So what will happen when he dies and leaves a huge power vacuum with no one to fill?

So what will happen when he dies and leaves a huge power vacuum with no one to fill?

Civil war?

The military takes over?

Russia breaks up into smaller nations?

Other urls found in this thread:,_2018


The 2nd most popular political movement in Russia, the communists, take power and re-establish USSR with the goal of incorporating EUSSR.

Our commies are controlled opposition, they will go to insane lengths to AVOID taking power, as shown by 1996 presidential elections.

One of his close friends will take office, most likely medvedev
Of course, he has turned into a personality cult leader, and his death will impact, but i think there wont be much space for power moves even after hes dead.

don't worry finnbro, once this fat fuck takes over you and every other rogue province of the empire will come back to the fold

Putin is STRONG LIKE BEAR. He's got 30 years left in him barring assassination and no way in hell this planet's lasting that long anyway.

>the communists, take power and re-establish USSR
you are so far. more likely oppotiotion spin up protest and take a government, such as in 2014, in ukraine

He will be succeeded by a stronger leader and the Russian Empire will finally be fully reborn.

KADYROV will happen

I don't need freeloaders, thanks

It will still be shit and they will still be drunks

That's pretty interesting question.
The Soviets had their Soviet council to get some other guy to the top. But after '89 leaders were more or less handpicked by the guy who left office. Jelzin just gave Putin a try because he was doing ok work as mayor of St. Peterburg and in the KGB.
It's probably another FSB guy who will be President. Russia has always been governed by secret services.

What else?


It's true that ukrainians are freeloaders but you don't want your shithole to be annexed because you are ukrainian yourself, as you revealed Keep hoping for a Russian Maidan, I am sure it will happen any time now.

The Russian lands will be gathered and the triune Russian people will be reunited whether you want it or not, cockhole.

Putin will make sure to have a usefull successor waiting in line.

whatever do you mean?

he's just a democratically elected president

>triune Russian people
not in this century

Most likely medvedev wil take over. There might be some chaos in the beggining but it should be relativly uneventfull. Civil war would be way too destructive for anyone to seriously taking this option without a good reason.

I really couldn't see Medvedev as the leader, he is and always will be just a stooge of Putins with no real opinion of his own.

now flashing Medvedev with oligarch Usmanov corruption's scandalin press. hardly.

Very unlikely. He was used as a sockpuppet to please liberals, but now he's become unfit for that role.

I bet on another ex-kgb figure like Ivanov, or Zolotov.

Most likely some fsb or army general with balls will take power, then jail Putin's friends, half of governors and chechen chieftan. Then.. then i don't know.

didn't medvedev fall out of favour and putin was undoing everything he did?


This is just an ordinary bandit, from Putin's time as St. Petersbrug mafia godfather.

Russia will be fine. I'm sure Putin and kremlin has contingency plans in case he croaks. He doesn't want a repeat of the 90's.

The future president will be unknown to the public and the world like Putin was so the west can't find out.

Mummy will fill the void

She will be stern, but fair

he'll probably leave a successor such as medvedev

A bandit with a personal fully-equipped army on a paycheck and trained way better than regular conscripted one. Seems like a perfect candidature to drown in blood any protests after mr Poo is gone and take the throne.

>what will happen
The biggest holidays ever with fireworks.

1 million of dogs is nothing. Seriously. Militarymen and FSB will make deceisions.

friendly reminder that if Medvedev gets to power we are going to recall Putin's times as "liberal" and "democratic"

>In contact with ayyliens
>Is said to possess telekinetic abilities
>Rules Russia with iron but fair fist

Explain pls

picrelated. Low moral, conscripted omegas and their mudslime masters.
actually, they indeed could be one of the stakeholders, who will fight for the power after the fall of regime

>tfw Putin is kill in your lifetime

You will never be an empire or a world power ever again. Enjoy your decay and decline as a 3rd rate regional power. :^)

Medvedev times already were better than what we have now

Digits confirm

that's now how it is done.


digits deconfirm
no praise to Kek the Chaos God, the Betrayer of hopes

you have to have a picture. You check my double, and prepare for trouble.

Probably the following will happen
>elect someone who sides with the west
>economy starts to boom
>people stop committing suicide
>population grows
>in 30 years time Russia is seen as a good nation, and frequently has many tourists visit
>standard of living up 4 times

>Civil war?
No. The only groups that think civil war/revolution are a good idea are hardcore commies, nazies and libshits. All 3 are equall powerless and have no popular support in russia. They would be crushed by civilians, forget the military which hates them all.

>The military takes over?
Military in russia consists of Solders and Intel, both of whom are overrepresented in government. In other words they have already taken over.

>Russia breaks up into smaller nations?
You might think it would be good for you, but I assure you, if by some miracle of providence moddern russia collapses, what rises out of the ruins will make Nazi germany look like angels led by Ghandi.

>What else?
The go to options are Lavrov, some young apparatchik from duma (there are a few notable ones, I always forget their names, could google if you insist), or another NOT!KGB officer. Gone are days when independant oligarchs were gunning for top slot.

he needs to designate an heir, someone who got the brains to manage the bear, and balls to stand up to jewminati

He's already groomed someone who is in his 40s, I can't remember his name but a quick google search will no doubt bring it up.

