Political Compass Thread

Where do you stand, goy?

How is Farage so far up? Always throught he was more libertarian leaning.


That's what I thought. Although, I wouldn't say he's in the Libertarian bit. Maybe closer to Rubio.

What does this mean?


Why is Stalin in the liberal square?


Joseph Stalin, eh?

>No Trump
>Schulz less authoritarian than Farage
invalid thread

Classic Democrat?

Bare in mind these compasses don't 100% represent who you are politically. Some people in the green section could be anti-immigration and anti women in the workplace, while some of the people in blue could be feminist cucks, like Hillary.


he was a feminist rights activist nu-male

that's Jill Stein m8

It clearly says J. Stein you blind cunt

Good post, have a (you)

Yep, two people might agree on an answer to a question but for very different reasons.

Time to post the red pill.





You need to get some glasses.

Top kek Dmitry, you're blind as fuck


I don't know, you tell me.

I think they ''can work'' but the whole compass has it wrong. It should be diamond shaped with AnCap at the bottom

How can you not be in the green square and not be a horrible individual?

Wew, looks like I'm close to based Bashar the Lion of Damascus!

>Assad commie
>Cameron center-right
>Clinton one square away from purple (LOL, no)
>Cruz far-right
>Farage that far up
>Sanders that far down and right
>Erdogan is pretty accurate I guess, should be a bit more right-down though
No idea who the rest of these faggots are, but this graph is completely bullshit.


I was, and then I grew up.

Swedish people are not allowed to talk about politics.
Look how hard they fucked up their country.


Hail victory!

I didn't make it, just found it on a previous thread.

>>Assad commie
Baa'aathism, maybe?
>>Cameron center-right
He is though? He's definitely not like an old Tory
>>Clinton one square away from purple (LOL, no)
Her progressive policies?
>>Farage that far up
Tight borders and anti-progressive policies?
I'd put him nearer to Rubio though.

These I don't know
>>Cruz far-right
>>Sanders that far down and right
>>Erdogan is pretty accurate I guess, should be a bit more right-down though

What does Sweden have to do with this graph being completely retarded?

This, OP really fucked up



Forgot to say, "Fuck horseshoe theory, trident theory is where it's at, don't agree? I'll stab you with one."


>Baa'aathism, maybe?
That's more nationalist than socialist though, not enough to be a commie, plus Assad doesn't really act like a commie at all
>He is though? He's definitely not like an old Tory
No, he's liberal as fuck and rarely listened to his conservative party. He should actually be somewhere at green.
>Her progressive policies?
Progressivism =/= Purple.
>Tight borders and anti-progressive policies?
I'd put him nearer to Rubio though.
He's too high up even with his border policies, he should be further down because he's libertarian leaning. I don't think OP even thought of that.

Should i kms?

Where would these 20th century important leaders be?
I would appreciate knowing where they fall

I got the exact same basically. Consider myself a national libertarian however.

I don't know about Mannerheim

>more left wing economically than Stein or Sanders

This is the guy who was EU parliament speaker when it BTFOed the socialist Greek government.

tfw im a pig fucker

Really the bottom is just theories of how anarchy would turn out. AnCom thinks once there's no government we'll all share and become hippies, AnCap thinks we'll leave eachother's stuff alone and participate in voluntary transactions.


this compass is a toy for fools for the simple reason that two extrema will yield a result in the center. a slaver who believes in equality of sexes is not a centrist

Well, I did the same test a year or two ago. Didn't move at all left or right, just became 3-4 squares more libertarian.

I'm with Lyin' Ted

Gary Johnson supported the TPP, he belongs much further left on the economic right/left scale. That's basically government control of the entire economy

How do i get more central?


Put down the alcohol, Pjotr

>Progressivism =/= Purple.
''Progressivism'' does push you down and a little to the left, no matter what color it leads to.

too late to go back



the last two are literally the same.

>Bernie sanders
>libertarian left
>not authoritarian left
>but farage is heavily authoritarian right
Kek so biased it's sad

that is exactly why that kind of person belongs in the center. Not taking the solution for one problem across unrelated issues

rate me


>wants free stuff
>doesn't want a functioning government
Checks out

Okay so I strongly agree with everything free market but am authoritarian because I think degeneracy is bad? Kek, this compass is a joke

>wants free stuff
dont we all?
>doesn't want a functioning government
Why do i need a massive organisation that steals my money through taxes and provides "services" i dont even use?

wtf i love government now

Rate me

Didn't Bernie have progressive policies?

im basically bernie




Anybody got this?

He has to be socially conservative in Britain. If he really took the test him and Ron Paul would be at the bottom

> Bernie Sanders
> Libertarian
top kek, comrade

Isn't he Social Democracy?

Seig heil!

On your way to fascism

what the fuck is this

Sup Forums approved?

Surely this test can't be reliable goy

Hello Mr. Strasser.

Socialism is unsustainable.
Prove me wrong.

Political compasses are retarded

Ever visit the NHS?

Thought I was going to be a little bit more authoritarian.

I have, it's pretty terrible.



Hillary Clinton is a libertarian? Dam really made me think

Not when it's National Socialism ;)

I didn't expect to be that much in the red

Kek at Hillary Clinton on the right. Liberals actually thought she was with them.

Can you even interpret this graph? She's clearly on the middle line i.e. moderate

Middle or very close too lazy to do test on phone