondering why someone would punch a man before throwing him out of a plane.

You're a doxxed guy
For You...nited.

Pikup Khan



Get off my plane or feel the pain

Hideo Kojima

Dr. Planeval

Hey! Dis is ribrary...

Either David Thanh Duc Dao or David Anh Duy Dao. One is the pervy doctor in Kentucky described in the news. The other is some random doctor in New Orleans. I think UA got outjewed pretty hard.

Or is this just fantasy...

Chindu Nuffin



i can only find that his name is David Dao..
where is the documentation that the man who was on the flight was Thanh Duc or Anh Duy..

Doctor "Blood" Red

His name is doctor getdrag

This proves Americans are retarded violent idiots. You won't see this happen elsewhere, only in America.

Say what you want but he has BALLS.
Well Asian balls, but still

I heard people are already blaming Capitalism for this.

underrated, how can other countries compete

Wu Dragimov

theres no official press release from united saying his name, and nothing from his lawyers press release.. its only david dao.. so where did they get Thanh Duc or Anh Duy?
genuinely curious :(

slinky chinky

Dey Kirrin Me

Jewbooks and r/azianmasculinity have been shilling hard about character assassination. UA and most new sources state otherwise for damage control??? I honestly don't know anymore

Beat me to it

Physician, heal thyself

His name is Robert Paulson.

He didn't fly so good

Underrated kek


A fucking Vietnamese gook.

>Has balls
>Acts like a spoiled 9 year old.

pick one

Dr. Zoidberg

Tran Ni Fuk

to reddit zeta males from the donald arguing that your feelings have priority over law is "ballsy"

Spooked Gook

My roommate works for United at O'hare, he gave me a rundown on the situation but he wasn't there when it happened. Basically he admits United made mistakes, but the United employees that needed to board were not joyrideing, they were needed in Louisville for another flight. They showed up late and the plane was full, but they had to get on to avoid delaying a flight in Kentucky. The old chink was a cunt, he was offered a grand cash and would have made it home for his patients no problem on the next flight. Where things went really wrong is when the airport officers manhandled the chink, but he was breaking the law by not moving and also resisting. He is going to be a rich fucker, it will settle out of court, but he was a total fuckhead.

>Basically he admits United made mistakes, but the United employees that needed to board were not joyrideing, they were needed in Louisville for another flight.
Then why weren't they booked to be on that flight from the beginning?
>They showed up late and the plane was full, but they had to get on to avoid delaying a flight in Kentucky.
Why weren't they booked and why were the people on board already?
Asking for people to drop out is done BEFORE checking in.
>The old chink was a cunt, he was offered a grand cash
wrong, $800 in 16 $50-vouchers for UA-flights, only one voucher per flight. No, thanks
>and would have made it home for his patients no problem on the next flight.
>Wherthings went really wrong is when the airport officers manhandled the chink,
>but he was breaking the law by not moving and also resisting.
>He is going to be a rich fucker, it will settle out of court, but he was a total fuckhead.
The only fuckhead is you.

To clarify, once the grumpy old fag was in violation of the law and refusing to move he was removed by airport staff, not United employees. Just a clash of hard headed assholes that could have been avoided.

>it's his fault he paid for a service and resisted when he didn't get it
>it's evil to refuse a refund

fuck digits sure decided his name was long

If y'all agree with this yall trippin

Doctor Dao, I'm TSA.

Where do you get your information? Because I have an actual sauce, irl.

In contrast to your source mine isn't made up, friend.

kamikaze kim
disunited dao
dr. disembarked

They don't book flights, they fly standby. The employees fucked up by being late and the gate employees fucked up by filling the plane. It's not a question of right and wrong, it's the law, dick nose.

You're welcome

My roomie explained it was a felony violation of air safety law, I don't remember what he cited.

>transformation from chinese to japanese

>but he was breaking the law
Thought you could slip this through without anyone noticing?

trips of truth

>What's the difference?

the teeth

sum ting wong

>"Board as a doctor, leave as a patient"
>"First we seat you, then we beat you"

what ever happens I think we can all agree this will be a first year PR case study and every single bit of this situation will be scrutinised for decades lol

i said it before and i will say it again, noone cares about a stupid chink. its not ever that big of a story

you care though.. you care..

What do you mean. He was, regardless of having a ticket. Maybe the law needs to change, but that's not the point.

Nice try, liar.

lol shithole duerto cultist doesnt know trespass is a crime

Why would I lie?


Smuggling cat and dog meat i see.

This myth that passengers don't have rights needs to go away, ASAP. You are dead wrong when saying that United legally kicked him off the plane.

First of all, it's airline spin to call this an overbooking. The statutory provision granting them the ability to deny boarding is about "OVERSALES", specifically defines as booking more reserved confirmed seats than there are available. This is not what happened. They did not overbook the flight; they had a fully booked flight, and not only did everyone already have a reserved confirmed seat, they were all sitting in them. The law allowing them to denying boarding in the event of an oversale does not apply.

Even if it did apply, the law is unambiguously clear that airlines have to give preference to everyone with reserved confirmed seats when choosing to involuntarily deny boarding. They have to always choose the solution that will affect the least amount of reserved confirmed seats. This rule is straightforward, and United makes very clear in their own contract of carriage that employees of their own or of other carriers may be denied boarding without compensation because they do not have reserved confirmed seats. On its face, it's clear that what they did was illegal-- they gave preference to their employees over people who had reserved confirmed seats, in violation of 14 CFR 250.2a.

Furthermore, even if you try and twist this into a legal application of 250.2a and say that United had the right to deny him boarding in the event of an overbooking; they did NOT have the right to kick him off the plane. Their contract of carriage highlights there is a complete difference in rights after you've boarded and sat on the plane, and Rule 21 goes over the specific scenarios where you could get kicked off. NONE of them apply here. He did absolutely nothing wrong and shouldn't have been targeted. He's going to leave with a hefty settlement after this fiasco.

the gaypist




Dr. Pavel

United Airlines was the one to break the contact tho

>The company is at fault
>The chink is at fault

pick one user

It seems like his refusal to leave was justified and legal. If they put their hands on me I would have broken their forearms in self defense. This is the United States of America, not some backwater country. You cannot manhandle anyone even if your precious company orders you to.


Satoru Iwata
My dad and president of Nintendo

Too soon, man.
Too soon.


This guy is a literal faggot

I don't have to. Sucks that it happened, but there were two dicks in this scenario. They ended up mushing together.

and they're legally within their rights to do that.

You don't get to deny already boarded passengers unless it is required by airport security.

If he'd have made it home no problem next flight, maybe they should've sent their employees on the next flight, or with a competitor.

They could've denied pre boarding and it would've been perfectly fine but that's not what they did.

He wasn't breaking the law, he's a regular paying customer, it's not a security or safety issue, so you don't get to forcibly remove someone.

I hope he'll get super rich.

before boarding, not afterwards.

Hector will, then he won't have to push drugs in exchange for blowjobs from his fellow church members.

*he will

Most of the contracts you sign, EULAs and many others are not always enforceable. They put everything in these because up until the court no one checks them. Courts end up overruling the terms.

Just because you clicked agree on a 100 page contract doesn't make it as legally binding as everyone thinks it is.

Not after he has got himself on the plane.

Whatever he did in the past has nothing to do with this incident.

There is no way in christs earth a court will say airplanes cant eject whomever they want when they need or want to

They can do that if it is a safety or security issue but no sensible court would say that airline operators are allowed to kick anyone they want right before takeoff.

Hiroshima Nagasaki

That would divurge from centuries of economic and political thought but maybe