>we are reaching delusion levels that should not even be possible

france will come and bitchslap you with Le Penn who will be the second napoleon you gopnick fuck

we had that in the 90s. didn't turn out that good

>implying glorious Vladimir is not immortal.

if this post ends in 4, Navalniy will become president and ruin Russia forever

Medvedev was notably liberal an pro-West, before Clinton dicked him over Libya, since then he became known by nickname Bloody Dmitri, because he makes US neocons look downright pacifist in policy discussion meetings.

Tho he will never take power because his credebility with population is so shit it's not even funny anymore.

you forgot,
>liberalism and pride parads will become the norm

Toлькo нe этoгo мyдoзвoнa, yж лyчшe c Кyжyгeтoвичeм к Пocлeднeмy мopю

And also
>millions of people dying on the streets

Le Pen is a russian slave/puppet fucking retarded frog faggot

Didn't go hard enough. South Korea did it and it worked. And South Korea has no natural resources

Strong south Korea is also in EU/US interests, while strong russia is not. I dunno if you are trolling or dellusional but being pro-west is a political suicide in modern russia.

US has a vast interest in propping up their vassals who will help them stand against potential adversaries.
In other words, Russia was treated entirely different to South Korea, your stooge in government followed every Washington order to create conditions for balkanization of the country.

Wow, then modern Russia must be terrible. Does no one see the effects of the sanctions? Does anyone actually believe that "hey, military might produces prosperity, not economic trade and growth"

Your trolling is not even amusing. If you want to talk substance, we can, if you want to spout nonsense, I'm not interested.


He's only like 64 he's not that old

You ever heard about Gorbachev and Yeltsin?

>comparing a fucking ruined post-communist post-desintegration country 1/7th of total landmass in size and comparable population, undergoing huge socioeconomic transformation riddled with thieves and bandints with a feudal monarchy colonized and aided by a Cold-War superpower transiting towards capitalism and pioneering techonolical boom in electronics

Civil war and CCCP 2.0

Typical Russian subhuman doesn't want to hear the truth. It's a good thing Mexico is better than you people


>Russia breaks up into smaller nations?
>dat wishful thinking
Kek. Why the fuck would anyone even remotely think this is an option?

Lenin comes back out of his mausoleum and USSR rises again

Phew, that was close.

because it happened before on multiple occasions

dodged a bullet right there

Russia needs to be governed by a female, anyone know any?



> Inb. Putin doesn't run for re-election

> Inb. This fat bitch takes over.

>elect smb
>in Russia
It seems to me, that you don't know something about Russia, bro

Everybody hates the woman. It's hillary-tier unelectable. UR are not morons to push someone unpopular.
That living meme sailed when she started bashing stalin and went on tv to propognate religious nuttery.
Leaving JR in 2017, noone cares about here.
You know. I can see that happening.

Yarovaya is literally pic related

>Everybody hates the woman.
Who the fuck she have largest administrative resourse among other

Putin has been incubating his follower since the year 2000. That one that has written a lot about asymetric warfare, forgot his name.. responsible for the tactics protrayed in the Crimea takeover.

A real son of a bitch I tell you. Smart as fuck

If they didn't cuck the nation like western females do it wouldn't be a shit idea

This one will be next...

I kinda want to see Russia become nationalist but co-opt the old Soviet aesthetics and logos because honestly as much as I don't like communism they looked cooler than most of Russia's new half-tsarist logos

I would fill her void if you catch my drift.

PVO is so underrated.

KGB logo for example looks badass

I still can see it happening. I'm not saying it will but if anyone w/o a dick has a chance, she does.
Yes, but President of russia should be inspiring, popular and strong, or so the modern thining of UR goes. They want a leader who the people cheer, even if he does something questionable. She may be strong and influencial, but no one likes her, and plenty folk hate her. Prime minister, maybe. President - no.

Gerasimov you mean? Nah, too old, if they want an old guy they can always just get Lavrov to do it.

That could work, Volodin is another option.

>younger than Trump.
He still has at least 10 years of dictatorship in him if he doesn't get bored,_2018

Is there any chance of Russia becoming a superpower if the US collapses? I would much rather be allies of the Russians than slaves of the Chinese at least Russians for the most part are white and aren't destructive emotionless insects like the chinks

>believing in any russian election

Oh my sweet summer child.

In the abscence of US hegemony, it would be much easier for Russia to assert it's economic influence on the neighboring countries. Relations with Europe would have stabilized. Russia would jump to to 4-6, but reaching the superpower status is questionable.

to top*

Russia needs a strong Merkel-like president. No one in the west would dare think to criticise Russia without being labeled sexist.

O hai there

>Russia becoming a superpower if the US collapses?
There is always a chance, but I don't see it happening. We need a generation or two to reach new societal and economic equilibrium, right now the gov is too corrupt to work towards Imperium, tho they do try. To their credit they restored our status as a great power, and are full of warhawks, so I suspect that we will continue moving in that direction. The crucial aspects here are how successful they will be in reclaiming control over georgia and ukraine in coming years.

It's a bit more complicated than that. Modern Russian elections are not elctoral process, but a confirmation process, allowing citisens to show their support/or displeasure with the UR candidate. It's not like anyone else has a chance in hell. The only other party that has enough seats to apply directly has Court-Jester as their Chair.

Area of effect of the power US has will be divided among strong regional groups accordingly.

Not one single power can take the position US now has. Their presence of power and the logistics of power projection is unrivaled. Their military might is something else, and it's been boosted by Trump giving them more in the budget..

The fall of dollar will be something else, a world wide event that the world will have to suffer at some point with huge global implications. Everyone better pray that the dollar doesn't shit itself or we might be left with IMF's supranational world currency, imagine the horrors of that.